Win a Dodge Charger

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by lgg, Aug 30, 2006.

  1. lgg

    lgg Guest

    lgg, Aug 30, 2006
  2. lgg

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Gee...just what I need. I'd have to buy more shotgun shells just to
    keep the ghettoids away from it!
    DeserTBoB, Aug 30, 2006
  3. lgg

    Art Guest

    What would I do with a thousand chargers?
    Art, Aug 30, 2006
  4. lgg

    maxpower Guest

    The word DUB in the link doesn't sound right. When you go to site and view all sponsors and promotions this one
    doesn't appear on the site.
    Is this just another tactic to give out personal info?

    maxpower, Aug 30, 2006
  5. lgg

    maxpower Guest

    Hmmm to early in the morning for me. it was there
    maxpower, Aug 30, 2006
  6. lgg

    DeserTBoB Guest

    It's legit. Look around on the Energizer site again and you'll see
    the link. A "dub" is one of those huge "baby buggy wheels" now
    popular in ghetto culture.
    Nope, it's 100% legit, but I wouldn't be surprised if you enter,
    you'll be deluged by tons of spam for Energizer batteries!
    DeserTBoB, Aug 30, 2006
  7. It might be on the Energizer website but why would the sender of the link
    (the OP) have such a peculiar address and website? She claims to be an


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Aug 30, 2006
  8. lgg

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Easy..."she" is a spam bot contractor. "She" has also had her Usenet
    account booted since then.
    DeserTBoB, Aug 31, 2006

  9. troll !! and a really pathetic one at that...
    thenudofamily, Aug 31, 2006
  10. lgg

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Yes, considering he's almost gone, you are "pathetic."

    Charles M. Nudo, Jr., of Drums PA, is almost at the bitter end of his
    trolling career. He has had no less than fourteen Google Groups
    accounts canceled for this activity, six withint the last 72 hours.

    Please do everyone a favor, and complain about his 'nymshifting and
    trollshifting activities to:

    Be sure to copy the entire troll message, including headers, in your
    complaint. Google Groups has come out of "beta mode" and is now
    getting serious about "cleaning up" its trollers and spammers.

    DeserTBoB, Aug 31, 2006
  11. lgg

    sqdancerLynn Guest

    Del Taco has the same contest going
    They refer to theirs as Dan's Macho Ride
    sqdancerLynn, Sep 1, 2006
  12. lgg

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Same or different Charger, though? I've seen Smell Taco's promo
    banners on their stores of late.

    I used to cruise/hang out/eat at the original Del Taco #1 on Riverside
    Ave at Central in Riverside, CA in 1968. Del Taco's original
    owner/manager, Bill Snedocur (sp?), had a helluva time with us that
    year! We found out that a 5 watt CB parked near the front of the
    building would overload the preamp of the talkback ordering system and
    rectify the RF to where the people in cars couldn't be heard, but
    whoever was on the mike of the CB if they were talking
    directly into the horn outside.

    One night, a woman in a Buick Electra pulled in with her daughter for
    some eats. We watched as the order taker inside asked for her order,
    then keyed the mic for a girl with us to talk on the CB as she was
    about to speak. She ordered 23 tacos and 12 meat burritos and a dozen
    large Cokes. We then heard, "What was that again???" and waited for
    her to start speaking again, and repeated the order. "Thank you!" was
    heard, and the Electra pulled up to the window...and waited...and
    waited...and waited. Finally bags an bags of stuff started coming out
    of the window into the Buick, to the stunned face of the women inside!

    Took Snedocur about a week to figure that one out. Once he did, the
    RPD was on the scene whenever we'd show up! What car were we in when
    this happened? Plymouth's "ugly duckling" of under
    appreciated a car as ever Chrysler sold. The availablility of a
    Johnson Messenger III in her Plymouth made this all happen. After the
    PD was called in, CBs weren't allowed on the property from that day
    forward until he modified the system to a solid state system
    impervious to RF.

    Personally, I liked the '62 Chrysler line...cleaned up somewhat as it
    was from Exner's Excesses of '60 and '61. Buyers, I guess, didn't
    like the downsized, smallish looking body shell, and it didn't sell
    well at all.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 1, 2006
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