The Way to Paradise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by algagaa, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. algagaa

    algagaa Guest

    We are all in quest of true happiness. In this world, the idea of
    true/perfect happiness is not feasible because this world is
    inevitably doomed to total annihilation. True happiness is found only
    in dwelling upon Paradise, and enjoying its blessings. However, none
    would enter Paradise except the purified (those who are void of sins,
    void of an atom of grudge or malignance). Since Paradise is created
    only for the purified/pious, those who have evil looks (looking
    lustfully at strange women, and vice versa), who envy others, treat
    their fellowmen badly, hate mankind, or backbite cannot enter
    Paradise. To conclude, none can enter Paradise unless totally
    purified (sin-free).

    Those who indulge in illegal talk (backbiting, using indecent
    language, etc.), or have sinful hearts are denied entry to Paradise.
    Allah (The sublime) said: "And those who kept their duty to Lord (AL-
    Muttaquin) will be driven/led to Paradise in groups, and when they
    reach there, its gates will be opened (before their arrival for their
    reception) and its keepers will say: Salamun Alaikum (peace be upon
    you)! How blessed you are (being sin-free and having done well), enter
    here (Paradise) to abide therein eternally." Surat Az-Zumar/The
    Groups: 73.

    In another Surah, Allah says: "Those whose lives the angels take while
    they are in a pious state (pure from all evil, and worshipping none
    but only Allah) will be addressed as such: Salamun Alaikum (peace be
    upon you) enter Paradise due to that which you used to do (during your
    mortal life/in the world). Surat An-Nahl/The Bees: 32.

    The above-mentioned verses set the condition that, in order to enter
    Paradise, we have to be sin-free and void of an atom of guilt! One may
    argue that since we are all sinners, it seems that none can enter

    Well, it is true that only the pious can enter Paradise, but, Allah
    (The Glorified), with His vast mercy, established eleven means to help
    us be purified: 4 in this world, 3 in the grave, and another 4 on the
    Day of Resurrection. These eleven means of purification aim at
    enabling us to cross/walk on the straight path rather than to slip and
    fall. This path is stretched over Hell fire and it is finer than a
    hair and sharper than the edge of a razor/sword!

    Knowing the nature of the straight path, one may question how people
    would tread on that path! Well, some will cross/walk on it as fast as
    the blink of an eye, others will be as fast as the light, others will
    be as fast as the wind, others will crawl, and others will cling to
    the path, then the angels will lead and/or encourage them onwards
    (lest they should fall into Hell fire), while others will be snatched
    by the hooks (attached to the path) to ensure/hasten their fall into

    4 Means/Standpoints of Purification in this World

    1. Repentance:
    Repentance is not limited to asking for forgiveness or invoking
    Allah's mercy, rather, it is one of the greatest religious rituals to
    win Allah's love/satisfaction and a means to get closer to Him. Allah
    (The Sublime) says: "Allah loves those who turn unto Him in repentance
    and loves those who purify themselves (by taking a bath and cleaning
    and washing thoroughly their private parts/bodies (in preparation for
    their prayers)". Surat AL-Baqarah/The Cow: 222.

    Repentance removes sins, as Allah (The Sublime) says: "And verily, I'm
    indeed forgiving to him who repents, believes in My Oneness, and
    associates none in worshipping with Me, did righteous good deeds, and
    then remained faithful to such belief and good deeds". Surat Ta-Ha:

    Repentance changes evil deeds into good ones. Allah (The Glorified
    and The Exalted) said: "Except those who repented, believed in
    monotheism, and did righteous deeds; for those, Allah will change
    their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful
    ". Surat AL-Furqan/The Criterion: 70.

    2. Asking for Forgiveness:
    We (Moslems) should always ask Allah to forgive our sins (whether
    remembered or not). Allah's Messenger (PBUH), though being the most
    pious, endowed with the most knowledge of his Lord, and having had
    both his past and future guilt pardoned/forgiven (by Allah), he used
    to ask for Allah's forgiveness as many as a hundred times a day (an
    action that won't take more than a minute of your time). In this
    respect, the prophet (PBUH) says: "I swear by Allah, I do ask for
    forgiveness more than 70 times a day". This Hadith is quoted by AL-

    Also, Bin Omar (the son of Omar)-may Allah be content with them all-
    said: we used to count for the messenger of Allah (in one session and
    before leaving his place) as many as 100 times saying: "O Lord!
    Forgive me my sins and accept my repentance, you are the One Who
    accepts repentance, the Most Merciful". This Hadith is quoted by Abu
    Dawoud and AL-Turmuzi.

