trans trouble

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by RZ, Jan 11, 2006.

  1. RZ

    RZ Guest

    89 Chrysler New Yorker - 3.0 trans trouble -

    I was driving up the highway at about 60 MPH and the engine started
    freewheeling, like the motor and trans were no longer connected. I
    pulled onto the shoulder and when I got down to about 10 MPH it shifted
    into 1st and stayed there. I drove home in 1st and checked the fluid -
    OK. Next day, got into it and everything seemed OK.

    I recently replaced a fuel injector and had the top (plenum? I think
    it's called) off, but I don't know what I could have done wrong there.
    I don't see any kind of kickdown cable or linkage on this. Anyone know
    how this works?

    Thanks in advance
    RZ, Jan 11, 2006
  2. RZ

    tainter Guest

    what it sounds like to me is that your car went into limp-in mode.
    which means it actually shifts into 2nd gear and stays there, the car
    puts it self into a safe mode, not completely can
    really only go up to 30 mph. is your car still doing that?
    tainter, Jan 11, 2006
  3. RZ

    tainter Guest

    what it sounds like to me is that your car went into limp-in mode.
    which means it actually shifts into 2nd gear and stays there, the car
    puts it self into a safe mode, not completely can
    really only go up to 30 mph. is your car still doing that?
    tainter, Jan 11, 2006
  4. RZ

    RZ Guest

    No. It drove fine the next day. I am going out for a longer drive now
    to see what happens. I don't know why the problem would just go away
    like that.
    RZ, Jan 12, 2006
  5. RZ

    tainter Guest

    I ask if it is still doing that.. b/c i have a 94' new yorker.. and its
    in limp-in mode right now, i don't understand why it would just do it
    once. every where i've read about this problem.. its been a pretty easy
    fix. if it does it again my 1st suggestion would be to take it to a
    tranny shop, ask them to hook it up to the comp and get the codes.. see
    what that says. from what i read and talked to people who've had this
    problem.. seems like a few things.. you probably have a different
    tranny then me.. i have a 42le and in my tranny type, seems to have
    beed a bad solenoid or the input/output speed sensors or possibly a bad
    TCM (transmission contol module) (thats my next thing to try)... do you
    do your own work?? let me know if it does it, again take it to a tranny
    shop, who will hook it up and diagnos it at no charge, see what they
    say, then follow the next step to fix it.
    tainter, Jan 12, 2006
  6. RZ

    RZ Guest

    I try to to all my own work but don't have the tools / knowledge to get
    into a trans like this other than basic maintenence. Drove the thing
    around for about 4 hours today without problems.. It's my girlfriends
    car and if this happens when she is driving, she won't know what to do.
    I wish I could be shure what happened.

    Thanks for replying
    RZ, Jan 13, 2006
  7. Well, you can be sure what's *going* to happen if you keep on driving
    around with the transmission intermittently going into safe mode: You'll
    melt it down and create a much larger repair bill for yourself.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jan 13, 2006
  8. RZ

    tainter Guest

    hey RZ... yeah only happening that one time makes no sense to me.. then
    again i don't know everything about cars.. i would say even tho it
    hasn't happened again i would take it to a tranny place that'll hook it
    up to the comp to get the codes... if it says nothing's wrong... well
    maybe it was just a fluke thing... i've had weird things just happen
    one time to me... or if it gives codes then you can take the next step
    to fixing it....

    tranny's are hard to do work on b/c there is so much into them... any
    problem seems like it could be a million things wrong.... my cars been
    in limp-in mode for the last 3 months.... mainly so long, cuz my
    husband and i aren't really rushing to fix it.. and i don't like to
    take vehichles to shops to fix if i can do it myself... i think its the
    whole "chick can work on her own car" i take pride in that :) not
    many ladies can say that... we're lucky too, at my husband's work hey
    have almost every tool you need.. b/c his boss races formula v's... so
    he builds his car right in the shop...

    like i said hook it up to a computer 1st thing... let me know what they
    say.. good luck.. ~~autumn~~
    tainter, Jan 13, 2006
  9. I think the reason that they assume it is 1st is because when in limp mode
    1st is locked out too so even if you stop or put it in park or neutral then
    back in drive it goes directly to 2nd and skips 1st. When our dynasty was
    in limp mode I could feel the difference in acceleration from a stop caused
    by being in 2nd.
    Daniel Armstrong, Jan 14, 2006
  10. Jesus, all you got to do is take it to a dealership and have it scanned. If
    the TCM puts the trans in limp mode it sets a code.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jan 14, 2006
  11. Why? It could be an intermittent electrical fault. In this trans the input
    speed sensor is right under the cooling lines, if they weep fluid the
    tranny oil runs down over the sensor and rots the rubber connector.
    It won't say that. limp mode sets a code.
    But you can't do it yourself or you would have fixed it already, so
    what gives?
    But your not working on your car, your not fixing your transmissions,
    and you haven't been doing this for the last 3 months.

