Your dog is a greenhouse gas polluter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by George Orwell, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. The Supreme Kourt has spoken. Carbon dioxide is now classified as
    pollution. It is a greenhouse gas. All greenhouse emitters are polluters.
    Your dog is a greenhouse gas emitter. Therefore, your dog or cat is a
    source of polution. Expect Kalifornia to be first among the several states
    to exterminate your pets, starting with po'r folks' mongrels and working
    their way gradually up the food chain.

    Come to think about it, politicians are greenhouse emitters, also. I
    imagine there will be an exemption in the law for them, but I'm not too
    sure about us.
    George Orwell, Apr 3, 2007
  2. George Orwell

    who Guest

    Right on, too much gas from all politicians!
    Too many big company leaders are also like politicians.
    who, Apr 3, 2007
  3. George Orwell

    Kruse Guest

    I suspect one thing that will be affected or even outlawed is, as you
    mentioned, the food chain. The bovine cow (your source of hamburgers,
    steaks, meat, etc) is a huge producer of carbon dioxide and methane
    gas. My prediction is that California will outlaw the single animals
    and herds and a few other communist states will follow. Soon ALL beef
    will be produced in other countries. Soon our food will be higher than
    it is in Japan.
    Kruse, Apr 4, 2007
  4. George Orwell

    Guest Guest

    Lots of people have blamed it on the dog;>)

    Homo sapiens is the only species which has ever mined fossil reserves and
    substantially changed the atmospheric composition. We are, perhaps,
    God's most advanced and least successful of all his creatures.
    Guest, Apr 4, 2007
  5. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    Hah! And then the same people who dreamed up the original non-problem
    (environmental damage from cows farting) and created the real problem
    (jobs moving offshore) will find some way to blame everyone but
    themselves for "jobs moving overseas".

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 4, 2007
  6. George Orwell

    Kjun Guest

    well, i guess, if you look at yourself that way? God bless you anyway. i
    just dont have a guilt when they stop ALL the
    volcanoes from venting, and of course all the cows from flatulating, all
    the whores from belching and everyone on earth holding their breath for 5
    decades they can take a fresh reading and see where we need to go from
    there. until then internal combustion is THE way to go!..............BTW:
    homo sapiens are ALSO the only species, so far, that had the ability to
    use fossil fuels as an energy sorry you dont feel
    you are part of a 'successful' experiment. luckily, I
    Kjun, Apr 5, 2007
  7. George Orwell

    Guest Guest

    well, i guess, if you look at yourself that way? God bless you anyway. i
    just dont have a guilt complex[/QUOTE]

    I dont have a guilt complex either. I feel that I try to behave rather
    Guest, Apr 5, 2007
  8. George Orwell

    Jim Warman Guest

    Every now and again, I just love a feed of beer and pickled eggs.... That
    would probably put me far ahead of Rover in the "tailpipe emissions"

    Come to think of it, I'm a real bad actor....

    Here in Alberta, we have a huge coal fired generating station and my house
    can gobble electricity at an alarming rate.... I'm beating the crap out of a
    lot of electrons just writing this....

    And other fossil fuels.... No cars in our immediate family but three
    trucks - all of them 4X4s.... We get "pump island shock" on a regular
    basis... and my gas BBQ.... damn near as big as a hall closet....

    On our frosty Alberta winter nights, there's nothing like a crackling wood
    fire in the hearth..... ever wonder how much carbon is released into the air
    with a toasty wood fire??? And, on our balmy (for us) Alberta summer
    evenings, a crackling wood fire in the campsite can help keep bugs away....
    ever wonder how much carbon is released into the air with a toasty wood

    We needn't change our life styles..... all we need to do is to refrain from
    defeating the emissions controls on our vehicles, keep them in a good state
    of repair and to live our lives as if there was, indeed, a tomorrow...

    Georgie-girl... you are such a waste of oxygen....
    Jim Warman, Apr 7, 2007
  9. George Orwell

    Guest Guest

    And, on our balmy (for us) Alberta summer
    From the time of the cavemen, burning a wood fire never materially
    influenced the environment.
    The oceans and forests were able to maintain equilibrium with the carbon by
    taking it out of the
    atmosphere and returning it as plant growth.

    It was when men started taking fixed fossil deposits out of the earth and
    burning them at enormous
    rates that the environment may have lost the ability to maintain the

    We need more than operational emission controls.
    Guest, Apr 7, 2007
  10. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    Al Gore's house uses 20 times the electricity of the average American
    home. His solution to the problem is to set up some environmental
    clearing house to which you could pay big indulgences to lower your
    "carbon foot print" score.

