What's wrong with my PT Cruiser??

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by TOM KAN PA, Oct 15, 2003.


    TOM KAN PA Guest

    I just bought it, it's a cherry 2001 with 25,000 miles on it.
    I filled the gas tank up after driving about 125 miles of suburban driving
    (just north of Pittsburgh, PA) and then about 60 miles of I-79 driving. It took
    11.5 gallons to fill it up after driving 185 miles. 16 miles to the
    The original window sticker lists 20 mpg City, 25 mpg Highway.
    I realize this isn't guaranteed, but combined City/Highway driving results in
    four miles less to the gallon than I should be getting in the city????
    Something has to be wrong with it.
    TOM KAN PA, Oct 15, 2003

    Punch Guest

    yep the pt cruiser is a gas guzzler, weighs allot and has a week motor.

    Punch, Oct 16, 2003

    C. E. White Guest

    You cannot reliably calculate gas mileage on the basis of one tankful.
    Keep a book and figure the average over 5 tank fulls. If the mileage
    isn't better than 16 after that, start looking for the problem -
    although the problem might be your driving style.

    C. E. White, Oct 16, 2003
  4. Especially if you don't know that it was full to start with!

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 16, 2003

    Rick Merrill Guest

    I agree with that. The PT Cruiser "learns" your driving style over a
    number of starts. Drive judiciously on moderate length, speed trips
    and your mileage should improve. Mine did. - RM
    Rick Merrill, Oct 16, 2003

    PT_Sean Guest

    Are the tires properly inflated? (check when they are cold).

    Air filter- 2001, might be time for a swap.

    Was the a/c on (or the defroster which will run the a/c)??

    Is there ANY chance that the emerg. brake was used, and is now not fully
    returned to running mode??

    Some have mentioned a little better economy with synthetic oil, not sure on
    that one though.

    You should get close to 300 miles to the tank. (500 kms here)

    PT_Sean, Oct 16, 2003

    TOM KAN PA Guest

    << You should get close to 300 miles to the tank. >>

    ____Reply Separator_____

    That means I had to put 115 miles on the last 1/4 tank.
    TOM KAN PA, Oct 16, 2003

    Punch Guest

    I have the 2003 PT Turbo GT and get 450 KM, and thats my everyday driving
    style, pushing it i get 350km per tank.

    Punch, Oct 17, 2003
  9. You SHOULD get alot better mileage then that. But remember that the
    PT is very heavy and shaped like a brick ( wind resistance). If you
    are like me, when I get a different car, I am ALWAYS ON THE GO PEDAL
    to see what it will do. Possibly your driving habits are the results.
    Yes, you need to AVERAGE out your mileage by doing ATLEAST 5 fuel
    refills and keep track of mileage and amount of fuel used. THEN
    figure your mileage.
    Richard Benner Jr, Oct 18, 2003
  10. TOM KAN PA

    doc Guest

    Might be. The Cruiser doesn't have the best mpg because it has the
    aerodynamics of a tombstone. Add in a puffy automatic transmission with an
    anemic 4-cylinder and you're cruising down low-mileage city.

    Lose the back seats, go with the 5-speed, and shed all the weight you can,
    and you'll see a dramatic increase in gas mileage, not to mention
    performance. That auto-trans in the Cruiser is pure crap, BTW, and always
    has been.

    No power, no way, with the standard engine and an auto. The cruiser rips
    with a manual and sits with an auto.

    It's a little surprising that they can charge extra for less power, and
    even more surprising that people still go for it, but no one ever went
    broke underestimating the intelligence of the American consumer.
    doc, Oct 19, 2003
  11. TOM KAN PA

    Hans Mücke Guest

    Probably You experience what in Germany is called "the learning tank gauge"
    (which does nothing more than indicating that the gas tank is still there).
    I can drive whatever style, but after 200 miles I get the first alarm (1/4
    supposedly left) and then the needle drops within miles to zero.
    Hans Mücke, Oct 19, 2003
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