
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by shardon, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. shardon

    shardon Guest

    I have a 98 plymouth van. Lately when the car is cold the trans would not
    shift into 3rd until the engine would warm up, then it worked fine.
    Yesterday I went hunting and had to go through about 6 inches of snow in
    second gear to get their. When I came out of the woods the trans wouldn't
    work in any gear. Can a trans die in every gear or is this a linkage
    shardon, Jan 7, 2006
  2. shardon

    Joe Guest

    Of course it can die in every gear. Transmissions have several individual
    components that have to work before you can move. The pump is one, but there
    are lots more.
    Joe, Jan 7, 2006
  3. shardon

    NewMan Guest

    I think what you mean is the trans is not shifting???

    So it is stuck in second gear all the time???

    If so, then you likely have the 4-speed automatic, and this is known
    as "limp mode".

    Get your van to a competant trans shop, and have them read the codes
    in the transmission computer (this is NOT the codes from the engine

    This recently happened to me, and my solenoid pack was bad. That
    repair was WAY cheaper than rebuilding the entire trans, but you wont
    know what is up until the codes are read, and proper diagnostics have
    been done!

    Good luck.
    NewMan, Jan 7, 2006
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