Times Have Changed: Cold Starting

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Richard, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. Richard

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Nah, even the spark from a 60's era ignition is plenty to ignite and
    proper fuel mixture. Carbs just couldn't get it right in cold weather.
    A choke is a brute force way to try to get a combustible mixture at
    below zero temps. A computer controlled FI system can get it pretty
    nearly right every time.

    Matt Whiting, Jan 21, 2005
  2. Richard

    Matt Whiting Guest

    How so?

    I'm not familiar with this theory, but my EE degree is nearly 20 years
    old so maybe I just forgot. Can you explain or provide a reference?

    Matt Whiting, Jan 21, 2005
  3. Richard

    Steve Guest

    And, your engine has WHAT type of fuel injection? <cough...>

    I seriously doubt you'd see as great a difference if it were a 93 Magnum
    318 instead of an 89 TBI 318. As I said, TBI has a lot of the same
    cold-weather fuel distribution and vaporization issues that a carburetor
    does, and the thicker oil is going to aggravate it a lot more than it
    would an MPI setup that doesn't puddle fuel in the intake.
    There's a danger to both of us in that: You'd eat all your profits, and
    I'd eat myself into a BBQ coma :p
    Steve, Jan 21, 2005
  4. Richard

    Steve Guest

    People who haven't been there to see it don't believe me when I tell
    them this, but under just the right conditions (warm weather, engine
    recently shut down, and crank landing so that one cylinder is just after
    TDC), I can occasionally start one of my cars just by turning the key ON
    (no starter at all). The spark from the electronic ignition powering-up
    lights off the mixture in that one cylinder, whcih kicks it over enough
    to start it. I can pretty reliably get it to "kick" enough to visibly
    move the crank any time I want, but it kicks backwards about half the
    time because the piston is BTDC and usually only turns the engine very
    slightly. But once in a blue moon (maybe twice in the past 20 years) the
    darn thing will kick forward hard enough to start and keep running.
    Steve, Jan 21, 2005
  5. Advanced computer controlled PNDEFI.

    And the problem...?
    Daniel J. Stern, Jan 22, 2005
  6. Richard

    Whoever Guest

    1. The voltage at the spark plug is limited by the breakdown voltage of
    the spark gap. Once you get a spark, the voltage required to achieve that
    is what you will measure.

    2. Once you do get a spark, the total energy is what is really important.
    I don't know if you are measuring that in any way.
    I have heard this -- even tried it once. But ask yourself, why don't they
    build (possibly additional) spark gaps into production ignition systems? I
    believe the air gap technique really serves as a band-aid for dirty
    systems: to explain, an air gap can cause a faster rise time of voltage.
    If the voltage rises slowly at the plug, energy can be lost through
    resistive (dirty) paths. I don't think a good system can be improved by a
    spark gap.

    Another thought: you guys are comparing early 80s carbs. These had all
    kinds of add-ons to cope with emissions regulations -- stuffing too much
    fuel down the exhaust does not help the cat. In my experience, earlier
    carbs with manual chokes work reliably -- providing the driver knows how
    to use them.
    So you are saying that well maintained US-built vehicles of the early '80
    did not start well? Yet you (or rather Daniel) knock British cars (which I
    know from personal experiance start well in in damp and cold conditions
    provided they are well maintained).
    Whoever, Jan 22, 2005
  7. They did. Called 'em "Series-gap spark plugs". All the major reputable
    makers made them, when there was a demand.

    Sure, ace. \/\/hatever. Don't feel bad, just 'cause your country's
    automotive industry is an international laughingstock.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jan 22, 2005
  8. Richard

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    How so?[/QUOTE]

    An ignition coil does not normally output maximum voltage, but
    will if the resistance in the secondary circuit is increased,
    creating a gap that can be jumped essentially is an increase in
    the circuit resistance, since there is a gap between the rotor
    and the cap contacts, the firing voltage realized will always be
    higher than if there is no gap such as with DIS.

    I may also be wrong on this, but my observations on my ignition
    scope reveal that firing voltages on conventional ignition
    systems tend to be a few KV higher than firing voltages on DI

    The greatest gap theory was authored by Mac VandenBrink in 1965,
    Mac worked as an EE for many years for Allen Test Products.
    The only references I know of WRT Mac's theory are on i-ATN,
    easily found if you're a member. Unfortunately I can not copy
    them and post them here because all i-ATN posts are copyrighted
    and doing so would jeopardize my membership standing.
    I became familiar with Mac's teachings way back in the early 80s
    when I was a GM dealership mechanic during training on the Allen
    Smart Scope.
    aarcuda69062, Jan 22, 2005
  9. Richard

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    But the two voltages are different, it takes more voltage to jump
    the gap initially than it does to maintain it afterward.
    More like energy over time, i.e., it is generally believed
    (taught) that a spark duration less than 1.5 milliseconds is an
    indication of a problem. 1.5ms on a breaker point system is not
    hard to achieve.
    Because it creates an enormous amount of electrical noise which
    tends to upset radio reception, drive the on board computers nuts
    and cause airliners to plummet to the ground.
    Yup, that's why the tow truck was summoned.
    They will get the engine started, but drive off driveability
    still can not compare to modern EFI, especially PFI.
    Not compared to well maintained US built vehicles of the 90s with
    Dunno, I've never owned a British car.
    I tried starting a Norton motorcycle once.

