where's the THRILL in driving?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by BW, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    I didn't say all Americans are fat. I said 60% of Americans are fat. That
    figure is the highest in the world

    Why don't buy a book to read if you are too lazy to read?
    "Fat Land : How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World"

    The Fattest ass on earth + SUV = The Fattest drivers on earth!!! hahaha!!!!
    Leo Lee, Oct 22, 2003
  2. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Oh Chris, I do not see a mixed blood as a native Americans! 95% of
    Americans are dead. They are gone. Your half native or 25% or bit
    blood does not qualified such one. I don't know about other people
    opinion but my opinion is I'm so sicked and tired of mixed blood folks
    claiming of
    Native American anestory. Gimme a break! They masscred all the native
    tribe and
    took over all the land and those survived tribes were confined in so
    called "Reservation" are the same invaders who took over native Indian
    tribe's genealogy. Now they claim they are Native Americans!!!! I
    mean genetically
    biologically native American tribes!!! Oh my Father in the Heaven and
    my Mother in Earth!

    Chris, you will never be like tribal one. You will be cursed! The
    sin can't be wash-away! it will coming back to haunt you! This is the
    law of the Universe. However, it is not your fault. But there is a way
    very hard way
    to wash your sin in your gene. I believe you know what I'm saying
    Leo Lee, Oct 22, 2003
  3. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Oh come you are ignorant one! Your govern't does't subsidize because
    you are not living in a socalist nation not like a Sweden or
    Swizerland. AMerica is the ultra capitalistic society which means get
    the profit margin as much as possible by the private sectors. A
    government subsizdizing mean the profit paid
    by the government so American government privatized the healthcare
    to maximize for the private sectors. Is this not the best system the
    money can
    buy? By American version of capitalism, Yes it is. In overall, it's
    the terrible system. America is run by rich captialists not by
    government social people program. The healthcare industry is the best
    example of the best bullshit system of this nation at the expense of
    the people's health. Think about it!

    Oil must be cheap in AMerica in order to maintain the ultra
    market system!
    Leo Lee, Oct 22, 2003
  4. BW

    Dave Milne Guest

    Question: Do you have political *uncensored* internet debate in China ?
    Answer: No.
    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    : Question: Why americans are enjoying trolling and spamming?
    : Answer: Their political debate is about bipartian talk.
    : I mean like black and white or like Good vs evil or like
    : Conservative vs Liberial or like republican vs democrat.
    Dave Milne, Oct 22, 2003
  5. BW

    Bill Putney Guest

    I like the part about how oppressive we are because, to participate in our
    system, you must get a high paying job.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my address
    with "x")
    Bill Putney, Oct 22, 2003
  6. Very curious. How does this manifest itself? What law, for example?

    Dori Schmetterling, Oct 22, 2003
  7. Take it easy, it's only usenet!

    NB: To reply directly replace "nospam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori Schmetterling, Oct 22, 2003
  8. Not in California!

    Full of lithe people.

    But Miami...maaaaan...


    Pleasantly surprised on his first visit to one of the largest economies of
    the world
    NB: To reply directly replace "nospam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori Schmetterling, Oct 22, 2003
  9. BW

    TJim Guest

    " YOu can help me out get out this ugly nation. TEll you government and tell
    Swizerland government offers me a job and place to live I would be so happy
    to leave this prison nation. "

    Ohhhhh! OK, I get it now. You would like me to ask the Swiss government to
    provide you with a job and a home, right? So you're not only upset at the
    way people treated the "Indians" 200 years ago (which, it seems is all our
    fault...), but you won't move to Switzerland because they won't provide you
    with a job and a house? You want a "free ride", then? Why don't you get
    your own job and buy your own house like the rest of us do?

    [To everyone else: I know I said I wasn't going to post to this thread
    anymore, but it just kills me to have someone like this call everyone fat
    pigs and then say he wants some government to provide him with a job and a
    house at their taxpayers' expense. Seems like he's just a parasite.
    TJim, Oct 22, 2003
  10. BW

    Grumman-581 Guest

    Well, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out of here...

    Apparently, you can't hack it here, so go find yourself some socialistic
    country that will do all your thinking for you...


    Grumman-581, Oct 22, 2003
  11. BW

    noyb Guest

    Some US families pay in the vicinity of $10,000 each year for
    noyb, Oct 22, 2003
  12. BW

    TJim Guest

    OK, can't argue that point... although hating someone because they're fat is
    not rational. Not finding them attractive may be reasonable, it's a
    subjective judgement, but "hating" them is unreasonable.
    Same comment as above, although you don't have enough information to declare
    that the #1 thing for all Americans is eating. It might be for some people
    and not for others. That's a little like me declaring that I "hate" all
    Arabs because they are all "terrorists". It's patently false.
    What does the size of a SUV door have to do with anything? Americans drive
    *all* sizes of vehicles and Americans come in all sizes, too. Why are you
    concerned with the size of a door?
    The answer is essentially correct, but it has nothing to do with the
    question, which, in itself, is making unfounded assumptions. How do you
    know that all Americans enjoy "trolling" and "spamming"? Did you ask them?

    The fact that our "political debate" allows us to discuss both sides of a
    position, or "black and white or like Good vs evil or like Conservative vs
    Liberial or like republican vs democrat", as you so elloquently put it, is
    one of the things we're proud of. America is not the only country that
    allows free debate, but there are many countries that do not allow it. I,
    for one, am very happy to live in a country that allows its citizens to
    freely debate the issues.

