"Trail Rated" What is it

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Roger, Nov 20, 2003.

  1. Roger

    Roger Guest

    I've obseved advertising touting the "Trail rated" designation of Jeep
    vehicles. What is the criteria to receive this designation? Most Jeep
    owners I have observed NEVER venture off road. Is this a marketing ploy to
    differentiate their vehicles as being rugged?
    Roger, Nov 20, 2003
  2. You're not serious...are you?
    Y'know, I think you might just be onto something there...

    DS (...wow, and you figured it out all by yourself!)
    Daniel J Stern, Nov 20, 2003
  3. The term of art for "Trail rated" and that sort of thing is "puffery".
    The less polite of speech may wish to use other descriptions.
    Christopher Green, Nov 20, 2003
  4. Roger

    Mike Hall Guest

    All jeep designs to date have been tested over the 'Rubicon Trail' in
    California.. this appears not to be public knowledge, so DC has decided to
    badge all Jeeps with this rather cute emblem to mark the major difference
    between a Jeep and the average 4x4, as it it has to be said that some 4x4's
    would fare less well than Jeeps do.. Those of us who already own Jeeps do
    not see a need for the badge, and do not consider that the badge will impart
    more ability to the vehicle..

    It is accepted that the majority of 4x4's never see off-road, but it
    demonstrates a toughness not found in other vehicles..
    Mike Hall, Nov 20, 2003
  5. Roger

    Nate Nagel Guest

    Truth is though, most Jeeps are fairly trail-capable. Of course those
    like Dr. Lloyd would have DC reduce Jeep to producing mall-ready SUVs
    just like everyone else.

    Nate Nagel, Nov 20, 2003
  6. Roger

    Ric Guest

    Judging from the the commercial; I don't remember it exactly; the young
    person drooling over the badge did not seem to be depicted as the 'off-road'
    stereotype. But, he just had to have it.
    Brings up memories of the other companies commercials of tough pickup trucks
    jumping over rocks and carrying life saving supplies, or the guys in the
    cowboy hats.. blah blah don't get me started on those ugly hybrid SUV

    This marketing is obviously not directed at those of us who choose to drive
    a vehicle for practicality ( my trusty 89 GCaravan); but to intice those who
    don't want an SUV to drive a 'tough' little vehicle. ...and I'll bet the
    financing on the badge is included.

    Sorry group, I had to rant on this one...
    Ric, Nov 20, 2003
  7. Roger

    Sideshow Bob Guest

    Jeep has been taking a big sales hit because they have no car based SUVs
    (i.e. Toyota's RAV4 or Honda's CR-V). There has been much resistance to
    introducing any because it was seen as diluting Jeep's traditional image.
    Apparently this is their solution to that dilemma. The regular Jeeps will be
    "Trail Rated" and the car based ones will not. Personally, I think this
    would be the ideal situation to revive the old Eagle moniker. Put the car
    based models under the Eagle name.
    Sideshow Bob, Nov 20, 2003
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