where's the THRILL in driving?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by BW, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. Uhhhhhhhhh...RIGHT. You don't find blowpigs in Italy
    or France who are 150-200 pounds (or more) overweight,
    the way you COMMONLY find them in the U.S., land of
    undisciplined gluttons.
    Again...YES. I am right.

    The only other people in the world who look like that
    are Japanese and Hawaiian sumo wrestlers.

    You're a moron.
    Murray Cooper, Oct 22, 2003
  2. BW

    Paul Bielec Guest

    Pigs eat a lot and anything...just as most Americans do...
    I remember last Summer at a baseball game, there was a group of american
    kids 6 or 7 yo. More than half of them were way overweighted. I bet most of
    them would be dead after 5 minutes of any sport activity.
    In Europe, people eat a lot byt they prefer home cooked meals to the fast
    Paul Bielec, Oct 22, 2003
  3. To All:

    Please remove the Saturn newsgroup from these cross postings that have
    nothing to do with Saturn.

    Jonnie Santos, Oct 22, 2003
  4. To All:

    Please remove the Saturn newsgroup from these cross postings that have
    nothing to do with Saturn.

    Jonnie Santos, Oct 22, 2003
  5. BW

    Dave Milne Guest

    Re Europe, I wish that were true, but in fact it's bollocks.

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : Joe wrote:
    : > "Most Americans are fat"
    : > That's because most Americans can afford to EAT... most of us don't
    have to
    : > sit around and starve half the time.
    : Nope. It's because most Americans, especially those in
    : the "heartland", are undisciplined and juvenile. They
    : wrongly subscribe to a pernicious creed: If a little
    : of something is good, then a lot must be great. That's
    : fundamentally stupid thinking, but most Americans
    : believe it.
    : If you go to France and Italy, you just don't see
    : people who are 150-200 pounds overweight. You will not
    : see people looking like this:
    : http://www.fatchicksinpartyhats.com/images/fathat141.jpg
    : or this:
    : http://www.fatchicksinpartyhats.com/images/fathat98.jpg
    : (the one on the right)
    : or this:
    : http://www.fatchicksinpartyhats.com/images/fathat154.jpg
    : or this:
    : http://www.fatchicksinpartyhats.com/images/fathat123.jpg
    : DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! Only Americans are susceptible to
    : this atrocious tendency to morbid obesity. Not even
    : Germans look like this, although there are some big
    : Germans. Germans are stout; American "heartlanders"
    : are vile, disgusting, morbidly obese blowpigs.
    : Europeans and a small minority of smart, *discplined*
    : and mature Americans prefer to eat well, not eat a lot.
    Dave Milne, Oct 22, 2003
  6. To All:
    Please remove: rec.autos.makers.jeep+willys newsgroup from these
    cross postings that have nothing to do with Willys.
    God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
    mailto: http://www.billhughes.com/
    L.W.(ßill) Hughes III, Oct 22, 2003
  7. BW

    rickety Guest

    I can just remember the little Dutch Grannij (!), rubber bands wound tight
    in the DAF66 clipping the front of my friend's Lotus Europa, careening
    across the pavement towards the supermarket door, and then the brake lights
    going on!
    rickety, Oct 22, 2003
  8. Or any other ng on the list for that matter.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 22, 2003
  9. BW

    Pencilneck Guest

    I agree... so, bottom line, what is keeping you from moving to any
    country in the world? I can understand that you may not have the money
    right now to up and move, but are you planning for your future and
    saving so you can move?

    Basically, you whine and whine, but what are you doing to improve your
    life so that you will be happier?

    And on a lighter note, what kind of car do you drive? Just wondering
    since these post are being cross posted in automotive groups. See if we
    can't at least make one newsgroup happy.

