Too many dealers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dorman, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. Dorman

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Well yes, that is correct, but it is not at all germain to the discussion.
    To refresh, the original assertion was that the impact put her in diabetic
    shock. That's the only point that has been under discussion. To suggest
    that low blood sugar might have contributed to the incident is potentially
    true, but irrelevant. Contributing to is causal, not a result of. The
    discussion was always about whether impact can cause diabetic shock. The
    proof was the definition of diabetic shock. There is no other discussion
    path at that point or any other. There was never any discussion at all
    about fault. I'm not sure if you followed the entire thread - it appears
    that you might not have. It would be worth taking a look at it from the
    Mike Marlow, Jul 5, 2007
  2. Dorman

    F.H. Guest

    LOL, I *did* go back on the thread. I did get you to admit there was at
    least "casual contributing." <g> Just playing around (and happen to be
    prone to hypoglycemia so I couldn't resist). Sounds like in addition to
    paramedic, you are interested in law.
    F.H., Jul 5, 2007
  3. Dorman

    Bill Putney Guest

    Maybe you intended the misquote that you did, *or* you didn't understand
    his precise meaning. He did use the word "causal" and not "casual" -
    different meaning altogether. (If your misquote was intentional to be
    funny or something, then ignore this.)

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jul 5, 2007
  4. Dorman

    Steve R. Guest

    What you say about diabetic shock is undoubtedly true. However the matter
    under discussion was that the hospital was unwilling to admit her without
    cash up front. This, in spite of the fact that the lady had travel insurance
    that included medical.

    Steve R.
    Steve R., Jul 6, 2007
  5. Dorman

    philthy Guest

    the original post was about car dealers not diabetic shock
    philthy, Jul 6, 2007
  6. Dorman

    Mike Marlow Guest

    No - because neither one of us know if there was. I stuck to one point and
    one point only. Mine was nothing more than a clarification that diabetic
    shock is not trauma induced. You tried to get me to say something else, but
    as I said, everything else is irrelevant.

    Only in staying away from the penalties of it...
    Mike Marlow, Jul 6, 2007
  7. Dorman

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Damn - I hate it when a thread gets yanked back to its original intent.
    Don't you know you can give a person whiplash like that Steve?
    Mike Marlow, Jul 6, 2007
  8. Dorman

    F.H. Guest

    I don't think we should let the thread die...., just yet. There's more
    milk for sure. Maybe later.
    F.H., Jul 6, 2007
  9. Dorman

    F.H. Guest

    Heh, that was *my* plan. I guess its dead now. (famous last words)
    F.H., Jul 6, 2007
  10. Dorman

    Steve R. Guest

    Changing the subject is a well known trick of argument.

    Want a reference? "Straight and Crooked Thinking" by Robert H, Thouless. Pan
    Books. Sorry, no ISBN, my copy is too old for that.

    Steve R.
    Steve R., Jul 7, 2007

  11. Maybe they are required to treat everybody, but when someone with
    insurance shows up (presumably a legal resident), the hospital calls the
    insurance co., which then says "We're not paying" or "We will pay only
    $x", and the person cannot afford to pay. So what does s/he do? Maybe
    choose between treatment and bankruptcy. My wife spoke to somebody in
    the supermarket checkout line this week who was considering filing for
    bankruptcy because of the family's medical bills.

    One man a year or two back decided to check up on some of the items on
    the hospital bills that had led to the loss of house. $78.xx for a
    "mucus retrieval kit" turned out to be for a box of Kleenex.

    In the case of an illegal immigrant, the hospital may simply have to
    write off the debt. Same goes for anyone (even a legal resident) who
    gives a false address or SSN, I guess.

    Percival P. Cassidy, Jul 7, 2007
  12. Dorman

    F.H. Guest

    The hearings on the recent bankruptcy reform legislation (Bankruptcy
    Abuse Prevention & Consumer Protection Act of 2005) that was pushed
    through by lobbyists for the credit industry were televised. In a
    memorable exchange, a democrat claimed that according to statistics
    nearly 45% of bankruptcies were caused by medical bills. Senator Hatch
    of Utah countered that those statistics were incorrect. The actual
    percentage of bankruptcies caused by medical bills was *only* 25%.

    Compassionate conservatism in action. Casualties "out of sight, out of
    F.H., Jul 7, 2007
  13. Dorman

    F.H. Guest

    News item: (June 27th, 2007)

    Prosecutors filed civil complaints on Tuesday accusing two hospitals and
    a transportation services firm of dumping homeless patients in downtown
    Los Angeles, including one highly publicized case in which a paraplegic
    man wearing a colostomy bag was found crawling in a gutter near a skid
    row park in February.

    The complaints by the L.A. city attorney's office against Hollywood
    Presbyterian Medical Center in Los Feliz and Methodist Hospital in
    Arcadia are related to four separate incidents of alleged patient
    dumping — two by each hospital — over a 14-month period.

    This sounds like a case of "crooked thinking."
    I'm afraid to ask what your ideas are for the "TRULY poor." Firing squad?
    F.H., Jul 8, 2007
  14. Dorman

    Joe Guest

    He didn't say they wouldn't treat her - he said they wouldn't admit her.
    It's the same thing for illegal aliens. They won't admit them either
    without some $$$$.
    Joe, Jul 10, 2007
  15. Dorman

    Bill Putney Guest

    If they're here illegally, and they are able to travel (i.e.
    non-emergency), transport them to a hospital of their home nation, and
    add them to the list of illegals that are to be prosecuted if they show
    up here again in an illegal status. If it's an emergency, treat them,
    get them well enough to travel, transport them home, bill their home
    nation, and add them to the list of illegals that are to be prosecuted
    if they show up here again in an illegal status.. But don't bump up the
    bills of legal citizens to pay for their stealing the services that we
    pay for.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jul 10, 2007
  16. What's wrong with cars built in Germany or Austria, for example?


    For direct replies replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Jul 15, 2007
  17. Free at the point of use, as the British NHS puts it.


    For direct replies replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Jul 15, 2007
  18. Dorman

    who Guest

    Too expensive over here in NA.
    That's why many of them sold here, such as VW, BMW, Mercedes, are built
    in NAFTA.
    who, Jul 16, 2007
  19. Dorman

    80 Knight Guest

    I just never really cared much for them. Plus the high cost.

    80 Knight, Jul 16, 2007
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