VW, Daimler Chrysler, Daewoo working on aircooled engine

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Comments4u®, Sep 13, 2003.

  1. Comments4u®

    Comments4u® Guest

    VW, Daimler Chrysler, Daewoo working on aircooled engine

    With the end of production of the aircooled Beetle in
    Mexico earlier this year, some consider the aircooled
    era over. However, VW is exploring production of a
    modern aircooled design. VW established itself as the
    leader of the Air Cooled Development Conference (ACDC),
    an association of vehicle makers pursuing development
    of traditionally marginalized engine designs.

    As a long time leader in aircooled engines, VW is
    hoping to cash in on its expertice. Other members
    of ACDC bring varying but related skills to the table.

    Daewoo has experience with selling in developing
    countries, and manufacturing with a low skilled work
    force. Daimler-Chrysler's Mercedes unit has long
    experience with diesel engines, pertinent because the
    proposal is for an air cooled diesel.

    To this end, Roger Penske's Detroit Diesel has recently
    joined the Conference. When part of GM (Detroit Diesel
    Allison) it built supercharged two cycle diesels for
    trucks and buses.

    The target market is developing countries in tropical
    climates. Undeveloped transportation infrastructure
    in such countries makes the torque of a two cycle
    ideal. A diesel is preferable because of economy.

    The issues that make aircooled engines obsolete in
    most countries don't apply. Its difficult to make
    aircooled engines comply with modern emissions laws,
    due to the inability to regulate engine temperature
    closely. The extra noise is also an issue. And
    diesels have the additional problem of particulate

    ACDC's bauxite lattice catalyst, currently under
    development, might give the engine a chance at meeting
    North American emissions standards. "With consistently
    higher fuel prices", said VW ACDC liason engineer
    Helmich S. Mog, "we might want to sell it in North
    America. Wouldn't a 2006 New Beetle with this engine
    be great for the 70th anniversary of the original

    But, for now, developing countries without pollution
    standards are the intended market. "They don't care
    about pollution, they don't care about noise, and they
    sure don't need heaters that actually heat in places
    like New Guinea", said Mercedes spokesman Heinreich
    Tungensheek. "Two cycle air cooled diesels are a
    perfect match for the market."

    Activist Ralph Nader attacked the plan calling it
    "polluting for profit". But Robert Eaton, formerly of
    Chrysler, said Nader is only half right. "They may
    pollute, but with Mercedes involved, they won't make
    any profit."
    Comments4u®, Sep 13, 2003
  2. Eaton is only half right. If Chrysler were also involved Mercedes would be
    unprofitable correcting the quality and design issues Chrysler would ignore
    in pursuit of short-term gains.

    Dr Deming said it right: Cut Waste Not Cost. In the case of Chrysler the
    biggest "waste" has already been cut: Bob Eaton!
    Gerald G. McGeorge, Sep 13, 2003
  3. This apparently doesn't exist. It is extremely likely that
    this entire article is a work of fiction.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Sep 14, 2003
  4. Comments4u®

    Huw Guest

    You've GOT to be kidding?

    Huw, Sep 14, 2003
  5. Yeah, I should have also added "be suspicious of anyone that uses a symbol
    in their handle"

    Quite obviously, comments-screw-you got a big jilly-jim-jolly out of his
    last mini cooper
    spew. He probably still thinks about how suck-successful it was as he sits
    back and plays
    with himself . I figured this time around that someone better nip it
    in the bud before it got out of hand.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Sep 15, 2003
  6. Comments4u®

    brad9876 Guest

    Which still doesn't change that "extremely likely" says you weren't
    completely with the program... myself, I enjoyed the article.

    VW sure has some wierd engineering, which is why the whole thing might
    have been somewhat believable to you.
    brad9876, Sep 17, 2003
  7. Comments4u®

    Oldbie Guest

    It's really hard to take seriously any article or post on air-cooled diesels that does not contain
    the word "Deutz".
    Oldbie, Sep 23, 2003
  8. Comments4u®

    Mcgraw17 Guest

    anybody drove a dodge viper?
    Mcgraw17, Oct 3, 2003
  9. Comments4u®

    Slapps Guest

    Same used DEUTZ engines
    Slapps, Oct 28, 2003
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