    Pencilneck blah blah blah

    Custom VW gauge overlays

    86 (soon to be 2.0L turbo) Jetta
    86 VR6 Quaifed/Schricked/Garrett'd Jetta
    87 stock $600 dog hauler Jetta

    Pencilneck, Oct 23, 2003
  10. My guess is that he is getting a commission on the book.
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 23, 2003
  11. BW

    Gus Guest

    Plus the world's best kimchee!
    Gus, Oct 23, 2003
  12. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    Well, size wise there isn't a big difference between the DAF and a shopping
    cart. So, was the turn intentional or a mistake? Did she flip your friend
    Baudolino, Oct 23, 2003
  13. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    Too many words and numbers in the references I gave? You are so ignorant,
    you must be American!
    Use the facts to come to a conclusion, not your imagination.
    BTW How high is tax in Sweden? I bet you don't have a clue!
    Baudolino, Oct 23, 2003
  14. BW

    Napalm Heart Guest

    Then why are there so many fast-food places (McDonald's & Burger King)
    in Europe?
    Napalm Heart, Oct 23, 2003
  15. BW

    Joe Guest

    "You're a moron"
    You got me there...

    Joe, Oct 23, 2003
  16. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    You need to pay high healthcare in order to create high paying job
    will embrace and love and support the sytem. They are taking out your
    money out
    to make them a great place here at your expense.

    You don't pay high in SWeden or Norway or Denmark or any place in
    becuase they are not ultra-capitalist society. YOu are just too
    to realize you are being rip off and pay ridiculous high cost of
    while they doing the terrible service no which service you are so
    to choose. All healthcare system in US is run by the same
    ultra-capitalism profit the bottom line system. You can't beat it no
    matter which providers you go, and you get the same serivice.

    And you have to happy or they will kick your ass.

    I love socialism in Sweden!
    I love socialism in Swizerland
    I love socialism in Norway!
    I love socialism in Denmark!
    I love socialism in Franch!
    I don't love socialism of 1984 animal farm that only socialism you
    know it.
    The book is not even real. It's fiction. Only the idotic fat-ass
    never read non-fiction book. Well what more can I say about such
    naive, ignorant stupid people of the United State of America?

    It's shame to be one of this fat-ass idiot.

    Oh England is not that socialist nation compare to Sweden or
    and England doing much worst than Sweden or Swissland.

    I'm not sorry to make my point clearly and logically.
    Thanks for you read my posting.
    Leo Lee, Oct 23, 2003
  17. This is not your "I hate America platform." Please try and keep it jeep like
    Leo, you are being a troll.
    You know, make posts like "why fat ass Americans make the right sides of
    your jeeps leaf springs sag" or something like that.
    Kevin in San Diego, Oct 23, 2003
  18. Check this out: www.taxpayer.com/Facts/International_Tax_Comparisons.pdf

    Sweden is the second most heavily taxed country ... behind Denmark and
    well ahead of the US which comes in 11th. Sweden's tax burden as a
    percentage of GDP is 50% higher than the US and Denmark is roughly twice
    as high.

    This is why we can afford to eat and drive cars! Which is about the
    only relevance this thread has to any of these ngs.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 23, 2003
  19. It would be to the benefit of the American people if the US became as
    "ultra-capitalistic" as Sweden. i.e. fewer government-controlled
    monopolies, fewer government-owned companies and fewer laws and
    regulations that control every detail of what companies may or may not

    But all Americans I have discussed this with seem terrified about the
    idea of introducing a more free market system. A pity they don't see
    what gives more growth and higher living standards for everyone.
    Marcus Andersson, Oct 23, 2003
  20. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Your kind of American fat-ass argument is not going to make this
    better and makes wonder why you Americans are so fucking naive and
    ignorant. Your argument is like bipartians crap. Who wants to argue
    Conservative vs Liberal? It's same fucking bipartian talk like
    Democrat vs Republican talk. No wonder why you argument is fat-ass
    like Rush Limbaugh, the fat-ass drug addict.
    Albert Einstien was the greatest socialist mind ever to live. Oh yeah
    the fascist American accused the great mind as a communist.

    Hey I'm going to stop here I'm not wasting time to argue same fat-ass
    stupid naive American citizen.
    Leo Lee, Oct 23, 2003
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