whirring dashboard (2000 GC)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JGM, Mar 1, 2004.

  1. JGM

    JGM Guest

    The passenger side of the dashboard on my 2000 Grand Caravan makes an
    intermittent whirring noise. It sounds like a servo motor trying to find a
    proper position. When I say "intermittent", I mean most of the time but not
    all of the time. From a bit of experimentation, I'm guessing that there really
    is a motor that controls the route of the air from the heater based upon (?)
    the position of the mode selection dial. But somehow I doubt it's supposed to
    run on and on (back and forth?) like this.

    There is also an occassional "pop" noise that may or may not be associated with
    the whir.

    Any ideas about exactly what's going on and what should/can be done about it?

    JGM, Mar 1, 2004
  2. JGM

    Art Guest

    Do you have auto climate control?
    Art, Mar 1, 2004
  3. JGM

    JGM Guest

    Nope, just the standard manual control (I think it's the standard, anyway --
    not the deluxe set-a-thermostat control).

    JGM, Mar 1, 2004
  4. JGM

    mic canic Guest

    if the windows fog up easy inside i would look at the recirc motor.
    did you have a windshild replaced???
    there was a tsb for wind noise from behind the dash on 99 models if i remember
    mic canic, Mar 3, 2004
  5. JGM

    JGM Guest

    Haven't noticed any issues with fogging. The windshield was replaced last
    year but this doesn't seem like wind noise, it's unrelated to speed. Where is
    the recirc motor and what should it do / not do?

    Any other thoughts?

    JGM, Mar 4, 2004
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