Your dog is a greenhouse gas polluter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by George Orwell, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. George Orwell

    Guest Guest

    In the spirit of pollution control, I have just killfiled Putney.
    Guest, Apr 12, 2007
  2. George Orwell

    Guest Guest

    He doesnt understand energy calculations, Paul.
    Guest, Apr 12, 2007
  3. George Orwell

    Guest Guest

    What kind of dog is he?
    Guest, Apr 13, 2007
  4. I respect Bill's opinion on automotive matters, but when he compares
    Mr. Gore's use of electricity to the rape of girls, there's really no
    point in pursuing the conversation any further (and I won't).
    Frankly, I find the attempt to draw any meaningful parallel between
    the two disturbing and beyond all comprehension.

    Paul M. Eldridge, Apr 13, 2007

  5. The problem with this discussion is the classic logical fallacy of
    association. Here are some facts as I see them:

    Bill has great knowledge of cars.
    Al Gore is a political hack who has latched on to an issue and used a
    bunch of lies and half-truths to support his cause.
    The human race really is destroying the environment with toxic
    substances, but not necessarily by overheating it. The solar cycle is
    doing the overheating and if you live long enough you'll probably see it
    swing the other direction unless the real human environmental
    catastrophes kill us first.

    Just because Bill knows a lot about cars doesn't mean he knows much
    about anything else, but of course it doesn't mean that he doesn't,
    either. Just because a lot of glaciers have melted doesn't mean that it
    was caused by CO2 emissions. And although the whole "global warming"
    thing isn't caused by human activity that doesn't mean that human
    activity is harmless, which it obviously isn't.

    The only thing we know for sure is that Al Gore is full of crap,
    otherwise he wouldn't be in politics. The politicians who have any good
    in them always end up dead before too long. I think we all know this
    instinctively, so quit arguing, live as efficiently as possible, vote
    for people who don't do politics for a living, plant a tree, and don't
    put chemical fertilizers on it. That should make everybody happy.
    Robert Reynolds, Apr 13, 2007
  6. Just to stir up the pot, you relize that windmills creat a lot of heat
    during the creation of the electricity, you can not transfer wind energy
    to elect. energy for free. A generator creats heat no mater the sorce of
    power. KB
    and Gore is full of sh*t.
    Kevin Bottorff, Apr 13, 2007
  7. George Orwell

    who Guest

    Political thinking can be surprising emotional.
    who, Apr 13, 2007
  8. George Orwell

    Some O Guest

    Well said, right on.
    Some O, Apr 13, 2007
  9. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    And I"m just absolutely devastated. :)

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 13, 2007
  10. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    Except Paul was lying each and every time he claimed that I had said
    that. But that is par for the course for those into the Church of
    Mother Earth.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 13, 2007
  11. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    Ha ha! Bravo, Robert!

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 13, 2007
  12. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    To quote Ronald Reagan: "There you go again."

    I used that in explaining the historical usage of indulgences. I did
    not compare what Gore has done/is doing/will do to raping little girls.

    He got away with using 17 times the electricity of the average American
    household in 2006 - not using direct wind or solar. Being part of the
    liberal elite, he is given a pass because of giving money for something
    that cannot undo the "damage" already done. In the Church of Mother
    Earth, it is a sin to do what he did in 1986. He receives forgiveness
    by paying money to the cause. That is indulgences.

    I put him in the category of the liberal elite because no one else is
    allowed in such a way to get a pass on what the greenies themselves
    consider gross abuse. For example - (ignoring the illegalities) if it
    made me happy to release 1000 pounds of R12 into the atmosphere, would
    that be OK if I promise to run the lightbulbs in my house from a
    windmill that I put up in my yard 3 years from now? If the illegalities
    bother you, then, plug in some other example of wasting and damaging
    like Al Gore did in '96 and tell me if that would be OK if I
    subsequently donated money to some leftist cause? If the answer is
    'no', then you clearly have a double stabdard (which you definitely do).
    If the answer is 'yes', then please let everyone know so they can go
    on raping the environment with the paying of these indulgences that
    cannot undo the damage that already has been done.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 13, 2007
  13. George Orwell

    who Guest

    That church is the only church.
    The other churches are just man's lying impostor cons.
    who, Apr 13, 2007
  14. Thank you for identifying yourself. I concluded long ago that atheist
    were assholes. Don't think for one second I'm religious but where in the
    atheist "bible" does it say as an atheist you must take every
    opportunity to make snide remarks bashing people's religious
    beliefs. <-notice no question mark...would rather not hear from you.
    Bon·ne·ville, Apr 13, 2007
  15. Gore doesn't "buy" Carbon Offsets. A little research on that would
    enlighten some who aren't in a state of denial.

    Find me a scientist who isn't receiving grant money to perpetuate the
    man made global warming "theory". Find me a politician who isn't going
    to fatten their wallet forcing an economic change. Find me a government
    that isn't going to have themselves another source of tax revenue. Find
    me those things and I'll make pigs fly under their own power.

    This thread has become ridiculously long and I deplore everyone who is
    actually distressed over the environment to stop posting in anymore
    environmental threads. The carbon emissions produced from the pc's
    writing in these threads and those reading these threads have to be
    Bon·ne·ville, Apr 13, 2007
  16. George Orwell

    Guest Guest

    Too bad you don't know how to have an intelligent discussion, but of
    course that requires some intelligence. >:)
    BTW I'm not an atheist!
    Guest, Apr 14, 2007
  17. George Orwell

    Guest Guest

    Here's the research you should have done before diving in and if you
    read the story you will note it's even worse than just buying Carbon
    Offsets, he owns the company that sells them.
    Guest, Apr 14, 2007
  18. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    On April 19, on her "Stop Global Warming College Tour", Sheryl Crow has
    stated that we should all start using "only one square [of toilet paper]
    per restroom visit". Someone on TV this morning pointed out that her
    guitar is made from trees that are near extinction. Yeah - let's turn
    our economy over to these people!

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 23, 2007
  19. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    Crow: "...When presenting this idea to my younger brother, who's
    judgement I trust implicitly, he proposed taking it one step further. I
    believe his quote was, 'how bout just washing the one square out.'"

    What an absolute airhead. These are the people going around lecturing
    us on how to "save the planet".

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 23, 2007
  20. George Orwell

    shiden_kai Guest

    It's unbelievable, eh? Maybe what Sheryl Crow could do instead is
    pay for bidets to be installed in all of the public washrooms. No more
    toilet paper....just a nice warm shot of water on your ass! But of course,
    that would be wasting water.

    These so called "stars", "personalities"....probably use more non-renewable
    resources then any number of us combined.

    shiden_kai, Apr 23, 2007
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