Worsening job picture fuels slide in confidence. Obama continues destruction of America

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Major Debacle, Oct 28, 2009.

  1. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gNiyJ905Ho0Ur9

    CHICAGO — Consumers' confidence about the U.S. economy fell
    unexpectedly in October as job prospects remained bleak, a
    private research group said Tuesday, fueling speculation that an
    already gloomy holiday shopping forecast could worsen.

    The Consumer Confidence Index, released by The Conference Board,
    sank unexpectedly to 47.7 in October — its second-lowest reading
    since May.

    Forecasters predicted a higher reading of 53.1.

    A reading above 90 means the economy is on solid footing. Above
    100 signals strong growth.

    The index has seesawed since reaching a historic low of 25.3 in
    February and climbed to 53.4 in September.

    Economists watch consumer confidence because spending on goods
    and services by Americans accounts for about 70 percent of U.S.
    economic activity by federal measures. While the reading doesn't
    always predict short-term spending, it's a helpful barometer of
    spending levels over time, especially for expensive, big-ticket

    Recent economic data, from housing to manufacturing, has offered
    mixed signals but some evidence that an economic recovery might
    be slow.

    But on Tuesday, the figures showed that shoppers have a grim
    outlook for the future, The Conference Board said, expecting a
    worsening business climate, fewer jobs and lower salaries.
    That's particularly bad news for retailers who depend on the
    holiday shopping season for a hefty share of their annual

    "Consumers also remain quite pessimistic about their future
    earnings, a sentiment that will likely constrain spending during
    the holidays," said Lynn Franco, director of The Conference
    Board's Consumer Research Center.

    Economists expect holiday sales to be at best flat from a year
    ago, which saw the biggest declines since at least 1967 when the
    Commerce Department started collecting the data.

    The Consumer Confidence Index survey, which was sent to 5,000
    households, had a cutoff date of Oct. 21.

    The news came on the heels of rosier data about the nation's
    housing market.

    The Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller home price index, which
    studies real estate transactions in 20 major cities, showed home
    prices rose in August, the third straight monthly increase and a
    sign that a housing recovery might be taking hold.

    The measure showed the home price index climbed 1 percent from
    July to a seasonally adjusted reading of 144.5. While prices are
    down 11.4 percent from August a year ago, the annual declines
    have slowed since February.

    Prices are at levels not seen since August 2003 and have fallen
    almost 30 percent from the peak in May 2006.

    The latest index shows a widespread turnaround with prices
    rising month-over-month in 15 metro areas since June.

    The Dow Jones industrials wavered on the dueling reports, but
    the index was up nearly more than 64 points to 9,932.20 by mid-
    Major Debacle, Oct 28, 2009
  2. Major Debacle

    Just Facts Guest

    I feel sorry for Obama.
    He was handed such an ugly mess.
    Now the guys who messed up USA are farmed out.
    Just Facts, Nov 3, 2009
  3. Major Debacle

    never Guest

    The guys who messed up the USA are farmed out?!

    Hell! they're sitting pretty in their Villas, Ranchos, Islands with
    just a short walk to golf courses, fancy ships, planes and cars.
    They've dumped their wives to play with the voluptuous (brainless,
    too!) broads who sell at high prices.

    Given half a chance with no questions no investigations, who could

    Or you can run for a national office.


    never, Nov 3, 2009
  4. Major Debacle

    Bill Putney Guest

    Since when is taking hammers and beating on a broken leg occasion to
    feel sorry for the guy wielding the hammers. The damage Obama is doing
    is not helping - in fact is hurting orders of magnitude greater than
    what he inherited. The leg was salvageable - his plans will cripple it
    for life.

    Even though some of his damage is already being seen/felt, the major
    effects are being delayed (front loading savings, back loading the
    *real* costs and lying about all of it). IOW, we ain't seen nothin' yet
    if his legislation passes and doesn't get reversed very quickly (and
    he's counting on that a lot of it will be irreversible - at least in its
    long-term damaging effects).

    Take a look at the way the "jobs created/saved" figures are being
    compiled (basically fabricated out of thin air). Read and hear what the
    individuals from various institutions who were tasked with compiling the
    numbers from their little pocket of stimulus money and employees say
    about how they were required to falsify the numbers when they followed
    the guidelines imposed upon them - they're starting to speak up/out.
    Bill Putney, Nov 3, 2009
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