Whining Neon Fuel Pump

Discussion in 'Neon' started by Greg, Nov 7, 2003.

  1. Greg

    Greg Guest

    I bought a 2001 Neon earlier this week and just noticed this morning that
    the fuel pump is whining quite loudly. This is a fairly fixed pitch whine
    that is noticeable in the cabin at lower speeds. I brought it back to the
    dealer who predictably said it was nothing to worry about.

    Apart from the fact that it's annoying, is this an indication of impending
    trouble? If not, is there anything I can do to quiten it?

    Greg, Nov 7, 2003
  2. Greg

    therebel Guest

    therebel, Nov 7, 2003
  3. It is most likely the fuel pump and it is normal on all I have seen. KB
    Kevin Bottorff, Nov 11, 2003
  4. Greg

    Mike Behnke Guest

    Previous owner more than likely consistantly ran car until the car was
    running on fumes, causing the pump, located in the tank and normally
    cooled by the fuel load, to overheat.
    Mike Behnke, Nov 11, 2003
  5. I had an earlier Chrysler car that was known for eathing fuel pumps,
    Omni GLH-T. I went through 4 pumps while I owned the car. Some whined,
    some didn't. The sound was not an indicator that the pump was going to
    die. The first pump that died on my did so with no whinning at all. It
    start to die intermitently and then finally quit. The second pump started
    out silent and then slowly developed a whine. Eventually it died. This
    pump was replaced with another pump that started to whine early on. It
    kept whinning for the next 30k miles or so until I sold the car. Another
    poster mentions letting the tank get low on gas as a potential cause. I
    don't think this is true since after the first pump failed on me, I always
    made sure the tank never got below a 1/4 full and rarely under 1/2. That
    did not influence pump noise or operation.
    Alex Rodriguez, Nov 11, 2003
  6. Greg

    damnnickname Guest

    Some noise is normal, keep in mind if the fuel filter is starting to get
    stopped up the pump will have to work much harder to push the fuel thus
    possibly causing a louder pump noise, has the filter been replaced yet?
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Nov 11, 2003
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