UAW, Big Three contract talks this year will be 'pattern breaking,' analyst says

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim Higgins, Feb 20, 2007.

  1. Jim Higgins

    Jim Higgins Guest

    UAW, Big Three contract talks this year will be 'pattern breaking,' analyst

    The United Auto Workers likely will be forced to give more concessions,
    accept more layoffs and take more responsibility for pension and retiree
    costs, according to Sean McAlinden, a top auto industry analyst said at an
    industry conference in Ypsilanti today.

    The UAW faces radical changes in this year's contract talks with the Big
    Three, because of the domestic automakers' declining market share, its own
    aging workforce and other factors, according to McAlinden. The analyst is
    vice president of research at the Center for Automotive Research, which is
    hosting today's seminar for about 150 industry members.

    "The pillars of the UAW are under heavy attack by globalization," McAlinden
    said. "The value of the product they build is lower. That means the value of
    their labor is lower."

    The UAW has seen itself in past negotiations as defining the middle-class
    standard of living, and that stance is weakened, McAlinden said. This year's
    bargaining, he said, will be defined by concession -- particularly in
    lifting the burden of health care costs from the auto makers.

    The threat of a general strike is less likely, the analyst said, because the
    union lacks to clout to call one. Given the cataclysmic financial and
    product issues faced by the Big Three, the workers are no longer in a
    position to set the tone of the talks.

    McAlinden said this year's negotiations will be "pattern-breaking." He
    predicted that GM, Ford and Chrysler will continue restructuring and likely
    announce more reductions in their hourly workforce.

    "Benefits and pensions will dominate the discussions," he said.
    Jim Higgins, Feb 20, 2007
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