Vehicle Safety Inspection Procedure

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    Nomen Nescio Guest

    (1) Prior to beginning inspection, a visual check of the vehicle shall be
    made to determine that ice and snow accumulation or the condition of the
    suspension system will not impede or interfere with the proper aiming of
    headlamps, or that any space saver temporary spare tire is mounted on any
    axle. The inspector may refuse to inspect the vehicle if it is determined
    by the inspector that the vehicle is unsafe for operation on the
    dynamometer or for any aspect of the Safety or Safety and Emissions

    (a) The Certificate of Registration shall be inspected and the information
    contained thereon, including license plate, vehicle description, and
    vehicle identification number, shall be verified by observation of the
    subject vehicle. The information contained on the Certificate of
    Registration shall also be matched with the vehicle information accessible
    to the workstation. The data appearing on the Registration Certificate, the
    data accessible on the Workstation, the data appearing on the vehicle
    license plate, and the vehicle identification number and description must
    match in order for the inspection to proceed. No fee shall be assessed for
    an inspection which does not proceed due to a data match failure.(b) A
    Vehicle Identification Number Correction Form must be given to the operator
    of any vehicle refused for inspection due to an incorrect vehicle
    identification or registration number.(c) No certificate of registration
    need be produced for a vehicle having a general registration issued in
    accordance with the provisions of M.G.L. c. 90, §5. Either a photocopy of
    the original certificate of registration or the original certificate of
    registration may be produced for all other motor vehicles.

    (d) A licensed inspector may refuse to conduct an inspection if the motor
    vehicle’s registration is determined to be invalid.

    (2) Inspection of the vehicle. All inspections must be performed in
    accordance with the applicable provisions of 540 CMR 4.00 and 310 CMR 60.02
    by licensed inspectors in the approved inspection bay only.

    (a) Inspectors must first collect the proper fee for the inspection.

    (b) License plate(s), shall be undamaged, securely mounted, clean and
    clearly visible. No bumper, trailer hitch or other accessory may interfere
    with a clear view of the license plates. The license plate must be mounted
    in the proper location on the rear of the vehicle if the vehicle has been
    issued one plate. Both license plates must be mounted in the proper
    location on the rear and front of the vehicle, if the vehicle has been
    issued two plates. Any decorative license plate or license plate replica
    not issued by the Registry of Motor Vehicles on which the word
    "Massachusetts" appears must be removed from the vehicle.(c) General
    Registration Holders, every motor vehicle in possession of a general
    registration shall be checked for the proper display of the compliance
    decal issued pursuant to 540 CMR 18.03. The Vehicle Identification Number
    (V.I.N.) and Registration Number indicated on the decal shall correspond
    with such numbers as observed by the inspector on the vehicle inspected.
    This requirement does not apply to motor vehicles owned and registered by a
    dealer.(d) Upon the successful completion of the inspection and a
    determination by the inspector that the vehicle meets all inspection
    requirements, the inspector shall remove the old Certificate of Inspection
    from the windshield, trailer, semi-trailer or converter dolly and affix the
    new Certificate of Inspection.

    (e) A vehicle which is determined not to meet all inspection requirements
    shall be issued a Certificate of Rejection.

    (3) Perform Emissions Testing Requirements and Procedures:

    (a) Exemptions. The following motor vehicles are exempt from emissions

    1. Any motor vehicle with a model year earlier than 1984.2. Any motor
    vehicle for up to 24 months from the date of registration after sale or
    lease to the original purchaser 3. Tactical military vehicles;

    4. Any vehicle exempted pursuant to 310 CMR 60.02(3)(b) and in accordance
    with M.G.L. c. 111, §142M.

    (b) Conformance with Environmental Standards. All Emissions Inspections
    shall be performed in accordance with the applicable provisions of 310 CMR
    60.02 and 540 CMR 4.00, and any written policies or procedures provided by
    the Registrar or the Commissioner.

    (4) Brakes. (Non Commercial Vehicles)

    (a) The inspector may operate the vehicle in the inspection bay and test
    the parking and service brake. The parking brake on all vehicles will be
    tested by accelerating the motor to approximately 1,200 to 1,300 RPMs with
    the vehicle in the lowest forward gear against the brake in the applied
    position. The vehicle will be rejected if the parking brake will not hold.
    The service brakes will be tested at a speed of between four and eight MPH.
    Service brakes must be reasonably equalized so that the vehicle does not
    pull noticeably to either side when applied. A test with the brake meter
    shall be made at a speed of 15 to 25 MPH in all questionable cases.

