Transmission Solenoid/PT Cruiser

Discussion in 'PT Cruiser' started by Count Floyd, Nov 22, 2006.

  1. Count Floyd

    Count Floyd Guest

    My wife's 2005 PT/Conv started to slip and not engage in gear. We
    took it to the dealer and he said it was the transmission solenoid,
    which was covered under the powertrain warranty. I had a 2003
    PT/Sedan and never had this problem. Is this a weak spot in the car?
    The last "solenoid" I replaced was in a 1949 Chrysler Windsor with
    Count Floyd, Nov 22, 2006
  2. Count Floyd

    dcx96 Guest

    every now and then something strange happens and people want to know
    about weak spots, please take no offense but things just happen, bad
    build from supplier, assembly guy dropped it , get my point. be happy
    that was a warranty part labor costs more than the part.
    dcx96, Nov 23, 2006
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