    In March of this year, at the University of Washington, the "Associate
    State Climatologist" was stripped of his title by the "State
    Climatologist" because the former distributed emails to colleagues
    questioning a report that the snowpack in the Cascade mountains had
    decreased 50% in the last 50 years. The Associate Climatologist had
    reviewed the data and discovered that the fraudulent calculation was
    done by looking at the numbers for each year (with its normal
    variations) and picking the one point (in mathematics, called a local
    peak, or maxima) about 50 years ago that had the absolute highest
    snowpak measurement that had occurred (even though the normal variatons
    gave much lower numbers in years preceeding that particular year) and
    using the absolute lowest number (a "local minima) in recent years (even
    though much higher numbers had occurred in later years). "I'm not
    trying to squelch debate by any means," Mote (the State Climatologist)
    said. "Obviously we're going to use whatever number the scientists at UW
    say is accurate," Nickels (mayor of Seattle) spokesman Marty McOmber
    said. (ref:

    The left is so absolutely FOS on this issue that it would be funny if it
    weren't dangerous.

    You guys get the nut jobs out of your ranks, and people might just start
    listening to you if you can make your case in a sane manner - which at
    this point appears doubtful (becaue your arguments have no credibility).
    Since you can't make credible arguments without faking the data,
    people are hopefully going to believe the valid and credible arguments
    against your case.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 8, 2007
  11. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    Because "global warming" is a false science and a man-made religion unto
    itself, and in order not to be thrown under the bus by those who hire
    and fire and control funding, one does not mention anything that exposes
    the falacy, and cherry picks data that supports the belief (as was done
    at the University of Washington). The solar maximum is an "inconvenient
    truth". One also doesn't raise questions when one such as Al Gore is
    made a high priest of the religion and is given awards and is nominated
    for a Nobel Peace Prize in spite of his own house using 20 times the
    electrical power of the average American home.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 8, 2007

  12. Why is it that nobody ever mentions the fact that we are at the solar
    Robert Reynolds, Apr 8, 2007
  13. Hi Bill,

    Let's take a slightly different look at this. Al Gore purchases 100%
    "green" power through the TVA's "Green Power Switch" program (as it
    turns out, he purchases more renewable energy than he uses). The
    additional $5,184.00 he spends on green power each year allows the TVA
    to invest in new supplies of wind, solar, etc. that will provide clean
    energy for (presumably) thirty years or more. This is not the same as
    buying $5,000.00 worth of gasoline, where the benefits of the purchase
    are lost once the product is consumed; in this case, it expands the
    amount of clean energy that is generated, well beyond what Mr. Gore
    would use himself (i.e., what he pays in the first year covers off his
    own consumption in that and each subsequent year, his second year
    purchases fund the construction of additional renewable resources that
    in turn offset someone else's consumption, and so on and so on).

    The balance of his energy use (e.g., natural gas, transportation
    fuels, etc.) is offset through carbon credits; these carbon credits
    finance investments in renewable energy and other technologies that
    will likewise reduce carbon emissions for many years to come; here
    again, these purchases will provide an ever expanding array of
    benefits with each passing year, well beyond what would be required to
    offset his own personal needs.

    In addition, Mr. Gore is renovating his home to make it more energy
    efficient and he has successfully fought the city of Belle Meade for
    the right to install solar panels on his roof (due to his efforts, a
    civic ordinance that had prevented this was struck down on April 1st).
    Once these panels can be installed, he will be able to supply a
    portion of his energy needs through self-generation.

    Can anyone tell me of another politican or media pundit that is doing
    more to help this planet?

    Paul M. Eldridge, Apr 8, 2007
  14. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    According to these two articles (picked at random from a Google search
    on the subject):

    "Armed with Gore's utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee
    Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric
    bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house
    devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the
    national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours."

    They didn't say he "pre-paid" for 221,000 kW-hrs as credits - they say
    his 20 room house *CONSUMED* 221,000 kW-hrs in 2006.

    By your logic, if someone under TVA used 1,100MegaW-hrs a year in their
    house, then would they not be doing 5 times the amount of good that AL
    Gore is doing - after all - their paying for that much energy would give
    TVA that much more money for future improvements. What about the person
    that uses a lot less power than Al Gore - by your logic, they are
    damaging the environment because they are depriving the TVA of money
    they could be using for improvements in efficient energy generation?