    (b) Brakes shall be adequate to stop the vehicle from a speed of 20 MPH in
    not more than the following distances:

    Service (foot) Brake
    Pleasure Vehicles
    30 feet
    Trucks and Buses
    40 feet
    Parking (hand) Brake

    All Vehicles
    80 feet

    1. Computerized Plate Brake Testing, if available, may be conducted, at the
    option of both the inspector and the customer, to determine the safety of
    the braking systems. If such testing is used, the following pass/fail
    criteria, cut points, and other written supplementary specifications issued
    by the Registrar shall be used:

    Criteria Cut Point

    Deceleration Service Brake: 50% MinimumDeceleration Parking Brake: 25%
    MinimumImbalance Left to Right Front Axle: 25% MaximumImbalance Left to
    Right Rear Axle: 25% Maximum

    Imbalance Front to Rear Axle: 60% Minimum Braking

    Efficiency; 5% minimum of total brake force must be generated by the rear

    (c) Additional Requirements For Types of Brake Systems:

    1. Hydraulic Brake Systems. While the vehicle is stopped, apply
    approximately 125 pounds foot-force to the brake pedal and hold for ten
    seconds. Reject the vehicle if the brake pedal height cannot be maintained
    or if less than 20% of the total available brake pedal travel remains or if
    the brake failure warning light on vehicles so equipped illuminates.

    2. Power Brake Systems. Stop the vehicle engine and depress the brake pedal
    several times to eliminate all vacuum in the system. Depress pedal with a
    light force, approximately 25 pounds foot-force and while maintaining this
    force on pedal, start the vehicle engine and observe if pedal moves
    slightly with engine running. The vehicle will be rejected if the pedal
    does not move slightly as the engine is started while pressure on the brake
    pedal is maintained. During the inspection of the vehicle, the condition of
    visible hydraulic components should be checked. The vehicle shall be
    rejected if evidence of fluid leaks or chafing, cracking, swelling,
    restriction or other damage exists on hydraulic tubing or hoses or if they
    are not securely fastened or improperly retained.

    (5) Muffler and Exhaust System. Accelerate motor to test for prevention of
    unnecessary noise and emission of any unreasonable amount of smoke. The
    exhaust system, exhaust manifold(s), exhaust pipe(s), muffler(s), and
    tailpipe(s), if designed to be so equipped, shall be tight and free of
    leaks. System components shall be securely fastened with fasteners in place
    and undamaged. All motor vehicle exhaust systems shall discharge the
    exhaust beyond operator, passenger, and/or trunk compartment. Unnecessary
    noise is herein defined as any noise which is louder than that emitted by
    the vehicle when equipped with the original manufacturer's equipment. A gas
    or diesel vehicle will be rejected if, at normal operating temperature, at
    any constant speed over 15 MPH, (approximately 1,000 to 1,200 RPM's)
    visible black or blue exhaust emissions are evident.

    (6) Steering and Suspension.

    (a) Check for free steering by turning the steering wheel through a full
    right and left turn. Reject a vehicle if binding or interference occurs
    during the procedure. With the front wheels in the straight ahead position
    (and the engine running on vehicles equipped with power steering) measure
    lash or lost movement at the steering wheel rim.

    (b) Lash or lost movement on passenger cars and station wagons, as measured
    at the steering wheel rim, should not exceed two inches if the vehicle is
    equipped with manual steering. Lash or lost movement on antique motor
    vehicles will be measured by steering wheel diameter in accordance with the
    following schedule:

    Steering Wheel Diameter
    Lash (shall not exceed)

    16" 2"
    18" 2 1/4"
    20" 2 1/2"
    22" 2 3/4"
    Antique Motor Vehicles Over 1/8 turn

    (c) The front end (both sides) of all vehicles will be raised by jacking or
    hoisting and visually examined. Vehicles equipped with ball joints will be
    raised and checked in accordance with the applicable instructions and
    specifications periodically provided by the Registrar.

