Which Toy transmission adaptible to /6?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bret Ludwig, Jan 21, 2006.

  1. Bret Ludwig

    Bret Ludwig Guest

    As you well know (thanks to Thelma Ritter for that phrase...) there is
    a conversion to put a 5 speed Toyota box behind Mr. Slant Six. Which
    one, and where do you get the bellhousing?
    Bret Ludwig, Jan 21, 2006
  2. If your track record didn't indicate you'd use any meaningful answer to
    start a thread full of bullshit and nonsense, I'd tell you. But it
    does, so you'll have to figure it out for yourself.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jan 21, 2006
  3. Oh dear, he might have to actually use the Usenet archives on Google to find
    out the answer. Horrors! The terribly sore fingers! The awful minutes of
    using his brain to think!

    You are a hard, cruel man, Daniel.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jan 22, 2006
  4. Bret Ludwig

    Bret Ludwig Guest

    Stern is a Nazi goofball.
    Bret Ludwig, Jan 23, 2006
  5. Bret Ludwig

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Damn, don't do that when my mouth is full. The thought of Stern as a
    Nazi... the mind boggles. I'm trying to think of how many different
    reasons they'd come up with to put him in the camps...
    Joe Pfeiffer, Jan 23, 2006
  6. *chortle* Well, there're the two easy ones, either of which by itself
    would be quite sufficient, but if we're trying to total up *all* the
    reasons, it's easy to come up with a dozen or so *without* including any
    of Bret Ludwig's tiny-fisted tantrums amongst them...!
    Daniel J. Stern, Jan 23, 2006
  7. Bret Ludwig

    Steve Guest

    I've run out of fingers.... :)
    Steve, Jan 23, 2006
  8. Bret Ludwig

    John Kunkel Guest

    Pretty hard to argue with that.
    John Kunkel, Jan 23, 2006
  9. Damn, don't do that when my mouth is full. The thought of Stern as a
    Nazi... the mind boggles. I'm trying to think of how many different
    reasons they'd come up with to put him in the camps...
    The Amazing Human Echo, Feb 3, 2006
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