    I'm sorry, but it sounds like you are rationalizing for what would be
    considered by the "Greenies" as extravagent use of energy. If someone
    else that the Left didn't liked used that much power, they'd bash him,
    but if Al Gore does it, then it's OK because it allows the energy
    company to build more energy-saving production. Well - the same thing
    could be said for anyone who used 20 times the normal power for their
    house. IOW - if someone uses more power than someone else, it depends
    on their politics whether it is a good or bad thing? What am I missing

    Did he or did he not use 20 times the electrical energy of the average
    American house in 2006? No matter what he does to make his home more
    energy efficient, it will not make 20X less than 1X.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 8, 2007
  15. George Orwell

    Guest Guest

    I am neither of the left or of the right, and certainly dont falsify data.
    environmental science is not my field.

    I think the arguments of the mass of environmental scientists are, however,
    pointing in the same direction. Small corrections, yes, but IMO the science
    is factual, and the problems are real.
    Guest, Apr 9, 2007
  16. George Orwell

    Guest Guest

    Give Gore a rest, Putney... I dont know him. I doubt you do either.
    What are your qualifications to decide that global warming is false
    Guest, Apr 9, 2007
  17. Hi Bill,

    There are two points I raised with regards to Mr. Gore's electricity
    consumption: One is that Mr. Gore purchases 100% green power (wind
    and solar) which means the electricity he uses is carbon neutral
    (those renewable-generated electrons won't necessarily go to him
    directly, but will be shared by all TVA customers). That squares with
    his message that we need to reduce our carbon emissions and it doesn't
    really matter to me if he uses 10 or 20 or even 50 times more
    electricity than the average consumer, so long as it causes no
    environmental harm (and it seems to me it shouldn't -- in fact, I'm
    proposing to you that it's quite the opposite).

    Secondly, I had suggested the extra $5,200.00 he spends on green power
    each year would cover off not only his own consumption (excessive as
    it may be), but an additional twenty (average) households in each of
    the years thereafter. The assumption here is that his first year
    purchase would establish an ongoing stream of renewable energy
    sufficient to offset his needs in this and all future years and that
    subsequent payments in years two, three and beyond would expand this
    renewable portfolio, thus creating an ever larger pool of clean energy
    for all to share.

    Now I don't honestly know how the TVA program works. If the TVA
    purchases renewable energy from outside suppliers, their renewable
    base won't grow in the manner I just described (purchases in
    subsequent years will simply go towards buying more power from these
    very same sources). Nonetheless, as Mr. Gore reduces his electricity
    consumption by improving the energy efficiency of his home and as he
    begins to generate some portion of his needs internally, his draw on
    the grid will diminish, but the stream of benefits that were set in
    place by his initial green purchases will continue to flow at their
    prior pace regardless. That being the case, his electricity purchases
    won't be carbon natural -- they'll be carbon negative in that this
    renewable energy will offset someone else's electricity consumption in

    Hope that makes sense as I've explained it.

    Paul M. Eldridge, Apr 9, 2007
  18. I doubt that any use is carbon negative. It is not just the operation of
    the power plant, but a lot of auxiliary equipment, transmission lines, etc
    that has to be used with the power and the greater the consumption, the
    greater the infrastructure support needed. Not to mention all the materials
    used in construction the Gore house and its care and maintenance.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Apr 9, 2007
  19. Hi Edwin,

    You raise a good point. In the truest sense, no human activity is
    carbon neutral and that's certainly true of power generation (e.g.,
    nuclear power plants and hydroelectric dams use a heck of a lot of
    concrete and concrete is an energy intensive material).

    Without the benefit of hard numbers, my guess is that wind power has a
    pretty good ERoEI ("energy returned on energy invested") and so too
    solar (especially these new ultra-thin, flexible solar cells that are
    now just coming to market). The advantage of renewable energy over
    its fossil fuel counterparts is that its operational emissions are
    extremely low (taking into consideration any ongoing maintenance
    needs) and after the initial "payback" period with respect to embodied
    energy, it's pretty much clear sailing.

    Paul M. Eldridge, Apr 9, 2007
  20. George Orwell

    bmwgolfguy Guest

    Hey Paul:

    Have you and Al and Michael been smokin the same weed (also a

    My son's girlfriend had a chance to run Moore over and didn't even no
    who the fat slob was.
    bmwgolfguy, Apr 9, 2007
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