    (d) Reject a vehicle with excessive wear or play in any part of the
    steering mechanism or of the vehicle that would affect proper steering.

    (e) Reject a vehicle with broken, bent or missing shock absorbers or
    suspension springs.

    (7) Horn. Sound horn to test for adequate signal. The horn must be securely
    fastened to the vehicle.

    (8) Glazing and Windshield Wiper(s).

    (a) Windshield Critical Viewing Area is the area covered by the sweep of
    the wiper(s) exclusive of the outer two inches within the perimeter of the
    wiper(s) sweep, provided by the vehicle manufacturer.

    (b) Windshields having any of the following defects will be rejected

    1. Any broken glass with sharp or jagged edges inside or outside.

    2. Any stone bruise, star break, or bulls eye, damage in excess of 1 inch
    in diameter within the critical viewing area or larger than 2 inches
    outside the critical viewing area, or multiple such damage.

    3. Single line cracks which extend more than three inches into the critical
    viewing area.

    4. Multiple cracks, having one or more which extends into the critical
    viewing area.

    5. Wiper scrape(s) in excess of 1/4 inch wide within the critical viewing

    6. Clouding extending more than three inches within the perimeter of the
    exposed glass.

    7. No poster, sticker decal or any other item shall be attached to the
    windshield in such a manner so as to obstruct the vision of the operator.

    8. Any tinting or reflective material applied by brush, spray, or adhesive
    which is below the uppermost six inches of the windshield or which may
    encroach upon the driver's direct forward viewing area. (All such tinting
    provided by the original manufacturer in compliance with applicable Federal
    Motor Vehicle Safety Standards is acceptable.)

    (c) Rear Windows. Rear windows must allow an unobstructed view to the rear,
    unless the vehicle is equipped with two outside rear view mirrors.

    (d) Windshield Wiper(s). Test for proper operation. If the vehicle was
    equipped with two wipers, as furnished by the manufacturer, both must be
    maintained in good working order. Wiper blades must properly contact the
    windshield and, be of the same length as those furnished as original
    equipment. The rubber elements shall be free from damage or tears.

    (e) Windshield Cleaner. If the vehicle was equipped with windshield cleaner
    equipment as furnished by the manufacturer, units must be maintained in
    good working order.

    (f) Window Tinting. Aftermarket tinting or alterations that do not change
    the transparency beyond that of the standards set forth in 49 Code of
    Federal Regulations Part 571.205 is acceptable on windows immediately
    adjacent to the operator and front passenger seat and the windows
    immediately to the rear of the operator and front passenger seat. The rear
    window may also be so tinted provided the vehicle is equipped with two
    outside rear view mirrors. The windshield may only be tinted down to the
    AS-1 line usually located in the uppermost six inches of the windshield.
    540 CMR 4.04(8)(f) shall not apply to the following:

    1. All window tinting as provided by the original manufacturer that is in
    compliance with applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.

    2. Authorized vehicles used to transport K-9 teams.

    3. Vehicles registered out-of-state.

    4. Vehicles for which a medical exemption has been issued by the Registry
    of Motor Vehicles.

    5. All windows to the rear of the operator's seat on vehicles used for
    public livery, except taxicabs.

    (9) Lighting Devices.

    (a) Tail Lights. Every motor vehicle, except a two wheeled motorcycle, an
    antique motor car, and a farm tractor, shall be equipped with two red
    lights (tail lamps) mounted one at each side of the rear of the vehicle so
    as to show two red lights from behind and equipped with two stop lights
    (stop lamps) mounted and displayed in a like manner. A single lamp may
    combine both of the above functions. Every motor vehicle shall be equipped
    with a white light so arranged as to illuminate the rear number plate so
    that it is plainly visible at 60 feet.

    (b) Directional. Front and rear directional signals will be operable on
    every vehicle originally equipped with such signals. Every motor vehicle
    registered in the Commonwealth, which was manufactured for the model year
    1967 and for subsequent model years, shall be equipped with a device to
    permit the front and rear directional signals to flash simultaneously.

    (c) Headlamps. Headlamp aim shall be checked in accordance with the
    specifications as most recently provided by the Registrar.

