
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mandlmosk, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. mandlmosk

    mandlmosk Guest

    Latest reports say, Cerebrus has chosen discredited former Home Depot
    chairman Bob Nardelli to head their operations. Nardelli, who Home
    Depot shareholders gave $210 million to just go away, will head the
    attempted comeback for the beleaguered automaker. Inexplicably
    Cerebrus has elected to choose a CEO who bombed spectacularly at a
    company who was pounding their competition, only to be so disenchanted
    with his incompetence at running their operations that they paid him
    to just leave. Under Nardelli, HD slashed payroll and service to the
    point where formerly loyal customers fled to their main rival,
    Lowe's. If I were a GM or Ford stockholder tonight I would be
    rejoicing with glee, as Cerebrus apparently has no idea what they are
    doing, Hiring a proven failure and hardhead like Nardelli is a sure
    way to run what remains of the troubled company into the ground. If I
    owned a Chrysler vehicle, I would start looking to sell it, or put it
    on ice, to bring it out in 10-15 years when it will be a curiosity
    much like a Rambler, Desoto, Studebaker or a Packard was in the 1960's
    and 1970's. Cerebrus, what are you THINKING???
    mandlmosk, Aug 6, 2007
  2. mandlmosk

    Some O Guest

    This news doesn't sound good. I hope he drives a Chrysler. <:)

    As for me dumping my '95 LH Chrysler, I'm now more likely to keep it.
    Not on ice, but continuing as my daily used car.
    It is worth little now, but may increase in value when 20+ yrs old as an
    example of a great Chrysler design success.
    Some O, Aug 6, 2007
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