What happened to my PT bumper??

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by TOM KAN PA, Sep 29, 2004.


    TOM KAN PA Guest

    The rear bumper on my 2001 PT Cruiser bumper is getting lighter in color in
    spots. But these spots are very symetric.
    It looks like these areas were masked very neatly and then the rest of the
    bumper darkened in color. Then the masking tape was removed and the lighter
    spots exposed.
    TOM KAN PA, Sep 29, 2004

    Carl Keehn Guest

    Those are the tape marks. The bumpers are masked for shipping and years
    later the marks of the tape used to secure the masking is showing up. It is
    a common problem with the PT Cruiser and if you are out of warranty, you are
    most likely out of luck in getting Chrysler to cover the correction.
    Carl Keehn, Sep 30, 2004

    JAN - OHIO Guest


    The rear bumper on my 2001 PT Cruiser bumper is getting lighter in color
    in spots. But these spots are very systemic.
    It looks like these areas were masked very neatly and then the rest of
    the bumper darkened in color. Then the masking tape was removed and the
    lighter spots exposed.
    Tom in PA -
    Yours is the first 2001, I've heard about, that has this problem.
    I've been to a lot of PT car shows and most PT's with that 'tape
    residue-like' are the 2002's.

    I have a 2002 PT and lately I've started to see that 'tape
    residue-like' on both of my bumpers. I went to my dealer to see if they
    knew how it can be fixed. They sent to the detail shop. Even their
    detail man had no idea what it was and how to get rid of it. He did
    try, but it's still there.

    I talked to, I think, a representative from Chrysler, and it was
    suggested that if everyone with this type of problem contact Chrysler.
    Maybe there will be a "recall-type" on the bumpers.

    The representative suggested that I take my PT to my dealer and have
    some pictures taken. Then when the district representative. shows up,
    to my dealership. they will show the representative the pics. What will
    happen from there-- I'll keep everyone posted. It will probably be
    around next year when, if any, action is taken. Even the representative
    I talk to didn't know if my "bumper-to-bumper" warranty will cover this
    problem since it's a cosmetic problem.

    I belong to a PT Cruiser club, one of our members had this problem.
    He was able to have his bumper painted the same color as his car. Like
    the 2003's & 2004's. To be honest with you, I don't want that. I like
    the different color bumper. And I don't want the chrome bumper.

    JAN - OHIO
    JAN - OHIO, Sep 30, 2004

    Art Guest

    Isn't it amazing all the nick picking things that can go wrong with a car...


    The rear bumper on my 2001 PT Cruiser bumper is getting lighter in color
    in spots. But these spots are very systemic.
    It looks like these areas were masked very neatly and then the rest of
    the bumper darkened in color. Then the masking tape was removed and the
    lighter spots exposed.
    Tom in PA -
    Yours is the first 2001, I've heard about, that has this problem.
    I've been to a lot of PT car shows and most PT's with that 'tape
    residue-like' are the 2002's.

    I have a 2002 PT and lately I've started to see that 'tape
    residue-like' on both of my bumpers. I went to my dealer to see if they
    knew how it can be fixed. They sent to the detail shop. Even their
    detail man had no idea what it was and how to get rid of it. He did
    try, but it's still there.

    I talked to, I think, a representative from Chrysler, and it was
    suggested that if everyone with this type of problem contact Chrysler.
    Maybe there will be a "recall-type" on the bumpers.

    The representative suggested that I take my PT to my dealer and have
    some pictures taken. Then when the district representative. shows up,
    to my dealership. they will show the representative the pics. What will
    happen from there-- I'll keep everyone posted. It will probably be
    around next year when, if any, action is taken. Even the representative
    I talk to didn't know if my "bumper-to-bumper" warranty will cover this
    problem since it's a cosmetic problem.

    I belong to a PT Cruiser club, one of our members had this problem.
    He was able to have his bumper painted the same color as his car. Like
    the 2003's & 2004's. To be honest with you, I don't want that. I like
    the different color bumper. And I don't want the chrome bumper.

