U.S. auto industry closing great divide in quality, wages

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Michel, Nov 25, 2008.

  1. Michel

    Michel Guest

    U.S. auto industry closing great divide in quality, wages


    U.S. auto industry closing great divide in quality, wages David M.
    Dickson (Contact) U.S. automakers have made major progress in recent
    years closing both the labor-cost gap and the quality gap with foreign
    companies manufacturing autos in the United States.

    "Conditions are in place for the wages and benefits of workers at
    Detroit automakers to be lower in several years than the U.S. wages
    and benefits paid by international manufacturers," such as Toyota and
    Honda, said David Cole, chairman of the Center for Automotive Research
    (CAR) based in Ann Arbor, Mich., which receives a portion of its
    funding from Detroit auto firms and Toyota.

    "This is a huge change," Mr. Cole emphasized.

    The new labor contracts that the United Auto Workers (UAW) union
    signed with the Big Three last fall "really brought the UAW much
    closer to parity with Japanese transplants," said Aaron Bragman, an
    auto analyst at IHS Global Insight.

    Meanwhile, Detroit automakers have been making "leaps and bounds" of
    progress on quality in recent years, which "are now manifesting
    themselves in three-year dependability surveys," said Neal Oddes, an
    auto analyst for J.D. Power and Associates.

    Before contract negotiations between the UAW and General Motors
    commenced last year, UAW workers earned between $70 and $75 per hour
    in wages and benefits, Mr. Cole said. International firms paid their
    nonunion workers about $45 per hour in wages and benefits. The hourly
    cost differential was between $25 and $30.

    Once the historic provisions of last year's four-year labor contract
    are fully implemented, the Big Three eventually will be paying their
    unionized workers an average of $40 to $45 per hour in wages and
    benefits, Mr. Cole told The Washington Times in an interview. That
    range is as low or lower than the wage-and-benefit package earned by
    workers at Toyota and Honda plants, he said.

    "The gap in labor costs that had previously existed between Detroit-
    based auto companies and the foreign transplant operations will be
    largely or completely eliminated by the end of the contract," UAW
    President Ron Gettelfinger told the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban
    Affairs Committee on Tuesday.

    Before the same committee, Peter Morici, business professor at the
    University of Maryland, argued that the concessions were still not
    enough to make Detroit competitive. "Today, the Detroit Three, though
    improved in productivity and with lower labor costs thanks to
    concessions from the United Auto Workers, are still not as competitive
    as the Japanese transplants," he said.

    The UAW had big incentives to make the concessions it did. "Over the
    years, the union had won many battles, but it realized last year it
    was on the verge of losing the war," said Gary N. Chaison, a professor
    of industrial relations at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. That's
    why the UAW agreed to so many concessions during 2007 contract
    negotiations, he explained.

    To "substantially" close the labor-cost gap, "the UAW made incredible
    efforts to address legacy costs" in health care and pensions
    associated with its older and retired workers, said Hal Stack, the
    director of the Labor Studies Center at Wayne State University in

    The biggest changes in the UAW contract involve the creation of a
    company-funded and UAW-managed trust fund to pay for retiree health
    care; less-generous health care and pension plans for new workers
    hired by Detroit automakers; and a two-tiered wage structure.

    New hires performing non-core, non-assembly work at the Big Three will
    be paid a wage that starts at $14 per hour, which is half the $28 that
    existing non-core employees earn. Transplants, which pay about $27 per
    hour, "deliberately set wages high enough to make it unattractive for
    workers to join a union," Mr. Stack said.

    GM has estimated that about 70 percent of its current workers will be
    eligible for retirement before the four-year contract expires. Many
    buyouts and retirements of UAW workers will lead to a new wave of
    people earning the lower wage and receiving considerably less-generous
    pension and health care benefits, Mr. Bragman of IHS Global Insight

    Mr. Cole of CAR estimates that GM will eventually have a third of its
    work force earning the lower wage and receiving reduced benefits.

    The new workers earning the lower-tier wage "will receive a totally
    different benefit plan that eliminates defined-benefit pensions as
    well as the companies' liability for future retiree health care," a
    recent CAR study reported. Non-core workers who transfer into "core"
    positions will still retain the second-tier benefits package.

    Through a so-called Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA),
    the UAW will take over responsibility for paying health benefits to
    retirees in 2010. This will remove a $47 billion liability from the
    balance sheet of GM, which is required to contribute nearly $32
    billion to the VEBA, including $16 billion from an existing health
    care trust and additional payments over the years.

    One reason GM, Ford and Chrysler need a bridge loan from the federal
    government is to finance their 2009 and 2010 scheduled payments to
    VEBA, said Mr. Bragman, who noted that $25 billion may not be enough,
    considering the cash drain from operations.

    "Once the automakers get those legacy health care costs off their
    balance sheets, they will be in much better shape," Mr. Bragman added.
    "They have become much more innovative, and there is a night-and-day
    difference from five to 10 years ago."

    "American brands have been reducing the quality gap in recent years,"
    Mr. Oddes of J.D. Power said in an interview. "We see a lot more
    American brands in the top-three car segment" in the Initial Quality
    Survey, he said, "and we see no reason for this trend to be
    declining." He said it was noteworthy that seven GM and Ford brands
    ranked above the industry average in 2008.

    In J.D. Power's 2008 Vehicle Dependability Study, which examines the
    deterioration of vehicle quality during the first three years of
    ownership, four American car brands (Mercury, Cadillac, Buick and
    Lincoln) ranked among the top eight, Mr. Oddes pointed out.

    Mr. Cole of CAR said Ford and GM products were essentially equal in
    quality compared with foreign brands.

    Auto sales have declined 15 percent through the first 10 months of
    2008. By one estimate, the number of vehicles sold by the entire U.S.
    industry was the lowest in October for any other month since World War
    II, after adjusting for changes in population. Compared with October
    2007, GM vehicle sales last month plunged 45 percent, Chrysler's fell
    35 percent, Ford's decreased 29 percent, Honda's declined 25 percent
    and Toyota's were off 23 percent.
    Michel, Nov 25, 2008
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