    3. Good Deeds Remove Bad deeds:
    Change bad deeds with good ones because Abu Dhar Ibn Jundub and Abu
    abdulrahman Bin Muaz Bin Jabal (may Allah be content with them all)
    narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: "Fear Allah wherever you
    are and be keen to always change your bad deeds with good ones, and be
    nice to people." This Hadith is quoted by AL-Turmuzi.

    Allah also said: "And perform As-Salaah (the daily five prayers) at
    the two ends of the day and in some hours in the night. Verily, the
    good deeds remove the bad ones. That is a reminder to those who
    always remember Allah (in prayers, while standing, sitting, or lying
    down on their sides)". Surat Hud: 114.

    We must endeavor to do good deeds (no matter how simple they are).
    For example, we can replace "Hi" and/or "Bye" (even these two simple
    words are considered as "Good Deeds") with As-Salamu Alaikum and
    utilize our leisure time by always remembering Allah at all times
    (standing, sitting, eating, sleeping, working, driving, etc.).

    The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) had always the desire to do a lot of
    good deeds (on a daily basis). For example, he refused to accept a
    present (a camel as a means of transportation) from his best companion
    (Abu Bark) for free, and insisted that he share its cost, thus hoping
    to be worthy of winning the reward of AL-Hijra (immigration to

    We, likewise, need to do good deeds (not in quantity but in quality).
    Good deeds are best manifested in being wholly dedicated to your
    parents (especially in their old age) praying in the late hours of the
    night, praying in the early hours of dawn
    time, wearing the veil, and performing work perfectly.

    4. Purifying Calamities:
    Allah puts His servants under severe tests (in this world) to
    have them purified from their sins and to enter Paradise sin-free.
    However, some people (not realizing the wisdom of such plights/tests)
    lament their destiny by saying; "O Lord, why have You ordained us
    (especially us) with such calamities?"

    Those who did not repent, did not ask for forgiveness, did not do good
    deeds, and/or were not put to tests (i.e., not purified) in this world
    still have another chance for purification and that will take place in
    their graves! Thus, missing purification in this world (while being
    alive) will be completed in one's grave (while lying dead)! And that
    shows how great this religion is, as you won't be left but sin-free
    (either in this world or while lying dead in your grave).

    To conclude, due to Allah's vast mercy and the simple demands for
    entering Paradise, we can say that none (of the Moslems) will enter
    Fire, (i.e., or more accurately, they will not abide there eternally).

    3 Means/Standpoints of Purification in the Grave

    5. The Funeral Prayer
    In this prayer, it is not the number of those standing behind the
    deceased (in a mosque) performing due funeral prayer that counts,
    instead it is the quality of the true believers who are present in
    this kind of prayer. The sincere supplications that come from such
    believers (in such congregations) will benefit the deceased.
    Though being dead, sincere supplication will greatly help the deceased
    to be purified for Paradise.

    6. The Trial of the Grave
    Trial of the grave is best manifested in the questions asked by two
    angels (immediately after lying the dead in his grave): Who is your
    Lord? What is your religion? And what do you think about the man who
    was sent amongst you? (Referring to Allah's Messenger, PBUH). Other
    examples are: your fear facing these two angels, being alone in the
    grave (nobody there to support you), the darkness of the grave and,
    finally, your fear as you are enclosed therein. These trials are
    other means to remove all of our sins.

    Those who have already been purified (while alive in the world) will
    not be subject to other trials (while lying dead in their graves.)

    The prophet (PBUH) says: "A grave is either an orchard for Paradise or
    a pitfall for Hell". To conclude, a grave is not (as it is thought to
    be) a hideous dark place for beasts; on the contrary, it could be an
    orchard for Paradise!

    7. Contribution of the Living to the Dead:
    When a Moslem dies, he can still have his sins removed by the good and
    sincere deeds dedicated to him by the living (especially from his
    relatives). The Ulamah (the religiously lectured of the nation)
    unanimously agree that all good deeds done by the living such as
    performing pilgrimage, Umrah (the visit to Al-Ka'ba in Makka), and
    sincere supplications do reach the dead only to purify them and then
    be sin-free.

    In this respect, Abu Hurairah (one of the prophet's, PBUH, companions)
    said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "When the son of Adam dies,
    nothing will benefit him except one of the following three good
    righteous deeds: a non-stop Sadakah (charity), some kind of knowledge
    he left behind (useful to society), or a sincere supplication of his
    son." This Hadith is quoted by Moslim.

