US auto manufacturing figures.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim Whall, Oct 1, 2004.

  1. Jim Whall

    Jim Whall Guest

    I am trying to figure out US auto manufacturing capacity, whether the
    US can build less cars than it used to, or more with less workers.
    (This is just on a lark, I'm not fishing for a research paper here). I
    went on the Web but I couldn't find any figures. Does anyone know
    where I can look? I remember as a kid driving with my parents in SE
    Michigan going by a giant sign that had current production for US cars
    (way cool) but I can't find anything now.


    Jim Whall, Oct 1, 2004
  2. Jim Whall

    Geoff Guest

    If you're willing to pay for the information, you can get it from the
    Automotive News newspaper. I believe it is available on their

    A typical year's production for North America is roughly 16-17 million
    units, cars and light trucks combined. I'm pretty sure they can build
    significantly more than that, there is some overcapacity in the industry
    which it continually tries to reduce, since it costs money to have. I
    don't know if that figure includes the foreign transplants off the top
    of my head, or if it's just the traditional domestic brands.

    The sign you're speaking of used to be at the intersection of I-94 and
    I-75 near downtown Detroit. I drive right under it every day, but not
    where it's possible to view it. It still flashes numbers, but I don't
    think they're of automotive production any more. (It might be a
    casino ad now--someone will correct me if I'm wrong.)

    Geoff, Oct 1, 2004
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