To many problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by billholden, Dec 18, 2005.

  1. billholden

    billholden Guest

    Hi! We are a family of 5. We have started this project because we
    are desperate for cash, at this present time. We have come up with an idea
    that we believe will be Quite gratifying for those who choose to join. We
    are asking that you, if you will, would deposit five dollars ($5.00) into
    our Paypal account ““ with a message giving us your
    e-mail address. In return we will send you an e-mail with further
    information. Thank you for your interest.
    billholden, Dec 18, 2005
  2. billholden

    Stik Drek Guest

    Another attempt to prove that P.T. Barnum was right.
    My variation of his quote:
    You can fool all of the people some of the time.
    You can fool some of the people all of the time.
    And that's enough to make a good living.

    Stik Drek, Dec 18, 2005
  3. billholden

    Ken Pisichko Guest

    Hi. We are a family of 4 with no disposable income to send you. Can you send me
    your prognosis and IF it fits our bill and provides us with the cash you
    intimate THEN we will send you the $5 AND $50 to a legitimate charity (in the
    USA or in Canada) of YOUR family's choice.

    In the meantime we will be working with the Salvation Army types helping some
    destitute types during this -24C weather.

    All the BEST to you, your family, and YOUR endeavours.
    Thank you for your time to read this kind offer........
    Ken Pisichko, Dec 18, 2005
  4. billholden

    Adam Guest

    we all have problems, get over it, half the people in america are poor and
    cant get help because of the people in the south. We here needed assistance
    paying a utility bill last year, we went to salvation army for help, THEY
    Adam, Dec 18, 2005
  5. billholden

    Robert C. Guest

    You can start by dropping all unnecessary expenses like, for instance, your
    Sympatico account.
    Robert C., Dec 19, 2005
  6. billholden

    Adam Guest

    yeah, switch to netzero, they have free access.
    Adam, Dec 19, 2005
  7. billholden

    MoPar Man Guest

    People -

    The original post did not come from "billholden"
    <>. It was posted from a supernews account:


    Anyone who has Sypatico and uses their real name in their postings
    would not spend the extra $$$ for a supernews account and then use it
    to post messages with their real name. Sympatico has their own news
    MoPar Man, Dec 19, 2005
  8. billholden

    RobGN Guest

    We got trapped by a troll. we should end this thread now.
    RobGN, Dec 19, 2005
  9. I don't think anybody took it seriously, or did you respond positively to
    the invitation to send money?


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Dec 19, 2005
  10. billholden

    pe2 Guest


    Ya know, it could be the late actor coming back to haunt us....

    Spreading holiday cheer...
    pe2, Dec 19, 2005
  11. billholden

    Marc Guest

    Oh, no, he didn't intimate it'd make you any cash! He said he had an idea
    that he thinks will be "quite gratifying".

    So pay him $5 and he'll tell you his idea. For cleaning scum off the shower
    door or something. Wouldn't that be quite gratifying?
    Marc, Dec 20, 2005
  12. He already told you his idea. His idea for gratification is to get people
    pay him $5 to be told that the way to make money is to get people to
    pay them $5 to be told that the way to make money is to get people to
    pay them $5 and so on and so on and on and on.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 26, 2005
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