tether anchor

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ejg, Aug 12, 2003.

  1. ejg

    ejg Guest

    On the dodge grand caravan 1999, where does the tether anchor for a
    child seat go? is there a hole aready drilled. Do you need to buy the
    chrysler part or can you get a generic one from Canadian Tire.

    thank you
    ejg, Aug 12, 2003
  2. ejg

    mic canic Guest

    the mini vans have a provision in the roof area of the bac seat
    there is a tsb for this issue and it has the part numbers you need and i
    would go with factory since some little ones life depend on it and d.c
    has done a ton of testing verses aftermarket imported crap
    call your local dealer
    mic canic, Aug 15, 2003
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