The Drive-a-Toyota Act

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Fred, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. Fred

    News Guest


    You're the one who can't get it together to type correctly, spell, or
    use the spell-checker you freely admit is integral to your email client.

    You're the one who repeatedly fails to acknowledge the role of a VIP
    parent in expunging (an issue you chose to focus on) the cocaine arrest
    record of a national figure.

    And I'm the one with the 'busted brain'?

    Right. Whatever version of reality suits. Probably several per day.

    Give yourself a chance. At least use the spell checker.
    News, Aug 3, 2007
  2. So the Republicans have realized they have no chance of winning the
    next election, to the point that they aren't even thinking about it. Best
    news I've heard all day!

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Aug 4, 2007
  3. Fred

    F.H. Guest

    Look for Junior to try and declare martial law. ;) (They've laid enough
    groundwork that's for sure).
    F.H., Aug 4, 2007
  4. Fred

    PerfectReign Guest

    Diesel is only "more expensive" in some areas because of Supply and Demand.
    They don't make as much diesel so they can jack the price up, even though
    it costs far less to produce.

    In any case, take a look at diesel from coal.

    Though I should learn more, from what I've read, we've got enough to last
    the next 50 years or more without even bothering to import if we switched
    some percentage of our cars/trucks to diesel and utilize our coal reserves.
    PerfectReign, Aug 4, 2007
  5. Fred

    Bill Putney Guest

    Nah - it's a Republican trick. The more we let the Democrats talk
    freely and publicly, the more they embarrass themselves and the more
    people vote Republican. People like Gore (carbon credits/global warming
    scams) and Sharpton (Duke University), and even the serious candidates,
    are our biggest help. And we appreciate the help from you guys here too.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 4, 2007
  6. Fred

    F.H. Guest

    LOL, the mumblings of a guy being led to the gallows. ;)
    F.H., Aug 4, 2007
  7. Fred

    Greg Guest

    Yeah. If another windbag is making more unfounded wild accusations to make a buck, it must be

    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  8. Fred

    Greg Guest

    Interesting that when you don't really have any points or anything interesting /
    factual to write, all you can fall back on is your pedantic grammar policing.
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  9. Fred

    News Guest

    Aha. like O'Really, Havenotty, Limpdick, or Ann Bee-atch Coulter?
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  10. Fred

    Greg Guest

    Gosh and I thought that such outstanding people like the Gores are so much
    better than those damned other people. Now when they get in a jam, you just
    point to the people you claimed not to respect as a proper example.
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  11. Fred

    News Guest

    OP's point was proper spelling, which was handily refuted.

    OP notably refused to reply to Dubya's VIP arrest record being expunged,
    which was previously refuted. Which OP has not challenged.

    Your point was what, exactly?
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  12. Fred

    Greg Guest

    Which might even be interesting if there were credible sources to back up
    your lousy assertions. Instead the best we can get from you is somebody
    trying to hawk a B rack book years ago. But go ahead, feel free to change
    the discussion to your spelling bee contest.
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  13. Fred

    Greg Guest

    How did these names get introduced into the discussion? Which accusations are you claiming are
    equivalent? Please explain. And if you do not like them, why introduce a B book author that you
    yourself equate to these others?
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  14. Fred

    News Guest

    Once again, OP changed the debate.

    Feel free to try to refute the expunged VIP arrest record.
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  15. Fred

    Greg Guest

    Just pointing out your circular arguments and your need to be a spelling policeman in
    lieu of an actual argument. When called on it, you actually equate the people you
    argue against to the people you support. But have a great day anyway! :)
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  16. Fred

    News Guest

    O'Really, Havenotty, Limpdick, or Ann Bee-atch Coulter define the
    concept of "unfounded wild accusations".
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  17. Fred

    Greg Guest

    If you are still babbling about George W Bush, there is no credible, supported
    evidence to back your wild assertions. Your 'feel free' statement is a nice
    example of a begging the question fallacy. ;)
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
  18. Fred

    News Guest

    Let us know when you figure out logic.
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  19. Fred

    News Guest

    Your "credible, supported evidence" otherwise, is what?
    News, Aug 5, 2007
  20. Fred

    Greg Guest

    *Where* is this defined? And even if these were actually horrible people, why do you bring them to
    equate them to the author you were using for the basis of your claims?

    (Nice example of a begging the question fallacy again, however. :)
    Greg, Aug 5, 2007
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