TC auto AC question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Zork, Feb 14, 2004.

  1. Zork

    Zork Guest

    Have a 2003 TC with the driver/passenger automatic AC unit. When set
    at a temp of about 72 on one side and 75 on the other, the unit blows
    REALLY cold air both sides, seems no differential. Have to crank it up
    to maybe 80/84 before it seems to work properly.
    Where does it sense the AC temp ? Can it somehow be set to be more
    accurate at lower levels. I think it is probably working OK in the
    differencial mode, but the temp sensor is reading too low ? ?
    Thanks !
    Zork, Feb 14, 2004
  2. Zork

    SamMan Guest

    In your overhead console you'll find the I/R sensor. It's reading the
    thermal emissivity of you, your clothing, the seats, etc. But not the air
    temperature. It's very easy to fool the sensor.....
    SamMan, Feb 15, 2004
  3. Zork

    Zork Guest

    Is there anyway to 'fool' the sensor to read higher temps ?
    (Well, actually I suppose lower temps to fool it into hotter air. <g>)
    Thks ! !
    Zork, Feb 15, 2004
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