Want to replace carpet padding with ... ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Gene, Aug 5, 2007.

  1. Gene

    Gene Guest

    Problem: car had a musty odor because the factory carpet rubber
    backing between the carpet and Jute padding cracked and let water
    migrate into the Jute padding. The pulled Jute padding was like placing a
    piece of padding into a Zip-Lock bag and permanently sealing it. The odor
    was REALLY bad.

    My only solution was to completely remove the entire carpet from the car.
    Not a fun job, so I want to do it right when I replace it into the car.

    My goal is to re-seal the rubber cracks, then replace the padding with
    something that is heat resistant, sound proofing, and will not absorb and
    retain water as the Jute does. Something synthetic that will not mold, etc.

    I would install a new carpet, but they all have the Jute padding - so I
    just be back where I am now - in a short time. I need to do a custom job.
    My old carpet is in great shape, looks new - it only need new padding.

    Here is the plan: find a material with a foil backing, made from 100%
    material, that is suitable for the high heat floor pan. Something that will
    like padding, reflect heat, reflect sound, and not deteriorate with heat.

    I have no problem cutting and gluing multiple layers of the selected

    QUESTION: what product do I use, and where do I go to get it?


    Here are some links I found:

    Thermal/ acoustic insulation:

    This one looks good on paper.
    Claims to be mold and mildew proof ?
    Approximately 3/8" thick
    Weight (approximate) 3.3-oz/sq.ft.
    Acoustical NCR of .63
    Tear strength of 125 lbs.
    Mold and mildew proof
    Needle punched synthetic fiber
    Fire Retardant
    Reflects 97% of infrared energy
    Insulation "R" factor of 18.3

    This one looks interesting:
    Made from coarse denier non-woven polyester fiber.
    Gene, Aug 5, 2007
  2. Gene

    Nza Guest

    was going to suggest Dynamat:


    But that one you linked to in the ebay auction is much thicker.
    The only advantage to the Dynamat, I would imagine, is the self-
    adhesive nature of it.. however, they don't mention how difficult it
    is to remove the stuff, should you need to in the future.
    Nza, Aug 6, 2007
  3. Gene

    sdlomi2 Guest

    How about roofing felt--the black stuff that comes in rolls and
    different thicknesses & goes on roof-sheeting and under the shingles?. They
    get HOT! Cheap, too. s
    sdlomi2, Aug 7, 2007
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