Town &Country Locks ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Zork, Nov 20, 2003.

  1. Zork

    Zork Guest

    Have a 2003 T&C with the power locks all the way around.
    After driving, the locks all lock of course. When stopped
    and in Park, only the driver side lock is disengaged.
    So, to use the hatch and side door slide doors the lock
    switch has to be activated manually to unlock the rest of
    the doors. THEN the side and hatch doors will work with
    the switches.
    I know the locks can be programmed to not lock at all when
    driving, but don't like that option much.
    Anyone know if the computer can be programmed to unlock ALL
    the doors when stopped ?
    Zork, Nov 20, 2003
  2. Zork

    bobrobin Guest

    Zork, I have a 2003 T&C Limited and I am pretty sure that you can program it so that either the driver's side lock or all the locks open when stopped. If memory serves me correctly (and it may not)this is done via the overhead console. I will check it out tonight and post again.

    bobrobin, Nov 20, 2003
  3. Zork

    Geoff Guest

    I think the idea is to not unlock the doors and inadvertently give an
    attacker/carjacker access to your vehicle while you're unaware of what's
    going on. I sure wouldn't want all my doors to unlock after pulling up
    curbside here in Motown.

    One time, I was driving an old work truck and I didn't realize I had left
    the passenger door unlocked. I was sitting on a thousand bucks cash, having
    just collected on some parts I had delivered. I came to a stop for a light,
    and some guy who said he wanted directions just walked off the curb up to
    the passenger side of the truck and opened the door! =:-0

    Needless to say, what I said to him was not pleasant, nor was it
    grammatically correct or anatomically possible. I *should* have been
    carrying a CCW, but I was just a kid at the time, and supposedly
    indestructible. Fortunately the dude just slammed the door and walked away.

    It freaked me out, and taught me a lesson about making sure the vehicle is
    secure at all times. Had he been a crook with a gun intent on robbing me,
    I'da been f**ked. Now I *never* leave a door unlocked when I or my wife is
    going to wait in the car -- even if I'm just running in somewhere for a
    minute. It's a pain in the ass sometimes, but it might be the difference
    between life or death.

    Geoff, Nov 20, 2003
  4. X-No-Archive: yes
    Your crazy! Drivers & passenger door will open from inside when locked
    anyway, and your compromising your security by having doors unlock when you
    stop. Just think of some punk running up to your van at a red light and
    opening the passenger door and grabbing a purse or valuable sitting on the
    seat. Leave doors locked at ALL times.
    Reply to this., Nov 20, 2003
  5. Zork

    mic canic Guest

    read the owners manual there is more u can do to this system yourself
    and you might find a few options u didn't know you had
    mic canic, Nov 21, 2003
  6. Zork

    Zork Guest

    I wasn't that clear, but I'm not sure I would be called crazy by you or
    anyone else !
    What I SHOULD have said when the car is stopped AND the transmission in
    Park. When put in Park, the drivers door unlocks, but not the rest.
    Zork, Nov 21, 2003
  7. Zork

    Chris Burns Guest

    Yes, it can be programmed to unlock all doors when placed in park. This is
    done via the overhead console. Check your manual.
    Chris Burns, Nov 21, 2003
  8. Zork

    Geoff Guest

    I wasn't that clear, but I'm not sure I would be called crazy by you or
    I sure wouldn't call you crazy, but I sincerely hope you consider the
    security issue carefully before you put yourself or your family at risk.

    Geoff, Nov 21, 2003
  9. Zork

    bobrobin Guest


    I checked my 2003 T&C Limited locks over the weekend. Mine has various programable settings via the overhead console to set how the locks, etc, work. 1. Have the doors lock automatically (y/n). If yes, they lock at around 16 mph. 2. Have the doors unlock upon exit (y/n). If yes, then the doors unlock when the car is in park and the driver's side door is opened from inside. Bob.
    bobrobin, Nov 24, 2003
  10. Zork

    Zork Guest

    Did you figure out how to program it like I was attempting to do ?
    programable settings via the overhead console to set how the locks,
    Zork, Nov 25, 2003
  11. Zork

    bobrobin Guest

    Yes, Page 123 of the owner's manual. Use Menu button on overhead console to step thru the options. Select "NO" to "Use Factory Settings" then "Yes" to "Auto Door Locks", then "Yes" to "Auto Unlock on Exit". The doors should then unlock when any door is opened if the vehicle is stopped and in Park. Hope this helps.
    bobrobin, Nov 26, 2003
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