The Drive-a-Toyota Act

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Fred, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. Fred

    Greg Guest

    Sure. Nice example of a straw man here.
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  2. Fred

    News Guest

    Let us know when you figure out logic.
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  3. Fred

    Greg Guest

    Umm, you were the one making the claim about Bush, not me. Nice Burden of Proof
    fallacy! :)
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  4. Fred

    Greg Guest

    Many years ago, ma'am, long before I taught electrical engineering. I am quite familiar with both the
    philosphical and math/computer science aspects of logic. It is amusing to read your statement about
    'figuring out logic' in the same context of you providing numerous examples of logic fallacies. Can you
    actually answer the question above? ;)
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  5. Fred

    News Guest

    Ah, yes.

    Circling back to the actual debate, OP claimed no one else but the
    subject line individual had been caught in an OUI indiscretion or
    benefited from a VIP record alteration.

    In that respect, GWB was verifiably busted, and records buried and or

    OP long ago retreated in the face of the facts.
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  6. Fred

    News Guest

    So these were not your words?

    "Yeah. If another windbag is making more unfounded wild accusations to
    make a buck, it must be true!"
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  7. Fred

    Greg Guest

    You introduced an assertion about the "the cocaine arrest record of a national figure,"
    to wit George W Bush. Yet, you cannot offer any credible evidence to support your own
    assertion. If it was a true assertion, I guarantee you Bush's media foes such as the
    Los Angeles Times and the New York Times, and many of their peers would love to have
    your evidence! Surely you must have evidence to your assertion to meet the NY Times
    exacting regard for the facts, right?
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  8. Fred

    Greg Guest

    Yes, emphasis on 'unfounded.' You wrote, "O'Really, Havenotty, Limpdick, or Ann Bee-atch Coulter define the
    concept of "unfounded wild accusations". Where is this defined, exactly? Can you please explain?
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  9. Fred

    News Guest

    Ask Faux News. More your speed.
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  10. Fred

    News Guest

    Rely on Faux News to refute, perhaps?
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  11. Fred

    Greg Guest

    And how did "Faux News" [sic] get into this discussion? If that is your argument, please
    provide the context and the support for it.
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  12. Fred

    Greg Guest

    No. You were the party who introduced "Faux News" [sic] into the discussion. Another fallacy, this time a 'straw
    man fallacy.' Feel free to explain where you definition came from, if you can. ;-)
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  13. Fred

    n5hsr Guest

    The Gores and the Clintons are politicians in the same way Joseph Stalin
    was. They talk like they are concerned about the little people but all they
    want is control.

    Look at them bitching about taxes. The deficit is actually going DOWN
    because of tax cuts and they bitch every damn day about the Bush Tax Cuts
    because not only is it reducing the deficit, but it's also reducing their
    control of Amerika. They want Amerika, not America. Jefferson should rise
    up out of his grave and expel them from the Democrapic party.

    Charles of Schaumburg
    n5hsr, Aug 5, 2007
  14. Fred

    Bill Putney Guest

    Notice, Greg, how he did not answer your question (i.e., did not give
    specific examples of "ufounded wild accusations" of the
    commentators/authors he listed). This guy so typifies his ilk. Right
    out of the liberal play book - never answer the question, never address
    the issue at hand - attack the individual you are arguing with (i.e.,
    divert attention away from the real issue).

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 5, 2007
  15. Fred

    Bill Putney Guest

    I realize that this is your way of obfuscating and drawing attention
    away from the real present-day issue, and in that regard, by having
    successfully diverted attention away, you have "won" the argument (so
    your tactics in that regard were successful).

    But which OP are you talking about, and please provide the quote wherein
    whatever OP you are talking about did as you say ("OP claimed no one
    else but the subject line individual had been caught in an OUI
    indiscretion or benefited from a VIP record alteration.")

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 5, 2007
  16. Fred

    F.H. Guest

    I thought LSD went out in the 70's.
    F.H., Aug 5, 2007
  17. Fred

    Greg Guest

    Most amusing is that he supports his ridiculous claims by (falsely) equating it to someone else (that
    apparently he doesn't like). So even if his equivalence was correct, he just attacked his own position!
    Go figure. Sort of reminds me of our old friend LP.

    And when you realize that it's too obvious you have no idea you're talking about, just start throwing
    names around. And don't forget to say "faux news" a few times! Ok, now he *really* reminds me of our
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  18. Fred

    News Guest

    You two are clearly enjoying your wingnut circle jerk. From the sound
    of it, a frequent occurrence.

    Please learn to spell "unfounded". Or use your spell checker.

    Is that the common thread with wingnuts -- can't spell and won't check?
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  19. Fred

    Greg Guest

    "Wingnut" [sic] = Using actual logic instead of just exclaiming, "Faux News!" [sic], "Ann Bee-atch" [sic],
    etc. Thanks for the comic relief! :)

    [And you're telling people how to spell!!]
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  20. Fred

    Bill Putney Guest

    That's right - so go phuck yourself. (I crack myself up)

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 6, 2007
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