ticking problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by intrepid95, Mar 12, 2005.

  1. intrepid95

    intrepid95 Guest

    Hi! I have a 95 intrepid 3.3L v6 with 233,000 km on it. I change my
    oil regularly and I have one problem. It started about 3 months ago.
    When i turn on the car when the engne is cool everything is working
    fine. When i start to move and engine heats up juss a lil, at my first
    stop sign, when i stop i hear the engine is "knocking" or
    "ticking". As Irev the engine juss a lil the ticking increases i.e
    faster, and the more i rev the faster it ticks. My first assumption
    was that fuel injector cleaning might be needed. There fore i bougt
    pennzoil fuel injector cleaner and haven’t applied it yet. My q is...
    Is it worth trying to clean the fuel injection system, or is there a
    known cause for this problem? All your answers are appriciated, Thanx.
    intrepid95, Mar 12, 2005
  2. intrepid95

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Possibly the Timing Chain?

    Bob Shuman, Mar 12, 2005
  3. intrepid95

    maxpower Guest


    Fuel injector cleaner is a waste, save you money. Sounds to me like you
    have an internal engine noise
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Mar 12, 2005
  4. intrepid95

    intrepid95 Guest

    no its not an internal engine problem i listend to where the sound was
    its beyond the engine ... as for timing belt not chain, i doubt thats
    the prob bc it doesnt tick when the car is cold only when its
    warm...and it goes away when i drive it for longer periods.
    intrepid95, Mar 13, 2005
  5. intrepid95

    Greg Houston Guest

    It's likely that it's just lifter noise, which isn't something to worry about very much. It can become more
    noticeable in cold weather while the engine is still cold. Using a good synthetic oil (e.g. Mobil 1 or
    Valvoline) and / or a good oil filter with decent anti-drainback valve (e.g. Purolator One) may help.
    Greg Houston, Mar 13, 2005
  6. intrepid95

    Bob Shuman Guest

    The 3.3L uses a timing chain. The 3.5L uses a timing belt. Not sure what
    your reference below was intended to convey, but just wanted to make sure
    that you know the 3.3L has a chain, not a belt. Good luck finding he source
    of the noise.

    Bob Shuman, Mar 13, 2005
  7. intrepid95

    mic canic Guest

    with the 3.3 there was some issues with a rocker shaft mount breaking under the
    valve cover but that ticking noise was for the most part there all the time
    unless it's starting to crack now take it in now have it looked at. it may save
    some coin for you
    mic canic, Mar 13, 2005
  8. intrepid95

    intrepid95 Guest

    I have some more analysis. It starts to tick when the temp is at
    normal, meaning at 1/2 point. WHen the car is cold it doesnt tick.
    thanx for all your answers.
    intrepid95, Mar 14, 2005
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