What going on with Chrysler?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by lemonpillow, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. lemonpillow

    lemonpillow Guest

    Is Chrysler being sold? Will they be no more?

    Someone please explain to me in lay-woman terms whats going on. lol
    lemonpillow, Mar 13, 2007
  2. lemonpillow

    The Henchman Guest

    The parent company of Chrysler is entertaining the idea of selling the
    Chrysler division. This Division MAY or MAY NOT but it is ASSUMED to
    include Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, and Sprinter badged vechiles as well as the
    related manufacturing facilities in Canada, USA, and Mexico, and the related
    financing arm of the division. Chrysler's Parent Company is based in Berlin
    Germany. The Chrysler Division of the German Company is Based in Michigan

    The CEO of the Germany company publicly said that his company is exploring
    the idea of selling it's Chrysler division.

    Currently There are Four interested Companies. General Motors, Magna (Based
    in Canada), both publicly traded companies (meaning people like you and mean
    can own a portion of these companies and so we would get a say) and two
    private American equity firms (meaning they answer to no-one except the
    tax-man in the USA).

    One of the Private companies owns a majority of General Motors Acceptance
    Corp shortened to GMAC. GMAC is the leasing and Finance Didivion of General
    Motors. When you lease a vechile from a GM dealer you don't pay GM, you
    pay GMAC. General motors does not own a majority of it's leasing and
    finance company anymore.

    We won't know if Chrysler will be sold or not. However since there are only
    4 companies that have expressed interest since early Feb, I doubt anymore
    companies are interested except these four.

    In other words WE don't know what's going on either.
    The Henchman, Mar 14, 2007
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