    I gave up. ;-)
    aarcuda69062, Jan 22, 2005
  10. Richard

    Matt Whiting Guest

    An ignition coil does not normally output maximum voltage, but
    will if the resistance in the secondary circuit is increased,
    creating a gap that can be jumped essentially is an increase in
    the circuit resistance, since there is a gap between the rotor
    and the cap contacts, the firing voltage realized will always be
    higher than if there is no gap such as with DIS.[/QUOTE]

    I don't see how. The voltage output of the coil is a direct function of
    the strength of the field around the coil that is collapsing. The
    strength of the field is a function of the current through the primary
    of the coil when the field is being established. The field doesn't have
    any "knowledge" of the resistance in the secondary circuit. Greater
    resistance in the circuit will result in less current (simple Ohm's law
    application given the EMF induced by the collapsing field) and thus a
    weaker spark, not a stronger one. I searched around last night and
    could find not reference whatsoever to either this theory.

    That could well be. I haven't measurement them personally. However,
    that isn't what is usually claimed. In any event, the strength of the
    spark is not a huge factor in starting the car in cold weather. I
    proper fuel/air mixture will ignite with only a small amount of
    provocation. The really strong spark is needed in cases where the ratio
    isn't idea. That is why I can believe that the ignition system on a
    non-FI car might need to be more robust as it is much harder to ignite a
    mixture that isn't ideal.

    Sorry, but this sounds like cold fusion to me. If this were true, then
    somebody else somewhere would have researched or commented on it. Thus
    far I've found zilch.

    Matt Whiting, Jan 22, 2005
  11. It's always both amusing and sad to watch Brits stand there and insist
    their cars' electrical systems work.

    Only in England would they produce bike brakes that stop working when
    they get wet (and put Bobbies on them!), and car electrical systems that
    can't cope with more than 15% ambient humidity, let alone a drizzle...

    ....and then stand there and insist they're right and the rest of the
    world is wrong.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jan 22, 2005
  12. Richard

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    No, the *current* output from the coil is a direct function of the
    speed of the collapse. The voltage output is whatever is needed to
    get that current to flow. Hopefully, the lowest breakdown voltage in
    the system is the spark plug gap, so that when it's exceeded you get a
    spark in the combustion chamber. If it's fouled or something, the
    spark will happen someplace else -- through the plug wire insulation,
    inside the coil.... The gap in the rotor will cause a higher voltage in
    the coil, but not over in the spark plug where it's needed.
    That surprises me. I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear that the
    voltage was higher at the coil for a conventional ignition system;
    greater at the plug... I don't see how.

    I've heard of it, but I'd have to think a while to see if I believe
    it. Yes, you'd get a greater coil voltage this way, but the maximum
    voltage across the spark gap is determined by its breakdown voltage,
    not the gap over at the distributor.
    I've heard the theory, though I also can't find a reference to it in a
    quick search -- at one time, there were products that you'd put on
    your coil that were basically a wire with a gap in it, based on just
    this theory.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Jan 22, 2005
  13. Richard

    Dan Larsen Guest

    Designed by: Sir John Lucas, original inventor of the concept of

    God Bless,

    ("If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're
    Dan Larsen, Jan 22, 2005
  14. The system doesn't know or care *where* in the secondary the gap(s) are.
    Voltage across the plug gap is determined by the breakdown voltage of the
    highest-dielectric gap in the secondary. Ordinarily that's the spark plug,
    but if the plugs are wet and/or dirty, the moisture and/or dirt provides a
    voltage leakoff path from the center electrode to ground and the spark
    never occurs. By introducing a high-dielectric gap upstream of the plug
    gap, secondary voltage is increased such that such leakage paths become
    less parasitic in absolute terms, and the spark has a greater likelihood
    of happening.

    I used to demonstrate this on an old '64 Dart parts car with a whipped
    engine. The plugs fouled fast on that engine, and cylinders would stop
    working. I would pull plug wires partway off to create a 1/4" to 1/2" gap
    between their terminal and the spark plug terminal, and one by one as I
    did this, those cylinders would come back online. It got noisy under the
    hood, though (Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!)

