Time for a new Chrysler...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jes, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. Jes

    Jes Guest

    Does anyone know if Chrysler is still authorizing friends and family

    What I mean is that I know of two individuals who were able to get a lease
    discount and a purchase discount because they were friend of a Chrysler
    Employee. I was told that all they had to provide was a EP or DCX number.
    They made their purchase on Nov & Dec 04.

    Is this still being offered??

    I'm hoping it is. I am planning to go this route since I really can't afford
    to buy a new vehicle at todays prices. I had heard that special leases were
    available on Town & Country Mini-Vans.


    Jes, Jan 24, 2005
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