Town & Country 2006 Power Outlet ???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rickrich, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. rickrich

    rickrich Guest

    What do I do to make the Town & Country 2006 Power Outlets come on all
    the time?

    Right now they come on with the ignition, which is not right with cell
    phones, GPSrs, etc.


    Rick Richardson
    rickrich, Nov 8, 2006
  2. rickrich

    Steph Guest

    wrote in
    If you have the overhead console you can select the outlets to be powered
    on full time versus via the key.
    You should have some outlets marked with a key and some with a battery,
    once selected, the battery ones will remain powered full-time.
    Steph, Nov 8, 2006
  3. rickrich

    maxpower Guest

    Not true!! Under the hood in the Black fuse/relay box called the Power
    Distribution Center is where you make this setting. you will see a fuse that
    has ign on one side and battery on the other side. Take that fuse out of the
    slot that says ign and slide it over to where it says battery. That's it!!

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Nov 8, 2006
  4. rickrich

    Steph Guest

    Thanks for correcting me Glenn.
    I was only trying to help <sob> <g>
    Steph, Nov 8, 2006
  5. rickrich

    damnnickname Guest

    Dont cry Steph its ok. Besides,it did sound good!!
    damnnickname, Nov 9, 2006
  6. rickrich

    GrtArtiste Guest I'm old-fashioned and I don't use any of these things. But
    there's something I don't understand. Surely at some point one or more
    family members will exit the turned-off vehicle and forget to take
    their turned-on devices with them. Does anyone know how long the drain
    on the battery can be sustained and still start the engine when needed?
    I can just see one of the kids leaving there portable DVD player going
    all night long and then Dad wanting to go to work the next day and
    wondering why all he hears is click-click. And I'm not sure I
    understand why a cell phone MUST be plugged in when the vehicle is off.
    If it gets used a lot, surely the owner charges it regularly and a
    charge last for several hours at least, right?
    GrtArtiste, Nov 9, 2006
  7. rickrich

    maxpower Guest

    Ok Dad, tell the kids one time. If you leave the devices on and cause my
    battery to die just one time there wont be a second chance!!
    The power outlet on the instrument panel marked with a battery receives
    battery voltage from a fuse in the IPM at all times. The other power outlet
    on the instrument panel marked with a key receives battery voltage only when
    the key is in the on position.
    The power outlet located in the center console receives battery voltage all
    the time when positioned between the front seats and key-on voltage when
    positioned between the rear seats. The power outlet located on the C-pillar
    receives battery voltage only when the key is in the ON position.

    Glenn Beasley

    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Nov 9, 2006
  8. rickrich

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Days, possibly weeks. We're talking a current drain down in the
    milliamp range.
    Well, smart people do it that way. Dumb people forget to charge it,
    then have to have it on a cord while trying to talk...which obviates
    the benefit of a cell phone in the first place.
    DeserTBoB, Nov 9, 2006
  9. rickrich

    Bob Shuman Guest

    The correct answer is: "It depends on the current being drawn by the device
    that was left plugged in and draining the battery."

    You can estimate the time if you know the battery's capacity (in Amp-Hours).
    Depending on the outside temperature, I'd suspect starting problems after
    depleting about 40-50% of a new battery rating. I say this since a new
    battery's capacity decreases over time and with temperature too.

    Bob Shuman, Nov 10, 2006
  10. rickrich

    maxpower Guest

    A vehicle that has not been touched for aprox 20 days will have a battery
    discharged due to normal draw on the battery. It takes about 25 miliamps to
    enable memory to operate the memory functions of certain modules. As Bob
    says. depending on what is left on will determine how long the battery will
    stay charged.
    maxpower, Nov 10, 2006
  11. I did that (fuse to BAT) and the Left Rear Seat Power Outlet changed to
    work off the battery. Good!

    But the dashboard Power Outlet did not change - it is still connected
    to the IGN. Of course, this is the one I want to change to BAT! Cell
    Phone plugs in here and 10 minute drive to work doesn't cut it for a
    charge! I want to leave it in the car overnight for charging.

    My Ford Windstar (1995 R.I.P.) kept the Power Outlets on all the time.

    Rick Richardson
    Rick Richardson, Nov 13, 2006
  12. rickrich

    maxpower Guest

    Rick read my reply on 11/09
    maxpower, Nov 13, 2006
  13. There is only *one* Power Outlet on the dashboard, not two. How do I
    make it power from BAT instead of IGN?
    Rick Richardson, Nov 14, 2006
  14. rickrich

    maxpower Guest

    You would probably have to hard wire it to the battery circuit with a fuse
    maxpower, Nov 14, 2006
  15. rickrich

    NewMan Guest

    You want to leave your cell phone in your car to charge overnight?

    I sure hope you have it in a locked garage where there is no public
    access (as opposed to parked on the street, or in a "secure"
    underground parkade!)

    Where I am, you would be asking to have your window smashed.
    NewMan, Nov 15, 2006
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