Torque Converter Lock question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mike C1, Jul 20, 2005.

  1. Mike C1

    Mike C1 Guest

    97 Caravan 3.0l, 3 speed. Code p0740 came on (no lock-up). 2 days later,
    transmission would not go into gear at all. Transmission shop replaced
    transmission, said gears broke. New tranny shifts, but will not lock-up.
    Code p0740 on again. Seems odd to get same code on new tranny. I suppose
    the tranny shop could have transferred a bad solenoid from the old tranny to
    the new (which they deny). Is there anyway for a weekend mechanic to test
    if the tranny lock-up connector (by dipstick) is getting correct signal from
    PCM? The difficulty I have is determining if the fault is with the
    PCM/wiring/connection to the tranny, or in the tranny itself. Can a dealer
    test for proper operation with a DRB? Or re & re another tranny ?$?$?$
    Mike C1, Jul 20, 2005
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