    The "Spark Intensifier" gadgets that used to be sold by JC Witless, in the
    back pages of Popular Mechanics, etc., were nothing more than enclosed
    spark gaps designed to be placed in series with the coil wire. Secondary
    component life suffered (especially the points!) but they did the same
    thing as described above. And as previously mentioned, all the reputable
    spark plug makers have offered series-gap spark plugs over the years.
    They fell out of favor as gasolines got cleaner and ignitions got

    Daniel J. Stern, Jan 22, 2005
  15. Richard

    Matt Whiting Guest

    No, the voltage available is defined by the turns ratio of the
    transformer (coil). I admit it has been a while since I studied and
    worked with transformers, but I believe the open circuit voltage will
    still follow the turns ratio rule when the field collapses. The voltage
    available depends on the turns ratio, not on the size of any gap in the
    output (secondary) circuit. If the gap is too large, then no current
    will flow, however, a very high potential will still exist across the
    secondary terminals even with zero current.

    I've been thinking about it and researching it, and at this point I
    think it is snake oil.

    Yes, outfits like J.C. Whitney sell all sorts of gimmick gadgets like
    this to an unsuspecting public, but that doesn't make them real. Kind
    of like the magnets for your fuel lines, etc. Every time they are
    legimately tested, the results are the same ... they don't work.

    Matt Whiting, Jan 22, 2005
  16. Richard

    Comboverfish Guest

    I used to demonstrate this on an old '64 Dart parts car
    True. That's a cool phenomenon and one I've only got to work a couple
    of times. Big plug gaps and monster coil outputs have made that a
    thing of the past for the most part.

    Toyota MDT in MO
    Comboverfish, Jan 22, 2005
  17. Richard

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Here's a link to a simple adjustable spark tester:


    Notice the scale on the bottom, as the gap is increased, the KV
    requirement increases.
    If I'm wrong, then this tool does not work, but I own a version
    of this tool and have used it with my ignition scope connected
    and it's pretty much dead nuts on, probably because the
    dielectric of the air gap is pretty predictable.
    What is usually claimed?
    For sure, a DI system will output a higher voltage when the
    demand is there, but firing voltages and spark line voltages are
    measurably lower.
    Thank you. That is what I've been saying all along.
    Correct. The majority of the heat that ignites the mixture comes
    from compression, the last 5-10% comes from the spark across the
    spark plug gap. Ooops, I did it again, I threw out a number that
    I can't provide verification for yet is standard teaching.
    A lean mixture is harder to light than a rich mixture, so it all
    depends on what exactly is keeping the cold engine from wanting
    to run, but for carbureted vehicles it usually amounted to
    gasoline washout inside the cylinder, the washout occurs because
    the old choke systems were very poor at controlling the amount of
    fuel they delivered.
    I don't know, it isn't like the "greatest gap theory" has been on
    the front burner technology wise like putting a man on Mars might
    be. I can tell you that on i-ATN, Mac writes that he was scoffed
    at over his theory, one of his college professors attended one of
    his classes, this professor had authored some books on EE, the
    professor told Mac after the class that contained discussion on
    greatest gap that had he taken Mac's class before he had authored
    some books, the content of those books would be different in that
    His theory is very easy to prove in person with the correct
    equipment, connect an engine analyzer and set it to measure
    secondary ignition voltage, using insulated pliers, remove a
    spark plug wire from the spark plug (engine running of course)
    and observe the firing voltage, the firing voltage will not
    increase even though you can hear the arcing until the gap you're
    creating exceeds the value of the spark plug. The other
    observation one can make is to perform this same exercise on a DI
    equipped vehicle with an engine analyzer capable of measuring
    firing voltage during the waste spark event, the voltage on waste
    spark will begin to increase before the voltage for compression
    spark will increase.

    Now, not that what I'm saying gets confused, the rotor air gap is
    not always the dominant (greatest) gap, but during cranking on a
    cold engine with a carburetor with very little throttle opening,
    the choke closed and very little pressure being developed in the
    cylinder, the rotor air gap probably will exceed the value over
    the spark plug gap.

    Lots of different things in play here...

    Bottom line, DI systems are utilized because they have many fewer
    parts and because splitting the ignition load amongst multiple
    coils increases the working life of those coils, not because
    there is some requirement for lightning bolts to get a cold
    engine running.
    aarcuda69062, Jan 22, 2005
  18. Richard

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Not universally, but we're talking about starting a cold engine,
    slow cranking speed, rich mixture, closed throttle and choke
    which results in very little pressure inside the cylinder, under
    those conditions, the .100" (or so) rotor air gap is likely to be
    dominant over the .035"-.045" spark plug gap.

    Sorry if what I've said so far lead to any confusion, but the
    subject is cold starting.
    aarcuda69062, Jan 22, 2005
  19. Richard

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Matt, what do you suppose the voltage on the primary is when the
    field collapses?
    aarcuda69062, Jan 22, 2005
  20. Richard

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    This is the step I'm not seeing in the discussion: voltage across the
    plug gap should be determined by the breakdown voltage of the plug gap
    (which is an almost, but not quite, circular statement!). I'm not
    seeing how increading the breakdown voltage someplace else will
    increase it across the plug gap.
    I think I need one step more detail in the explanation to see how this
    I remember the gadget, but I don't remember it working.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Jan 23, 2005
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