Transmission Leak 96T&C

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by 99trooper, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. 99trooper

    99trooper Guest


    I Have a leak on a 3.3l 4 speed auto transmission that appears to be
    dripping from the flywheel area behind the dust sheild... Any ideas?

    I seem to recall that it did this last summer too but stopped in the fall
    winter, and restarted up again. I had it flushed last year... the morons
    put in Dexron, which caused my tranny to start slipping until I made them
    flush out again with the correct stuff. I also (just to be safe) dropped
    the pan, and replaced the filter (after they flushed the second time) and
    put in the ATF +3 to the specified "warm" level...did that in the fall.
    It is now mid to upper 80's here in WI and the drip came back (it also
    looks like the level is above the dipstick mark.

    Thanks for any help
    99trooper, Jun 9, 2005
  2. 99trooper

    maxpower Guest

    More then likely the front pump seal is leaking, But make sure that it isnt
    leaking from behind the trans solonoid pack and running down the front,
    maxpower, Jun 9, 2005
  3. 99trooper

    99trooper Guest

    Thanks MAX

    Where would I look for the solenoid pack? Are either an easy fix for
    myself to do?
    99trooper, Jun 10, 2005
  4. 99trooper

    maxpower Guest

    If the solenoid pack gaskets are leaking they are easy to replace, Now the
    front pump, or seals will be a task, The transmission would have to be
    removed for that repair
    maxpower, Jun 10, 2005
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