UAW softens attitude about cuts in Detroit

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mike, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    At Ford, restructuring now Job 1
    When he stepped down this month as Ford Motor Co.'s president and chief
    executive, Bill Ford Jr. acknowledged the ailing, 103-year-old
    automaker must reinvent itself to survive in an increasingly
    competitive industry.

    UAW softens attitude about cuts in Detroit
    The Ford Motor Co's latest round of cuts is another serious blow to
    organized labor, costing the United Auto Workers as many as 40,000
    active members and millions of dollars in lost dues.
    Mike, Sep 18, 2006
  2. Mike

    DeserTBoB Guest

    The problem with these links is that they lead to that Moonie bird
    cage liner of spin and lies, the Washington Times. Take nothing in
    these articles seriously, as the "Moonie rag" basically shills to
    corporate and right wing Republican interests for income. If any
    doubt, listen to their fatass blowhard op-ed editor, Tony Blankley, on
    McLaughlin sometime. The guy's a fruitcake. For example:

    Blankley: "President Bush's approval will bounce around from 45% to
    50% through his second term."

    Reality: Latest Bush approval figures: 36%, hasn't been above 43% in
    any major credible national poll in much over a year.

    Blankley: "I'm going to start helping out with the Santorum (R-PA)
    campaign in Pennsylvanier (sic). We're down by 20 pernts (sic) now,
    but by the end of summah (sic) we'll be in good shape."

    Reality: Santorum's still in the toilet, down by double digits and is
    favored to lose to Casey. At the time he made the above paraphrased
    statement, Santorum was down by 23% in statewide polls.

    Blankley: "Hezbuller and Syrier (sic) will violate the cease fyuh
    (sic) and war will break out in Lebanon requiring US intervention."

    Reality" The cease fire is holding, foiling neocon efforts to provide
    and excuse for further Bush "adventures" in the Middle East.

    Of all the panelists on The McLaughlin Group, the granddaddy of all
    pundit shows, Blankley's "predictions" have proven to be, by far, the
    most inaccurate and are mostly spin. It should also be pointed out
    that Blankley has very close ties to Karl Rove...surprise!
    DeserTBoB, Sep 18, 2006
  3. As oppossed to the Washington Post which is a shill for the
    Democratic party?
    The very credible Rasmussen Reports has him over 40%
    The Zogby poll (is that respectable enough for you?) begs to differ
    with your statement. The race is a statistical dead heat now.
    Peter A. Stavrakoglou, Sep 18, 2006
  4. Mike

    DeserTBoB Guest

    No. Zogby, like Fox/OD, is continually spun to the right, sometimes
    alarmingly so..
    Funny...Quinnipiac and other more respectable polls don't.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 18, 2006
  5. So only those spun to the left are acceptable? I see where you're
    coming from.
    Peter A. Stavrakoglou, Sep 18, 2006
  6. Mike

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Another scared-to-death right wing lunatic in the kill file grinder.

    DeserTBoB, Sep 19, 2006
  7. Mike

    Bill Putney Guest

    Damn! I was just getting ready to tell you to "watch out or he'll kill
    file you!!", but the psycho beat me to it. LOL! Looks like all you
    gotta do is disagree with him twice and he pretends to ban you to
    Siberia (but he continues to watch). People like him only help
    conservatives come election time.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 19, 2006
  8. And God bless him for that!
    Peter A. Stavrakoglou, Sep 19, 2006
  9. Mike

    Bill Putney Guest

    I guess that makes him a useful idiot. Without us, he'd just be an idiot.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 19, 2006
  10. Mike

    Mike Guest

    I'm the original poster.
    Why would a liberal Democrat buy a car if she/he is anti-business and
    anti-capitalism? Aren't liberals supposed to make less than the minimum
    wages because they're guilty? they can use public transport...
    Mike, Sep 20, 2006
  11. Mike

    DeserTBoB Guest

    "Guilty??" Of what?
    DeserTBoB, Sep 20, 2006
  12. Bad judgment.
    Peter A. Stavrakoglou, Sep 20, 2006
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