where's the THRILL in driving?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by BW, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. BW

    Bill Putney Guest

    So who's stopping you? IOW - why ain't you gone yet?

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Oct 20, 2003
  2. BW

    Ingo Braune Guest

    The swiss, maybe? ;-^

    BTW, if I had to associate "materialistic nihilism" with any european
    country, it might come down to switzerland.

    Ingo Braune, Oct 20, 2003
  3. oIt's obvious that you have not been to Switzerland, otherwise you would not
    have this wish.... (or maybe you are a very boring person)... (Oops,
    apologies to my Swiss friends, who are the exceptions...)

    Dori Schmetterling, Oct 20, 2003
  4. BW

    c Guest

    That's cheap shot! Monopoly capitalism. You have no choice but AOL monopoly

    No one said you had to use AOL. If they had a monopoly then everyone would
    have to use it. I see in one of your other posts that you live in America.
    No one made you come here, and no one is making you stay here. People like
    you are more than welcome to leave. In fact most of us would encourage it.
    There are lots of people that would be happy to take your place here, so
    good riddance. BTW, why exactly did you end up here in the first place?

    c, Oct 20, 2003
  5. BW

    Martin Boer Guest

    He sure hasn't lived in Europe.
    Driving in the US is childs play compared to the Netherlands and
    most other parts of Europe. Spain is fairly easy as it has long and
    quiet roads like the US interstates. Madrid is suicide.
    Paris is a *cough* experience. Driving there will teach you to to
    floor it while braking too and steering to get into that almost big
    enough place on the next lane.
    Belgium will show you that passing at speeds over 120mph is 'the right
    thing' if you want to overhaul 3 cars so you can leave the exitramp first.
    In Portugal people drive as fast as they can. So new cars do 120 while old
    cars do 40. That's no problem there.
    In Germany if you don't drive a Merc, Porsche of big BMW You Will
    Let Them Pass.
    And in my own country... well... driving through NY was relaxing for
    The Netherlands, Stratus 2.5V6.
    Martin Boer, Oct 20, 2003
  6. BW

    Napalm Heart Guest

    Where I saw people passing us going at least 220 kph.
    Napalm Heart, Oct 20, 2003
  7. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    You don't know his situation, in my case, they made me come here and didn't
    let me leave for almost a year. No, I wasnt held at Guantanamo bay or
    anywhere else. But otherwise, his post is nothing but BS, I know stories of
    a European driver, following another driver and beat him with a baseball
    bat, just because he killed his engine and that took too much time. American
    drivers are horrible (I can only hope MN is the worst), most roads are in
    bad condition, but I'm sure there are more maniacs on European roads.
    That would include me, and allthough I'm free to leave now, many americans
    would not welcome it.
    Baudolino, Oct 20, 2003
  8. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    Amen, even cab drivers in Manhattan are more well behaved (and slower) than
    the average dutch granny.
    Baudolino, Oct 20, 2003
  9. Just as I surmised. Why don't you have a choice to live in Switzerland?
    Funny how so many people who claim to hate America seem to try very
    hard to move here and seldom leave once they get here.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 21, 2003
  10. I drove in Paris just a couple of years ago and didn't find it much
    worse than Boston. Never driven in NYC so I can't make any comparisons

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 21, 2003
  11. Hay Leo Lee; Get a hair cut and get a real job

    America is a Great Place .And when I hear some Jack ass spew Like you do it
    tells me one thing. You need to be on the receiving end of my 9 and 1/2
    boot. If you don't like it here well then get the f--k out. Your
    probably getting all kinds of federal aid free sh-t hand out's and your
    talking with your mouth full of American food you ass wipe. Standing on
    free men's soil and talking like that will get your ass kicked.

    CJimmie in Iowa, Oct 21, 2003
  12. BW

    Pencilneck Guest

    Leo Lee wrote:

    Well, Leo Lee, I think the real Americans would be happy to see you go.

