I could use a bit of diagnostic help please. I have a Plymouth Voyager Van, 1993 4 cyl 2.5L, 145000 miles, 3 speed automatic. On a recent trip of 750 interstate miles, at about 500 miles I noticed what I thought was an intermittent light miss with an occasionally more significant one. I tried, but could find nothing causing this although I left the possibility of water in the gas as a possibility or some electrical thing I couldn't detect. I turned around on the next day as the condition didn't clear up and strangely, after about 250 miles the problem disappeared and I had not one incident in the next 500 miles. After a couple of days of normal driving at home I again felt the miss, but now it felt more like a mechanical problem. I even thought I was making some progress when I found that I could make it do the bigger "miss" by trying to accelerate faster than my normal driving habits. It's more of a jar then would be caused by a miss IMO. I've just taken an inspection of the CV joints, the boots are intact but I could detect a bit of up and down play at the inner joint but I have no reference as to what is "normal/acceptable". It also seems to me that to do this correctly the weight should be on the wheels though my reference does not indicate one way or the other. What is the correct way to check and what's normal for CV joints? Am I on the right track or should I be looking somewhere else? Thanks for any help. [email][/email]