    This is not a supporting argument for your "position", whatever that is.
    OK, one at a time...
    Many Americans are "fat". What does this have to do with you?
    Much of what's on TV is "stupid". Much of it is not. If you are watching
    something you don't like, change the channel or turn it off. It's called
    Boring life? For some, maybe, but that's a blanket statement. My life is
    far from "boring". If your life is "boring", change it. Go out and do
    something you enjoy.
    "uneducated rudeless nihilistic watcing porno Hollywood"? I'm not sure
    exactly what you point is here. It sounds like you're just calling people
    names. That's a meaningless argement.
    "and make sure a true democracy never practice in America." Well, I don't
    think that's the goal. We do not have a "true democracy", partly because
    that's the way the founding fathers set things up. They wanted to be sure
    that the people making the final decisions were knowledgable and educated in
    a time when people in general had minimal education. We probably have the
    closest system to a "true democracy" in the world, though. Whatever we
    don't like about our system, we have the right to change. Why does that
    make you hate all Americans?

    ....and your point is?

    TJim, Oct 22, 2003
  13. BW

    Moitz Guest

    Thank the stars that I'm not living in a socialist nation. I like
    keeping the majority of the money I earned and getting to decide who
    and what causes are worthy of my donations.

    You're still paying an outrageous amount for healthcare, no matter
    where you live. It's just a difference in WHEN you pay for it. In
    socialist countries, you pay for it (whether you use it or not)
    through your taxes. Here, we pay our monthly premium, and a small
    co-pay (usually $20 or less per office visit, at least for a PPO/POS.
    HMO's are usually different). Much like car insurance. At least
    under this system, if I don't like the care or the price, I can switch
    providers. Try doing that somewhere else.

    If you think America is such a horrible place, then I agree with some
    of the other sentiments here. Leave. No one is holding you here,
    we're not forcing you to stay. But before you leave, take a read
    through two George Orwell books for me. Specifically '1984' and
    'Animal Farm.' Then go enjoy your socialist paradise, where the lazy
    are rewarded and the motivated are punished. Anyone else remember the
    spectacular "success" of the U.S.S.R.? Socialism in action, my
    friend, socialism in action.

    After all, as Winston Churchill said, "Socialism is a philosophy of
    failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent
    virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

    To everyone else, sorry about the cross-post, as soon as I figure out
    which NG this idiot is actually posting to, I'll post exclusively to
    that for this topic.

    Moitz, Oct 22, 2003
  14. BW

    TJim Guest

    So what? I still don't understand why this is such a "hot button" for you.
    Why do you care? Are you hungry? Are you jealous? Do you want to leave?
    Do you want to change things? What?
    You were the one who wanted to talk as a "man", by which I'm assuming you
    meant "adult". If you're going to act like a child and scream, "You're fat!
    You're fat! I *hate* you!" and not have an intelligent discussion of your
    issues, I quit. I refuse to enter into a battle of wits with an unarmed
    TJim, Oct 22, 2003
  15. BW

    Gus Guest

    Thereby putting the thrill back in driving - thanks, Dutch grannies.
    Gus, Oct 22, 2003
  16. BW

    Pat Norton Guest

    It isn't that bad. It was 37th.
    Pat Norton, Oct 22, 2003
  17. BW

    Joe Guest

    "Most Americans are fat"
    That's because most Americans can afford to EAT... most of us don't have to
    sit around and starve half the time.
    Joe, Oct 22, 2003
  18. Nope. It's because most Americans, especially those in
    the "heartland", are undisciplined and juvenile. They
    wrongly subscribe to a pernicious creed: If a little
    of something is good, then a lot must be great. That's
    fundamentally stupid thinking, but most Americans
    believe it.

    If you go to France and Italy, you just don't see
    people who are 150-200 pounds overweight. You will not
    see people looking like this:

    or this:
    (the one on the right)

    or this:

    or this:

    DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! Only Americans are susceptible to
    this atrocious tendency to morbid obesity. Not even
    Germans look like this, although there are some big
    Germans. Germans are stout; American "heartlanders"
    are vile, disgusting, morbidly obese blowpigs.

    Europeans and a small minority of smart, *discplined*
    and mature Americans prefer to eat well, not eat a lot.
    Murray Cooper, Oct 22, 2003
  19. BW

    Joe Guest

    "If you go to France and Italy, you just don't see people who are 150-200
    pounds overweight"
    Um, wrong.
    "Only Americans are susceptible to this atrocious tendency to morbid
    Again, no.
    Joe, Oct 22, 2003
  20. BW

    Ingo Braune Guest

    Dori Schmetterling wrote:

    [Ende der Eigenheimförderung in Deutschland]
    Up 'til now a person who build/bought a house to live in it could deduct
    a certain amount of the payments made for the house from his/her
    taxable income, additionally there were advantages for people with lower
    With ever rising national debt the government has come to the
    conclusion, that this is not only money they need to throw into
    different pits, but that there is also a possibility to declare this
    tax relief to be a subvention for something that is not desirable for
    the general public, as people living in their own, 1 or 2-story houses
    consume more space and energy than people living in a rented flat in a
    bigger house. To declare the coming cuts they kind of pushed forward the
    environment minister. ;-^

    Ingo Braune, Oct 22, 2003
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