The latest news on Chrysler

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Pete E. Kruzer, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. This morning I heard on a business news show (radio) that Chrysler
    will probably go out of business.
    Another company will buy their Jeep and Mini-Van line.

    But then I also read in Car and Driver that Chrysler will quit making
    the PT Cruiser in mid-2008.

    I believe they quit making ONLY the PT convertible.
    Pete E. Kruzer, Dec 11, 2008
  2. A lot of people are saying a lot of things about Chrysler. Since
    Cerebus is privately held they stopped reporting ANY financials
    publically after they bought the last bit of Chrysler from Damlier.
    Thus, nobody knows if Chrysler is even in the red at all - they could
    be wildly profitable for all we know.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 12, 2008
  3. Pete E. Kruzer

    Lloyd Guest

    That's not what they're saying publicly, in trying to get a loan from
    Congress. Further, you can look at Daimler's annual report and see
    what Chrysler's profits or losses were in the previous year, as
    Daimler still owns 19.9% and as a public company, reports this data.
    Lloyd, Dec 12, 2008
  4. Pete E. Kruzer

    Some O Guest

    That's the story for sure.
    A few days ago Chrysler said they would very soon run out of cash.
    Yet a few months ago GM wanted to take over Chrysler to get at a
    reported $11B cash in hand.
    Only the Cerberus bean counters know.

    One thing we do know, car sales for all manufacturers have crashed this
    Some O, Dec 13, 2008
  5. No, you can extrapolate this data - Daimler and Cerebus disagree
    on how profitable Chrysler is - which is understandable since Cerebus
    has been trying to buy that last 19% since September.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 15, 2008
  6. Pete E. Kruzer

    Lloyd Guest

    Uh-uh. Daimler has been trying to sell it, but Ceberus won't buy it.

    "German automaker Daimler said yesterday that the sale of its
    remaining stake in Chrysler has been complicated by the "exaggerated
    demands" of Cerberus Capital Management.

    The price tags Cerberus put on Daimlers' 19.9 percent stake in
    Chrysler "exceed the value of Cerberus' investment in Chrysler," an
    80.1 percent stake purchased for $7.2 billion last year, Daimler said
    in a statement yesterday."

    "Cerberus had been looking to acquire the remainder of Chrysler from
    Daimler in order to simplify a potential sale of Chrysler, people
    familiar with the talks have said."
    Lloyd, Dec 15, 2008
  7. Pete E. Kruzer

    Steve Guest

    That doesn't exactly track with "Cerberus has been looking to ACQUIRE
    the remainder of Chrysler FROM DAIMLER...." which you state below.

    Not that any of this is crystal clear even with the best explanations...
    but it does look like Cerberus wants to buy. Just not at the price
    Daimler wants to sell... yet Daimler accuses Cerberus of over-valuing
    the company.

    Steve, Dec 15, 2008
  8. I'ts kind of like watching 2 naked women both in bathrobes
    who ran out of their houses in the morning to get the morning
    paper and upon discovering only 1 paper was delivered, are
    now both plaing tug-of-war with it, while at the same time trying
    to keep the bathrobes from falling off.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 17, 2008
  9. Pete E. Kruzer

    Steve Guest

    Which would be highly interesting... except that they both look more
    like Roseanne Barr than Jennifer Aniston.... x^p
    Steve, Dec 17, 2008
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