WTB Radio for 93 Concord

Discussion in 'Concorde' started by klondyke, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. klondyke

    klondyke Guest

    Want to buy a (factory) radio for a 1993 Chrysler Concord
    klondyke, Jan 7, 2006
  2. klondyke

    Art Guest

    Why? The factory radio in my 94 LHS sucked. Better off with another brand.
    Art, Jan 7, 2006
  3. klondyke

    klondyke Guest

    Though I do not disagree with you, I still would like to buy a working
    factory radio for the above car because mine just bit the dust and I happen
    to like radios that suck. Now that we understand each other, do you have a
    working factory radio? If you don't, there is no need to reply. Thanks.
    klondyke, Jan 7, 2006
  4. klondyke

    Ken Weitzel Guest


    I'm new to Chrysler, being an old retired guy who drove GM's all my
    life. A '94 LHS. Can't tell it from brand new, except that the display
    on the radio didn't work.

    Went through a long and confusing learning process as a result of that
    durned display, and learned quite a bit, at a bit of a price.

    Having said all that, don't - don't jump at the first one you find,
    they're not all the same; very very different.

    Others here can guide you far better than I, but if you want a bit
    of detail, feel free to send me an email and I'll be happy to tell you.

    Take care.

    Ken Weitzel, Jan 7, 2006
  5. klondyke

    klondyke Guest

    klondyke, Jan 8, 2006
  6. klondyke

    klondyke Guest

    klondyke, Jan 8, 2006
  7. klondyke

    klondyke Guest

    klondyke, Jan 8, 2006
  8. klondyke

    klondyke Guest

    klondyke, Jan 8, 2006
  9. klondyke

    klondyke Guest


    Sorry about the previous posts. The computer went nuts....

    I have the same problem as you with my Infinity radio. I have no display and
    cannot change channels. It sounds like an AM radio who has no antenna. I
    would like to replace it with the same radio if possible.
    klondyke, Jan 8, 2006
  10. klondyke

    Ken Weitzel Guest


    No problem; here's what I've learned...

    Original display was out though everything else worked perfectly and
    sounded unbelievably good. A personal hangup is a burned out bulb, so...

    Found a local add for a pull from a 2000 minivan. Bought it (cheap) on
    the spot and installed it. Display worked, everything did, but it sure
    didn't sound anything like the original did. Good enough, had I not
    heard the original, but not after.

    Difference was that the original said infinity on it, this pull didn't,
    and key is that original had 5 band equalizer; this one only three.
    Sounds like not much, but it's a huge difference! Also, this one
    wouldn't reliably play burned cd's. No prob for me, but according to
    my grand daughters it was the end of the world.

    So, I finally found another perfect 5 band infinity, and it's great.

    Wanted you to make sure that you knew the difference, and how important
    it is.

    Also, the "ears", or whatever they're properly called. The tabs through
    which the mounting bolts go. Seems all have on the bottom left, but
    there are differences in the topmost one. Some point up, others point
    to the right.

    Finally, there are some available (expensive) on ebay, but another
    poster here (sorry, forget who) warned me that there are scams going on
    with them - so if you go that route beware.

    Finally, finally, :) I still have the 2000 minivan pull and don't want
    it - remember that it won't play burned cd's - that you can have if you
    like for what I paid for it. Dunno what it would cost to ship, though,
    nor what USA customs would charge you (I'm in Canada)

    Hope this is a bit helpful.

    Ken Weitzel, Jan 8, 2006
  11. klondyke

    maxpower Guest

    well if you are looking for one I have 3 of them.
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jan 8, 2006
  12. Does it say Infinity on it? Do you want one with a tape player or not?

    I just bought from Walmart (Yeah, I know, but nobody else carried the damn
    a VR3, this hangs on a keychain and broadcasts in FM, it has a USB port that
    upload mp3's to and 128MB of flash. That will probably hold my entire CD
    $37. for it.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jan 8, 2006
  13. klondyke

    klondyke Guest

    You bought a car radio?
    klondyke, Jan 8, 2006
  14. klondyke

    klondyke Guest

    Thanks for the replies, Ken. I need a 5 slider equalizer with a tape player.
    I really don't want to mess around with customs and long distance shipping
    because it is not worth that much to me.
    klondyke, Jan 8, 2006
  15. klondyke

    Tom Bavis Guest

    I have a radio from a '93 Voyager - $15 plus postage.
    Tom Bavis, Jan 8, 2006
  16. klondyke

    Guest Guest

    I have the upscale radio, equalizers and cassette deck, in my '95
    It's the best car radio I've ever had.
    Guest, Jan 9, 2006
  17. klondyke

    Guest Guest

    That sounds like the lovely radio in my '95 Concord.
    Now if only it would play CDs.
    Guest, Jan 9, 2006
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