Transmission problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dcollivier, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. dcollivier

    dcollivier Guest

    I have a 1991 Spirit 2.5l auto 3 speed, has 275,000 kms and runs well.
    Lately I have been having problems with the tranny. When I come to a
    complete stop and then go again it feels like I have a caliper seized, the
    car needs quite a bit of gas to get going again. Once underway it feels
    like something lets go and it is ok again. I have been trying different
    things and have found that:

    1. If I don't come to a complete stop, it happens less often.
    2. If I let go of the brakes at a stop it feels like I am held there.
    3. If I let go of the brakes and shift up to N and back to D, there is
    no problem.
    4. If I hold the brakes hard and shift to N and back to D, there is no
    problem either.

    So I think that I have ruled out the seized caliper, but don't really know
    what to do next. I have had the car stay in first gear for a while when
    cold once also. I have not had the fluid changed since I got the car at
    252, 000 Kms, going on the assumption that it may be bad to change the fluid
    at that mileage if it has never been changed before. I will change the
    fluid asap but will wait for feedback first. Any help will be appreciated,

    dcollivier, Mar 12, 2005
  2. dcollivier

    Comboverfish Guest

    Possible governor stuck causing the vehicle to start off in 2nd or 3rd
    gear. Could you describle the feeling as being in too high a gear on
    takeoff? If you shift down into LOW when this problem is occuring does
    acceleration feel normal again?

    Toyota MDT in MO
    Comboverfish, Mar 12, 2005
  3. <etc>

    How long since the trans fluid and filter were changed and the bands
    adjusted? If it's been a long time, that may be all you need to get going
    again. If you do keep on top of this and it hasn't been all that long,
    then it's likely that chips from a deteriorating final-drive bearing have
    lodged between the outer and inner members of the governor.
    Common with the bearing-chips-in-governor problem. (Removing and cleaning
    the governor is a SHORT TERM fix, since the FD bearings will continue to
    send new chips there.)
    WRONG. The trans fluid and filter MUST be changed periodically. Be sure to
    use the correct fluid, ATF+3 or ATF+4.
    Daniel J. Stern, Mar 12, 2005
  4. dcollivier

    dcollivier Guest

    Yep, when problem is occuring, shifting to L and accelerating fixes it....
    dcollivier, Mar 13, 2005
  5. dcollivier

    Marc Guest

    AMEN -- be SURE to use the correct fluid -- don't let anyone sell you Mercon
    or some other fluid...
    Marc, Mar 14, 2005
  6. dcollivier

    Hank Guest

    Yes, change the fluid and filter and use the correct ATF,,, ATF+3

    Hank, Mar 22, 2005
  7. dcollivier

    Delbe Comeau Guest

    I had a problem with a 94 Spirit same tranny and engine as yours; the
    transmission wasn't shifting down to a lower gear when it was suppose to.
    This caused the torque converter to fail and tranny had to be rebuild as a
    result. Kickdown wasn't working right! Good Luck! Delbe
    Delbe Comeau, Mar 25, 2005
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