    I know of some other people who feel the same way as you, hating America
    to no end. You should get together with these people and see if you all
    can't get some sort of group discount on one-way tickets to Switzerland:

    Ted Kennedy
    Barbra Streisand
    Sean Penn
    Richard Gere
    Howard Dean
    Mr and Mrs Clinton


    Pencilneck blah blah blah

    Custom VW gauge overlays

    86 (soon to be 2.0L turbo) Jetta
    86 VR6 Quaifed/Schricked/Garrett'd Jetta
    87 stock $600 dog hauler Jetta


    Attn Switzerland: It has come to my attention that you may be invaded
    by cry babies in the near future. You might want to take action to help
    keep these kind of people out of your fine country. If they do try to
    invade, send them to Cuba so they can live the socialist lifestyle they
    Pencilneck, Oct 21, 2003
  13. L.O.L. HA HA HA no doubt about it. Pack all there you know what's out of
    here.. Jimmie said that.
    CJimmie in Iowa, Oct 21, 2003
  14. All I want to know is does it hurt when you think???????
    CJimmie in Iowa, Oct 21, 2003
  15. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    Differences between Boston and Paris:
    - Lanes are wider in Boston
    - More twists and turns in Paris roads
    - Higher speeds in Paris
    - People in Boston have more problems letting you in their lane
    - No Parking signs invisible in Paris because cars are parked in front of

    IOW Paris is fun to drive when you pay a lot of attention and know your car,
    Boston requires less aggression to get from one place to another.

    Around downtown Boston was a mess because of construction, but hey, isn't
    that supposed to be over someday?
    Baudolino, Oct 21, 2003
  16. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    Baudolino, Oct 21, 2003
  17. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    That trying hard is because of the bureaucrazy of the BCIS (former INS).
    Besides that, moving to anther country isn't that easy, although you might
    hate 99% of the people living in a country, including its governmental
    representation and its carmakers, there are still a few people you drink
    beer with that you would miss moving to another country.
    Besides that you will face the immigration laws of any country you want to
    move to.
    Baudolino, Oct 21, 2003
  18. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    He is on a mission to make it a better place. He can complain, he is willing
    to take it upon him to make the changes he feels the country need. People
    that just yell can be given a one way ticket. People that see short comings,
    name them and want to work on them should be allowed to stay (how annoying
    their personality might be).
    Besides that, I'm sure he will think there are too many guns in Switzerland.
    Baudolino, Oct 21, 2003
  19. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    - Roads are shit
    - Dope is illegal
    - You have to be 21 to drink
    - Healthcare sucks
    - Environment!??
    - 100 times more likely to get shot that almost anywhere else
    - News is a joke
    - Education is embarrasing (assembly line thinking designed after Brave New
    - Remember that sagging three in the Ohio?

    But, as offspring sings: But everything he lacks well he makes up in denial

    But yeah, great is the good word, I would only like to see that more people
    here would like to aim for perfection.
    Check out the immigration rules, checking the quality of his English, he has
    been here too short to apply for all those benefits.
    Besides, if everything here that saw something they didn't like would move
    out, the place would be as developed in 50 years as it is now. Open your
    LOL, do you see the stupity in this! I must agree here with Leo, if people
    yell free and threaten to kick you because of what you say, something must
    be wrong. In a real free country even communists would be welcome.
    The-he land of the freeee, and the hooome of the brave!
    Baudolino, Oct 21, 2003
  20. BW

    Bill Leary Guest

    It's never over, it just moves down the road and around the corner.

    I've live 26 miles outside of Boston and go into town once or twice a year
    for various things. I can recall no case where I went into Boston in 30
    years of driving and didn't have to deal with some closed, lane reduced or
    detoured road. I suppose if you live there you get used to it. For me, I
    usually find a parking garage, write down it's address, and call a cab.

    - Bill
    Bill Leary, Oct 21, 2003
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