    Therefore, if someone (who is really dear to you) is dead, you can
    perform pilgrimage, do Umrah, or pay Sadakah on their behalf (so that
    they become sin-free). Remember that the more useful the Sadakah to
    society is, the more the reward is, (needless to say that you will
    have your share as well).

    To realize how merciful/great this religion is, it is important to
    know that somebody (while lying dead in his grave) can be freed from
    suffering/torment by the supplications of others who wish the deceased
    to be purified and sin-free for entry into Paradise.

    4 Means/Standpoints of Purification on the Day of Resurrection

    8. Horrors on the Day of Resurrection:
    Seeing the sun folded-up, the stars fall (after loosing their light),
    the seas blown-up, and the earth shaken with its (final) earthquake
    are all sin removers.

    9. Standing Before Allah (The Glorified, The AL-Mighty):
    Another means to purify us from our sins is standing humbly

    before Allah in an attempt to answer/face His following questions/
    blame: My servant, didn't I bestow you with My blessings? Didn't I
    give you wealth? Weren't I the Watchful when you had illegal looks
    (Men looking lustfully at women, and vice versa, or at whatever you
    shouldn't)? Weren't I the Watchful when you used indecent language
    (thus misusing communication with others? Allah then keeps addressing
    His servant as saying: My servant, you have underestimated the day
    when you stand before Me! Were you fearless of the notion that the
    time will come when you stand before Me! You have put on beautiful
    masks (before all people) only to come before Me with the worst in
    you! My servant, what made you fall into deception (ignoring that I Am
    the Watchful)?

    10.Allah's Amnesty:
    This is the greatest means in purifying us from our sins. Just as the
    prophets have already interceded, as did His Messengers and as did the
    believers, Allah (The Glorified, the Sublime) says: Wouldn't I?

    Even knowing that we can all enter Paradise, there are still those who
    will fall off the path (for they deserve it). Others will not be
    purified even after passing through the above-mentioned eleven means
    of purification! They will fall into Fire, as they are sinful as well
    as guilty of committing foul/bad deeds, full of hatred and ever
    holding on to grudges. And the only way to purify such sinners is to
    let Fire do its job (similar to a piece of gold, which doesn't get its
    purity unless it is put into fire for the period required to make all
    other alloys vanish! In fact, the more it stays there, the greater its
    purity gets!

    Likewise, whoever eventually falls into Fire will stay there long
    enough to become purified (depending on how sinful he is). Immediately
    after being completely purified (after dwelling in Hell for some
    time), the angels will greet him saying: "Peace be upon you, dwell
    here (in Paradise) forever."

    In conclusion, in this world we own three of the means of the above-
    mentioned eleven purification standpoints: repentance, asking for
    forgiveness, and performing good deeds to remove the bad ones.
    Therefore, let's make as much use of them as we can
    (while we are still alive/before it is too late).

    Remember that if you are a true believer (paying duty to Allah,
    believing in monotheism and associating none with Allah in
    worshipping), you will not suffer the trials in your grave and/or the
    horrors of the Day of Resurrection.

    (May Allah Bless You All)
    algagaa, Jan 29, 2008
  2. algagaa

    J++ Guest

    OK, Algaga, what is the point? Something wrong with your car?
    J++, Jan 29, 2008
  3. algagaa

    Gyzmologist Guest

    Like all other religions, just a bunch of crap. Religion is as much
    rebellion against God as sin. If you don't come to God on His terms, you
    are in rebellion. I don't know what kind of a god you believe in, but I
    believe in a real God that created the heavens and the earth. If He can
    do that, then it seems creating the bible should be well within His
    capability. The bible says ALL have sinned. We are all corrupted and
    therefore cannot cleans ourselves. The only way we can be cleaned is by
    God. That is why Jesus died for us - He bought our salvation with His
    own blood and offers it to us as a free gift. He did this because He
    loves us that much.

    1. Faith and religion have nothing in common. Faith comes by hearing,
    and hearing comes by the word of God.

    2. There is nothing you can do to make God love you more: While we were
    yet sinners Christ died for us. It doesn't make sense, just accept it.

    3. There is nothing you can do to make God love you less. This I know
    from experience.
    Gyzmologist, Jan 29, 2008
  4. algagaa

    Gyzmologist Guest

    You forgot to mention that your god Allah wants you to kill me, a
    Christian infidel, so that you can go to paradise.

    The God of the bible wants me to reach out to you in love so we can go
    to Heaven together.

    I hope you figure this out before the fire of life within you goes out.
    Eternity is a mighty long time to live with a mistake.
    Gyzmologist, Jan 29, 2008
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