
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Even Stephen, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. Even Stephen

    Even Stephen Guest

    I might buy one more PT Cruiser soon and I wonder what happens to the
    extended warranty if Chrysler goes "belly-up"?
    Even Stephen, Feb 21, 2009
  2. If they go Chapter 11 they won't have to honor the warranty unless they
    want to,or the courts order them to. I would guess that under chapter 11
    they would still honor their warranties as long as they could, if they
    didn't they would have no chance of recovering. If they go chapter 7 then
    there would be no company to honor the warranty. Third party warranties
    are another matter, if you were to buy a third party warranty then it
    would be honored as long as that company didn't go bankrupt.
    General Schvantzkoph, Feb 21, 2009
  3. Even Stephen

    C-BODY Guest

    It could be that all of the extended warranty money would go into a
    dedicated account for such things rather than into a general operating
    fund if it was a Genuine Chrysler LLC extended warranty. I suspect this
    would be considered a contractual obligation that could be enforced no
    matter what.

    In the case of an aftermarket extended warranty, you can get hung out
    for any repairs until the company decides to pay what they want to of
    the claim you might submit.

    According to the document filed with the Treasury, Chrysler has the
    lowest warranty claims/vehicle in the US auto industry. Might not need
    very much of the extended warranty, hopefully.

    Just some thoughts,

    C-BODY, Feb 22, 2009
  4. Not sure how they are now, but my 1994 Dodge had no big problems until
    it was well past the warranty date.
    David E. Powell, Feb 23, 2009
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