thread where DeserTBob disassembles an entire engine for a stuck thermostat

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by duty-honor-country, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. duty-honor-country, Nov 3, 2006
  2. duty-honor-country

    =ViPeR= Guest

    =ViPeR=, Nov 3, 2006
  3. duty-honor-country, Nov 3, 2006
  4. duty-honor-country

    CMM Guest

    CMM, Nov 3, 2006
  5. sorry, can't do that- DeserTBob is just like grass or weeds- he has to
    be cut down and/or poisoned on a regular basis- It's the only way to
    keep him where he belongs- down there licking our boots, like the
    little worm he is...
    duty-honor-country, Nov 4, 2006
  6. Hey, you spelled yeesh wrong!
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Nov 4, 2006
  7. duty-honor-country

    CMM Guest

    That's the one that made me lose the spelling bee.

    How does one spell "yeesh"?

    -- Christian
    CMM, Nov 6, 2006
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