Weird electrical symptom, 2002 Caravan

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Doug, Nov 25, 2003.

  1. Doug

    Doug Guest

    Yesterday evening, when I went to start my 2002 Caravan SE, the
    exterior lights, front and rear began flashing. At first I thought the
    4-way flasher was on.

    After checking that it wasn't, I realized that it was the headlights
    and taillights that were flashing in an alternate side to side
    pattern, just like ambulances or police cars flash.

    Turning the ignition off, lights off, 4 way flasher switch off, turn
    signal switch off, etc made no difference .

    I finally got it to stop by pulling a battery cable and resetting the

    What the heck caused this?
    There is no burglar alarm system in the car, at least none that I know
    of. I've owned the car since new and it's never done this before.

    Is there some sort of emergency public service type flasher function
    built into the computer? Obviously, you can't drive the car this way
    with headlights flashing side to side, you'd get pulled over pretty

    Of course, until then, it might make it easier to run red lights....

    Anyone else ever see this?


    Doug, Nov 25, 2003
  2. Did you press the "Panic" button on the keyless entry fob? That will cause
    the situation you described.
    James C. Reeves, Nov 25, 2003
  3. Doug

    Doug Guest

    There is no panic button, there is no fob.
    This is a base Caravan SE with no power door locks with of course, no
    keyless entry.

    However, perhaps that function is built into the computer and some
    glitch triggered it.

    Doug, Nov 26, 2003
  4. | On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 17:31:02 -0500, "James C. Reeves"
    | >Did you press the "Panic" button on the keyless entry fob?
    | >That will cause the situation you described.
    | >
    | There is no panic button, there is no fob.
    | This is a base Caravan SE with no power door locks with of
    | course, no keyless entry.
    | However, perhaps that function is built into the computer
    | and some glitch triggered it.
    | Doug

    Hmmm...could be possible. Since the vehicle did what it did strongly
    suggests that the module that makes that happen exists (even though you
    haven't the option/method to activate it). As you point out...something
    must have triggered it though...power surge, loose wire, garage door opener,
    who knows what? I'd tell the dealer about it..maybe there is a TSB on it.
    James C. Reeves, Nov 26, 2003
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