    (d) Lighting Devices and Reflectors. All lighting devices and reflectors
    required by applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards or part 393.
    of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations for all commercial motor
    vehicles when the particular vehicle was originally manufactured and such
    devices required by Massachusetts General Law or Rules and Regulations
    applicable to the particular vehicle inspected shall be securely attached
    to the vehicle and capable of performing their design functions. Lenses
    must be intact, clean, unobstructed, and free from cracks.

    (10)(a) Tires. A certificate of rejection shall be issued to any vehicle
    submitted for inspection with a tire mounted which exhibits any of the
    following conditions:

    1) Fabric break or cut in excess of one inch; bump or knot evidencing
    deterioration of the tire structure; or any ply or cord structure visible.

    2) For tires without tread wear indicators: Measurement taken with tread
    depth gauge reveals that 2/32 inch or less of tread depth is present in any
    re-cut, regrooved, sized or original tread groove.

    3) For tires with tread depth indicators: Tire is worn so that any tread
    wear indicator contacts the road.

    4) Studded tires between May 1 and November 1 unless approved by the

    5) Restricted markings indicating usage limited to any condition other than
    permanent highway use.

    6) Radial ply tire(s) on the same axle with non radial tire(s); Radial
    tire(s) on the front axle with non-radial tire(s) on the rear axle
    (Exception: Vehicles equipped with dual rear wheels may have radial and non
    radial tires on any axle provided they are not intermixed on the same

    (b) Wheels, wheel bolts, nuts or lugs. A certificate of rejection shall be
    issued to any vehicle submitted for inspection which exhibits any of the
    following conditions:

    1) Any part of any mounted wheel is bent, cracked, rewelded, damaged or has
    elongated bolt holes which may affect safe operation of the vehicle.

    2) Wheel bolts, nuts, studs or lugs are loose, missing, damaged or are not
    compatible for use with wheel design.

    (11) Bumpers, Fenders, External Sheet Metal and Fuel Tank A Certificate of
    Rejection shall be issued if any of the following conditions are evident:

    (a) Bumpers. Broken or bent bumpers, fenders, exterior sheet metal or
    moldings, having sharp edges or abnormal protrusions extending beyond
    normal vehicle extremities so as to constitute a danger to pedestrians and
    other motor vehicle traffic. If bumper face plates are removed, bumper
    brackets must also be removed. The vehicle hood, door(s), luggage
    compartment lid, and battery or engine compartment doors or lids, if so
    equipped, must be capable of being firmly latched.

    (b) Fenders. Front and rear fenders must be in place. Every passenger motor
    vehicle which is equipped with tires which extend beyond the fenders or
    body of such vehicle shall be equipped with flaps or suitable guards to
    reduce such spray or splash to the rear and side.

    (c) Floor Pans. Holes or cracks, due to rust or otherwise, in the floor
    pans or other body panels which would permit the passage of exhaust gases
    into the passenger or trunk compartments.

    (d) Fuel Tanks. Fuel tanks which are not securely attached to the vehicles
    body or chassis, or that are leaking.

    (12) Altered Vehicle Heights. The original manufacturers specified height
    of motor vehicles with an original manufacturer's gross vehicle weight
    rating of 10,000 pounds or less shall not be altered by elevating or
    lowering the chassis or body by more than two inches, except that 4-wheel
    drive motor vehicles with a original manufacturer's gross vehicle weight
    rating of 10,000 pounds or less may be altered in accordance with the
    provisions of 540 CMR 6.00. The Registrar may periodically provide approved
    altered vehicle height specifications for said 4-wheel drive vehicles. Any
    motor vehicle altered, modified, or changed beyond the aforementioned two
    inches, or the Registrar's approved altered height specifications, shall be

    (13) Safety Belts, lap belts and shoulder restraints: originally installed
    in motor vehicles manufactured after July 1, 1966 shall be inspected to
    assure that all are maintained in good order. It shall be the
    responsibility of the motorist that the safety belts are readily accessible
    for inspection.

    (14) Air Bags: Vehicles so equipped must comply with 49 Code of Federal
    Regulations, Parts 571 through 595.

    (15) Fuel Tank Cap Visual Check The vehicle shall fail the gas cap visual
    check if the cap is missing, defective, or does not properly fit the
    Nomen Nescio, Apr 27, 2005
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