Video Cameras - A badly needed option

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Jul 20, 2004.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    Nomen Nescio Guest

    You read right. Not DVD players, but DVD recorders coupled to cameras fore
    and aft.

    The police have them forward as we have all seen the world's worst drivers
    on Spike TV.

    I want the factory option to have one camera facing forward and one
    backward with wide angle lenses. Imaged to a split screen and running all
    the time the engine is running. Making this a factory option will lower
    the cost from thousands to maybe hundreds of dollars on a new car.

    It would be money well spent. Good defense against short-cycled yellows
    on red light signals built free in revenue sharing programs by
    Lockheed-Martin. Just take your DVD into court and show the judge the
    trap. Also good defense in all kinds of tickets and accidents when you are
    not at fault. In case you're at fault, you can hit the "erase last 15
    minutes" button, so you don't incriminate yourself. It will make for a
    wonderful entertaining hobby nailing those reckless SUV drivers who race up
    behind you and swerve around you and speed off. Since the cameras will
    record your speed and time, you can just turn over your DVD to the cops and
    have a field day in court testifying against those SUVs and Pickup Truck
    bastards who just ain't got no respect.

    How about it, D-C? Put your best Krauts on this job and build in some real
    driver protection against bad traffic lights, mistaken police officers,
    lousy drivers and just plain bullshit we have to tolerate day in and day
    out. D-C, I know you're reading this newsgroup, so how about some action
    on this multi-million dollar idea?
    Nomen Nescio, Jul 20, 2004
  2. Nomen Nescio

    Peter Guest

    Well Volvo has already started to address some of what you have mentioned
    although for different reasons (see below).
    To address those problems, Volvo has installed a television screen in the
    middle of the dashboard of the Concept Car, which was shown in San Francisco
    last week. The screen displays a wide rear view and also provides maps and
    driving directions. When the driver signals to make a turn or sets the car
    in reverse, cameras built into the door mirror and the third brake light
    turn on automatically. The driver can then see what's going on behind him by
    glancing down at the 4-by-8-inch screen rather than turning around. Should
    the kiddies in the back seat be in the process of making trouble -- like
    removing their seatbelts when the car is in motion -- the driver can nip
    mischief in the bud because there's a camera trained on them as well.
    The car also has a sensor that finds the whites of the driver's eyes,
    information from which the car's computer system uses in order to
    automatically adjust the seat for optimal vision, as well as the steering
    wheel, floor and pedals for optimal ergonomic comfort. The computer can save
    that information about different drivers so that they are instantly
    accommodated whenever they take the driver's seat in the car.
    Peter, Jul 21, 2004
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