TSB 1900603 - 2003 Caravan 20000km: Steering: Column knock

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by cosza, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. cosza

    cosza Guest

    Anybody have the details of this TSB, I only have the title. My steering
    when in the straight position , when initially start turning it, it makes a
    little knock. Dealer says it is normal the gear pinion to do this (even
    though I din't have this sound in the beginning). He siad though that if it
    gets louder that is when you have a problem. Of course they did not
    acknnowledge the TSB, they ignored what I told them. I just don't
    undesrstand why they resist to give any info on TSBs especially whe the car
    is under warranty, I gues they get something back from DC the less warranty
    work the do
    Thanks for the help
    cosza, Jun 17, 2004
  2. cosza

    deadbeat Guest

    They ignore it because it takes a month or two for the dealer to get the
    parts to repair. DC issues a TSB to the Customer and the government. It
    acknowledges a problem, however it takes time for DC to secure a vendor to
    make the part to fix the problem, then test it, then make enough to cover
    10% of the affected vehicles, then send to the dealer. Dealers DO NOT get
    the TSB until the parts are ready and shipped to the dealer. That is why
    they ignore you. They do not have the parts or procedures yet to fix your
    problem let alone the information to fix.
    deadbeat, Jun 17, 2004
  3. cosza

    Kevin Guest

    is the sound sound near the stearing wheel or down by thr rack? My 2003 has
    some click near the wheel that I cannot alway duplicate so I'm reluctant to
    bring in for repair.

    Kevin, Jun 19, 2004
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