Time to replace the 92 t&C?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dan, Nov 9, 2005.

  1. Dan

    Dan Guest

    It may well be time to get a new Town and Country (or rather - newer) as
    mine is getting long in the tooth. The trouble is I see most of the newer
    ones that are loaded have the 3.8 instead of the 3.3 which I have heard
    excellent things about and has served me very well. What year and Model
    seem to be the most reliable? I like the circa 2001 Limited but they have
    the 3.8. Are those motors just as good? I need loaded with leather at a
    reasonable price and good mpg but reliability is most important so should I
    avoid the 3.8 (or Chrysler altogether?) Say it ain't so! Opinions please.
    Dan, Nov 9, 2005
  2. Dan

    Richard Guest

    The 2003 Limited should fit the bill. They had most of the bugs worked out
    by then. The 3.8 is an excellent part.

    Richard, Nov 9, 2005
  3. Dan

    Steve Guest

    The 3.8 is identical to the 3.3 except for cylinder dimensions. Its just
    as reliable, and has a lot more torque available at low RPM- better for
    heavier vehicles.
    Steve, Nov 9, 2005
  4. They are virtually the same engine, identical in all design and build
    details except for the displacement ("size") difference, and are equally
    durable and dependable. Fuel economy is obviously lower with the 3.8.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 9, 2005
  5. Dan

    jdoe Guest

    The 3.8 while almost identical is the better engine in the larger van. In my
    experience having owned 2 extended vans with 3.3's and 2 with 3.8 I find the
    3.8 better in all respects including fuel economy.
    jdoe, Nov 9, 2005
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