    JAN - OHIO
    Art, Sep 30, 2004

    TOM KAN PA Guest

    << Isn't it amazing all the nick picking things that can go wrong with a car...____Reply Separator_____
    I don't consider this nit picking.*
    These marks weren't there when I bought the car, and their presence now is not
    a fault of mine. I think it should be corrected at no cost to me. And I also
    like the different colored bumper.

    *BTW, it's nit, not nick. You probably will consider my correcting you as
    "nick" picking.
    TOM KAN PA, Sep 30, 2004

    Art Guest

    Who said otherwise. It is just amazing how many things can get screwed up
    on a car.
    I'll try to remember for next time.
    Art, Sep 30, 2004

    CopperTop Guest

    I can probably name several dozen people I know personally and can direct
    you to several PT forums where you will read, that in fact there are many
    2001 PT's that have this tape mark problem. One of those PT's is mine.



    The rear bumper on my 2001 PT Cruiser bumper is getting lighter in color
    in spots. But these spots are very systemic.
    It looks like these areas were masked very neatly and then the rest of
    the bumper darkened in color. Then the masking tape was removed and the
    lighter spots exposed.
    Tom in PA -
    Yours is the first 2001, I've heard about, that has this problem.
    I've been to a lot of PT car shows and most PT's with that 'tape
    residue-like' are the 2002's.

    I have a 2002 PT and lately I've started to see that 'tape
    residue-like' on both of my bumpers. I went to my dealer to see if they
    knew how it can be fixed. They sent to the detail shop. Even their
    detail man had no idea what it was and how to get rid of it. He did
    try, but it's still there.

    I talked to, I think, a representative from Chrysler, and it was
    suggested that if everyone with this type of problem contact Chrysler.
    Maybe there will be a "recall-type" on the bumpers.

    The representative suggested that I take my PT to my dealer and have
    some pictures taken. Then when the district representative. shows up,
    to my dealership. they will show the representative the pics. What will
    happen from there-- I'll keep everyone posted. It will probably be
    around next year when, if any, action is taken. Even the representative
    I talk to didn't know if my "bumper-to-bumper" warranty will cover this
    problem since it's a cosmetic problem.

    I belong to a PT Cruiser club, one of our members had this problem.
    He was able to have his bumper painted the same color as his car. Like
    the 2003's & 2004's. To be honest with you, I don't want that. I like
    the different color bumper. And I don't want the chrome bumper.

    JAN - OHIO
    CopperTop, Oct 1, 2004

    Carl Keehn Guest

    No, you didn't cause the problem, however as a rule, recalls are issued for
    safety related matters. A tape mark is not safety related. If your car is
    out of warranty you have the choice of living with the tape marks or paying
    for it.
    Carl Keehn, Oct 1, 2004

    Howard Guest


    The rear bumper on my 2001 PT Cruiser bumper is getting lighter in color
    in spots. But these spots are very systemic.
    It looks like these areas were masked very neatly and then the rest of
    the bumper darkened in color. Then the masking tape was removed and the
    lighter spots exposed.

    so far my 2001 cranberry PT 5 speed (40K and 39 months old)) shows no sign
    of tape marks on the bumper.
    However on a slightly more IMPORTANT picking of NITS..............
    BOTH ISSUES that the dealer corrected about a year ago are so far stable.
    1. PT shutting off at any speed (inconvient at 60 to 70 MPH), not
    re-starting for many turns on the key, dead in the garage, and being
    un-reliable has been solved by a "control module"
    2. 2 out of 4 ignition wires not conducting enough power for full power on
    any application of the gas pedal. Dealer changed ALL 4 wires and 4 new
    plugs, and the mileage (actually on a very careful and only highway run)
    achieved 30.24 MPG, as well as a drop in RPM required to maintain 65 MPH.
    As an aside, drove a NEW 2005 PT TURBO (225 HP) CONVERTIBLE in S. CALIF,
    Dealer asked me not to PUNCH the pedal as it had on 3MILES on the odometer.
    Just nudging the pedal produced an impressive response. Damn near bought it,
    but with the top up and parked in the shade, it was very dark inside the
    car. I live in OREGON, on the beach and we get a lot of gloom, fog, rain and
    a "flip top" is very impractible here. Will eventually look for an LE
    (moonroof a necessity) and 220 HP turbo.
    ALSO happily with the "black/gray" bumper, as the painted ones are going to
    be prone to scratching.