    Your 94 can be scanned easily, you just go buy an OTC 4000E
    off Ebay and the right connectors and software cartridge and your
    in business. I did a couple years ago and the total cost was something
    like $350. Now they are cheap as dirt.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jan 14, 2006
  12. RZ

    tainter Guest

    hey RZ.. was wondering how everythings going with the car. has it
    happened again or were you able to hook it up to a comp to get the
    codes checked? just wondering?

    As for you TED.. people come to this website for help or with hope to
    find answers to their questions or better understanding for what is
    going on with their cars they drive everyday. There is no need for your
    rude comments when all this guy had was a question about what his car
    did. If you are not going to be helpful.... no one wants your imput!
    And there is no need to make ignorant comments to anyone! As for my
    car, we are not talking about the problems with my piece of crap.. I
    have that under a different topic, I was mentioning what was going on
    with my car to give RZ a little support so he knows the reason behind
    my trying to actually help him... tons of other people are going thru
    the same limp-in mode on stupid crap chryslers. Anyway.. If you're
    going to give some effective feedback, GREAT! :) but if all your going
    to do is pick on what people write noone needs to be discouraged here.

    Daniel A.-- to be honest, when my car 1st went into limp mode i thought
    i wasn't shifting out of 1st gear.. thats just what it seemed like.. i
    didn't realize that it was actually not shifting out of 2nd until i
    started reading up about it...and talking to people. This problem has
    happened to alot of people... it sucks :(
    tainter, Jan 17, 2006
  13. There are 2 types of people that come to this newsgroup. (not website)

    There's the folks that truly want to fix problems they have, the right way.
    There are the people who when told to go buy a factory manual, they
    do it. These are the people who when told to get their car computer
    scanned, they do it. These are the people who end up not wasting a
    lot of money on replacing things that don't need to be replaced.

    Then there's the folks that come here hoping to be told some magic
    bullet that is going to cost next to nothing and fix their car by magic.
    They are the folks when told to go buy a factory manual they whine
    that it's too much money and beg to have the 60 relevant pages or so
    of the factory manual, posted to the newsgroup. These are the folks
    that when told to get their car scanned they go to AutoZone and
    get the free engine computer scan then wonder why everyone in
    the newsgroup tells them those codes are useless and to go to a
    dealer and have them pull the transmission computer codes. These
    are the people who spend hundeds of dollars replacing perfectly
    good parts while shotgunning because they won't spend the tens of
    dollars on decent manuals or a scanner that is acutally useful.
    Did it ever occur to you that the limp in mode exists to save the
    guts of your transmission from being shredded? I guess you would
    rather when the transmission computer loses sense inputs that it
    just guess at things like vehicle speed and engine speed when deciding
    to make a shift. What's a few ground gears between friends, eh?
    When people post obviously wrong crap like "there's no codes even though
    it went into limp mode" then I'm going to pick on them.
    It does NOT suck. It is the smartest thing that the trans computer
    could have done. It does not leave the driver stranded by the side of the
    and it doesen't allow the driver to destroy their transmission, and it is
    enough to force all but the truly foolish vehicle owners to get their
    vehicle into
    a repair facility before damage will be done.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jan 18, 2006
  14. RZ

    tainter Guest

    I did know that when your vehicle goes into limp or "safety" mode that
    it is a good thing... what sucks is cars breaking down. which no matter
    how old or new a vehicle is, it always needs upkeep. and something is
    always going to need to be fixed or replaced. What I meant by this
    doesn't make sense... was that he was driving down the highway and his
    car did what seems like, it went into limp mode... then he went home
    checked the fluid.. it was ok.. took the car back out, and it hasn't
    happened sense. meaning it did this one time... and never again... but
    like i already said i'd never even heard of this until it happened to
    me... and when it happened to me... It didn't just do it one time.. it
    has stayed in limp mode (if that makes sense..sorry so confusing).. but
    do you get what i mean?? why would it only do it once and never again??
    That's why i said take it to a reputable (sp?) tranny shop to pull the
    codes to see what it says. then follow the next steps from there..
    obviously you want to pull the codes 1st... not just start throwing
    parts at your car for no reason.
    Ted.. is it ok if i email you with the info on my car.. for some
    input.. you seem very cranky.. but you also seem very smart.. so i
    guess it evens itself out :) i'm going to take my car back to this
    tranny guy..that pulled my codes before.. if it is ok, i can explain it
    to you. The reason i haven't went back to him yet is becuase he's two
    towns over... up the mountain, and i'm a little nervous to make the
    drive again...
    tainter, Jan 18, 2006
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