Toronto Dominion Bank to buy Chrysler Financial

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by MoPar Man, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. MoPar Man

    MoPar Man Guest

    So TD Bank is going to buy Chrysler Financial.

    Bank of Montreal a few days ago bought a Milwaukee–based bank for $4.1

    The US is on sale, and Canada is buying it.


    TD to buy Chrysler Financial
    By Sharon Singleton, QMI Agency
    Last Updated: December 21, 2010 4:00pm

    TD Bank Group is expanding in the U.S. auto finance sector with the
    $6.3-billion acquisition of Chrysler Financial, becoming the second
    major Canadian lender in two weeks to announce a multibillion-dollar
    purchase south of the border.

    TD is buying Chrysler from private-equity firm Cerberus Capital
    Management in cash. The deal will give a significant boost to the
    Toronto-based bank’s auto financing arm, gaining technology and
    platforms capable of processing more than two million credit
    applications a year, it said.

    "This transaction represents a unique opportunity to purchase a great
    organic growth platform at an attractive price," said Ed Clark, TD
    president and chief executive. “This acquisition will allow us to
    leverage our lending expertise and financial strength to expand our
    presence in a large North American market with tremendous potential

    Canada’s banks, seen as among the soundest in the world, are taking
    advantage of their position of relative strength and cheap asset prices
    to go on a global buying spree. BMO last week said it was doubling its
    position in the U.S. with the acquisition of Marshall & Ilsley for about
    $4.1 billion in stock, while Scotiabank has been snapping up smaller
    lenders, mainly in South America.

    “The U.S. is definitely ripe with opportunities for Canadian banks,”
    said Louis Gagnon, a finance professor at Queen’s School of Business.
    “Much of the dust following the credit market meltdown has settled so it
    is now much more easy, although not all together easy, to separate the
    wheat from the chaff in the U.S. banking sector.”

    TD says the Chrysler acquisition will allow it to significantly expand
    its consumer loan portfolio south of the border. It forecasts the
    business will generate a return on invested capital of about 20% over
    the next three to four years.

    The bank said the purchase will have no impact on its earnings in 2011
    and should add about $100 million in 2012. It will hit Tier 1 capital by
    about 55 to 60 basis points.

    TD said it’s “comfortable” with the credit risk of the existing loan
    portfolio and that any new lending will be focused on prime borrowers.

    “The car loan business is not dead,” Gagnon said. “Based on TD's recent
    record of deals in the U.S., I have confidence that Ed Clark and his
    team will do wonders with this asset if the deal goes through.”

    Chrysler Financial is one of North America’s largest auto financing
    firms, with more than 1,850 employees in Canada and the U.S.

    Auto financing is one of the biggest sources of lending outside of
    mortgages and credit cards in the U.S., with about $650 - $700 billion
    in outstanding loans.

    The acquisition is expected to close in the second quarter of fiscal
    2011, pending regulatory and other approvals.

    The new business will be headquartered in Toronto and will be rebranded
    as part of the TD stable by spring 2011, TD said.
    MoPar Man, Dec 21, 2010
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