    Howard, Oct 1, 2004
  10. TOM KAN PA

    Art Guest

    Before buying a grey bumper car, take a look of one on the road driving
    towards you or away from versus the same car with a matching bumper. In my
    opinion, matching bumpers make a car more visable and may help avoid
    accidents. I have no statistics for it but take a look at cars with damaged
    bumpers. Most are black or grey non-matching bumpers. I find it unlikely
    that everyone with matching bumpers get their cars fixed and everyone with
    black or grey bumpers don't.
    Art, Oct 1, 2004
  11. Well look on the bright side, you don't have to stare at these marks when
    are driving, and you otherwise like your PT, so by the time you sell it, it
    unlikely these marks will make any difference to the resale value.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Oct 2, 2004
  12. TOM KAN PA

    JAN - OHIO Guest

    ____Reply Separator__
    I don't consider this nit picking.*
    These marks weren't there when I bought the car, and their presence now
    is not a fault of mine. I think it should be corrected at no cost to me.
    And I also like the different colored bumper.

    ___TED __Your Reply Separator__
    Well look on the bright side, you don't have to stare at these marks
    when you
    are driving, and you otherwise like your PT, so by the time you sell it,
    it is
    unlikely these marks will make any difference to the resale value.

    ___My Reply___
    I beg to differ with you, on the idea of "no difference on the resale
    In a side by side comparison -
    1) One PT Cruiser has the "tape-residue" bumpers
    2) The other PT Cruiser does not have the "tape-residue" bumpers.
    Both cars are identical -- the same color, inside and outside. The
    same options. The same after market add ons. Even the miles are
    identical. Everything is identical, except for one item. The bumpers -
    one has the "tape-residue" and the other does not.

    Which one would you buy???? Now be honest, which one??? You would
    buy the one without the "tape-residue" bumpers. You say, how do I know
    this?? I know this because, that would be the one I would buy. And so
    would other people.

    So, there goes your theory about the "tape-residue" bumpers not
    affecting the resale value.
    Number 1 car - is not a sale.
    Number 2 car - is a sale.

    Sometime when you are at a shopping mall parking lot, look at some
    PT Cruisers. Find one with the "tape-residue" bumpers and find one
    without. And ask yourself, which one would I buy??? And honestly answer
    that question. You would buy the one without the "tape-residue"

    JAN - OHIO, Oct 3, 2004
  13. If the owner of the one with the tape residue were making as big a fragging
    over a little thing like that as you are I would definitely buy that one -
    because anybody
    that was so anal-retentive about a tiny thing like that I would be well
    assured would have done a good job about keeping the vehicle

    I don't buy used cars solely on the external looks. Sure external looks
    count for
    something, but what is much more important is vehicle maintainence. And no
    matter how much you try to hide it, you cannot hide inattention to
    to a knowledgeable buyer.

    You are quite obviously a new car buyer because you simply don't understand
    used car buyers think. I doubt you have ever bought a used car in your
    life. New
    car buyers are the ones rolling marbles down the seams checking for the fit
    the panels, and making a BFD over stuff like tape marks on bumpers. Thank
    I don't have to worry about that crapola when I'm buying my vehicles and I
    pay attention to the things that actually matter - like whether the thing is
    going to
    actually run another 30K miles or whether it's engine is about ready to dump
    bucket of oil all over the street.

    Ignore the tape marks and maintain your vehicle - wax it, wash it, repair
    dents, repair glass cracks, touchup it's paint, change oil at $3K miles, get
    it looked at immediately if there's the slightest bit of trouble, buy good
    tires for it, keep it garaged, take it in for it's scheduled services and
    keep the receipts for them, and I promise you,
    when it comes time to sell it, if you have done that, nobody will give a
    crap about
    the tape marks.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Oct 3, 2004
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